Absolutely correct. Your list of 14 will bring down both our countries and send the world into a new dark ages, unless stopped very soon.

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Thanks Ed, and yes that’s a very real possibility. I didn’t even mention one of the most dangerous of all the globalist activities, which is geoengineering.

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Another excellent piece of writing echoing my own thoughts on the ridiculousness of current events. It's not too much of a stretch (I hope) to describe the emphasis placed on these manufactured crises as real evil. It is the politics of "so that we can say (or do) that..." Thank you Daniel.

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Thank you very much, and yes, many have noted this ‘problem-reaction-solution’ format as a device to get what they want out of an entirely manufactured crisis.

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Brilliantly articulated. Clarity of thought and organised thinking in evidence at every turn

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Thanks very much Paul. 😀

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Did anyone mention the magnetic core of earth is decoupling. The position of the planet is shifting, there are volcanos everywhere starting to activate. The process is expected to be completed in less than 25 years. There’s no way to know what will happen. Ethical Skeptic has written about it & I had someone who works for the government confirm it. While we’re comparing real disasters with fake ones, this one could wipe the board.

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True, there are multiple potential doomsday scenarios that are out of our control entirely and given no attention at all. I’d put large scale volcanism or seismic activity in that category, the shifting of the magnetic pole, or genuine large scale (and entirely non man made) climate change in that category. The really big threats are things which we are not equipped to change.

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People who believe that the world is overpopulated must follow this belief to its ultimate conclusion.

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Yes, they certainly seem to be heading that way.

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I love how clarifying you are with this explanation. I think, however, that some of the real issues won't be once we eliminate the fake ones.

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Thanks, and absolutely. The ‘solutions’ to the fake problems are some of the most urgent real problems.

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Absolutely. As a side note, I am reading, "The Sovereign Individual" which predicts the Information Age bringing about the collapse of the nation state due to technological advances in cybermoney and encrypted communications. In the future they predict we will purchase our government something like we purchase out toothpaste. Of course, the book is 400 pages and this is just a paragraph. But I wonder what your thoughts about this might be - as it seems to me the difference in the two opposing views above, as they will pan out, will be something like getting to this state of affairs via the French Revolution (if the Democrats prevail), or via the American Revolution (if Trump prevails).

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