What Would a Real Crisis Look Like?
The political division now is shaping up as one between those using fake or manufactured crisis for power, and those acknowledging real existential threats.
One of the most interesting things about the political realignment that has thrown Elon Muak, Donald Trump, Tulsi Gabbard and Robert F. Kennedy Jnr together is that it now presents a stark division that does not exist on a Left-Right paradigm but rather on a line marked by Real Problems on one side and Imaginary Problems on the other.
Both the US Democrats and the coalition of forces building against them have a sense of crisis and urgency about present conditions. It’s not that one side sees everything as working fine and the other side sees disaster all around.
It’s that each side has very different conceptions of what constitutes a disaster.
I’m not going to spend a lot of time on the disasters and crises that the other side think are important, primarily because almost all of them are not in any way real. Suffice to say that despite having acquired the backing of business, the support of the judiciary, the total control of the education system, the elected and unelected levers of power, all of the principal institutions and of course the entire mainstream media, it’s not the case that the Democrats or globalist progressives generally are happy.
Quite the contrary. Their social and cultural dominance comes with an enormous burden of psychological illness and alienated discontent.
But clearly they are afraid of an awful lot of things, and they have been told to be afraid of an awful lot of things. To list just a few they are afraid of:
Man made climate change and a global climate catastrophe.
White supremacism and racism.
The Far Right and the growth of far right extremism.
Misogyny and ‘the Patriarchy’.
Christian fundamentalist extremism and a Handmaid’s Tale future.
Trump becoming a dictator.
Russia, and Vladimir Putin conquering the world.
COVID, or the next global pandemic.
Misinformation and conspiracy theories.
Over population.
Prejudice towards migrants and asylum seekers.
All of these are of course largely manufactured fears, pressed by the mainstream media and believed as genuine threats by the most credulous (or in the case of the educated, the most indoctrinated) among us. Quite often, these are fears created entirely cynically for the purposes of transferring vast sums of money to the corrupt, or for imposing ever more centralised and tyrannical authority and for normalising or excusing that process.
But many of the followers and even some of the leaders are sincere in these fears, and genuinely believe the big imaginary threat represents a real and urgent crisis.
What I want to do here though is point to a few of the things that seem like real crisis territory. And I want to do that because it’s extraordinary that the above imaginary fears have been substituted for much more obvious and objectively serious issues which anyone wanting a stable, free, secure and prosperous future should really be worrying about.
This second set of fears are the fears that populism emerges in response to, and the fears that are real and urgent for most people (but not for the ruling class and their clients and ‘stakeholders’). These can be listed as follows:
The mountain of debt and the unsustainable nature of the current economic model of ever increasing State expenditure.
The corruption and bias of the media.
China and CCP infiltration of the West.
Islamisation and Islamic terrorism and conquest.
Trans activism and the ideological perversion of gender.
State intrusion on and lack of support for parental rights.
The collapse of genuine community and the growth of atomised living.
The growth of censorship and assaults on free speech.
Anti-white racism.
Partisan capture of institutions and the turning of these against ordinary people.
A social credit system.
Depopulation, declining fertility rates and sperm counts and a health crisis in western populations.
Globalist provocation of World War Three or nuclear war.
Open borders and mass migration.
What we differ on then is not on whether we face times of extraordinary and expected crisis. We differ on which crisis is real, which has been created and which requires urgent action.
What’s so delusional and dangerous about our opponents is that they consider imaginary threats as vital things which require totalitarian and hugely damaging responses, whilst they at the same time consider real existential threats as conspiracy theories, delusions and things that at best don’t merit mention.
Quite frequently a real crisis (like our society becoming more fragmented and dangerous as millions of people from more primitive cultures invade us) is directly linked to an imaginary crisis as the other side perceives it (like us or ICE agents being brutal fascists).
Nevertheless some of the real crises that the other side ignore are things which it is barely imaginable that anyone could ignore, given just how significant and dangerous they are.
Take this one example:
“According to the search results, sperm counts appear to have fallen globally over the past 50 years. The decline is estimated to be more than 50% around the world.
Accelerating Decline
The rate of decline is also increasing. A study found that sperm concentrations declined by 1.16% per year since 1972, when data was first collected.
Regional Breakdown
The decline in sperm concentration was observed not only in the previously studied region but also in Central and South America, Africa, and Asia.
No Single Cause
The exact cause of the decline is still debated, with proposed explanations including lifestyle factors, increased exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals, and changes in diet and physical activity levels.
In summary, sperm rates have declined globally by more than 50% over the past 50 years, with an accelerating rate of decline. The exact cause remains unclear, but multiple factors are being investigated.”
That’s an AI generated summary, and it’s just as easy to find recent attempts to pretend this crisis has been exaggerated.
But the fact remains that aside from one or two attempts to downplay the process, all from Globalist sources, the scientific studies and general truth of this decline of sperm counts had not been successfully contested.
The AI summary is substantially correct….and terrifying. These are declines that imperil, if they continue, the survival of the species. That is not an exaggeration, especially when combined with this:
“Fertility rates for women aged 20-24 declined substantially between 1990 and 2019, with a 42.79% decline in births per 1,000 women in that age range by 2019.
In contrast, fertility rates for older women (ages 35-39) increased significantly during the same period.
Additionally, the long-term trend shows a decline in fertility across the country, with births falling to a record low in 2020. This decline has started to impact state budgets.
While advances in fertility treatments and egg freezing have allowed more women to have children later than previously possible, the underlying biological clock of female fertility remains a significant factor.
In summary, the evidence indicates a decline in female fertility, particularly among younger women, with a natural decline starting in the mid-thirties and a broader trend of declining fertility rates across age groups.”
Or how about this:
“A review of cancer registry records from 44 countries found a rapid rise in incidence of early-onset cancers (ages 0-49) for colorectal and 13 other types of cancers, affecting the digestive system, across many middle- and high-income nations (2022).
Global increase: Researchers reported a dramatic rise in cancer incidence among people under 50, with the increase beginning around 1990, affecting breast, colon, esophagus, kidney, liver, and pancreas cancers (2024).”
It does not take in depth research to find this information, or much more to know how poor cancer detection rates are in major western nations like the UK.
But what we have here is this-male and female fertility declining, at a very rapid rate. And cancer increasing in younger people, at a very rapid rate. We can add to those the reality that for the first time in generations average life expectancy has declined in western nations ‘blessed’ with extensive healthcare systems.
You would think these trends, collectively, would be worth a great deal of worry and attention, wouldn’t you?
Robert F. Kennedy Jnr of course has for a long time described both the corruption of health authorities and the crisis of growing health issues which include autism rates, cancer rates, obesity rates, fertility rates, and such entirely avoidable problems like high rates of fatty liver disease in young people. His campaign for the Presidency, his fight against the medical establishment dependence on vaccines and the mRNA gene therapies during COVID, and his new alliance with Trump have all given these health issues greater prominence.
But the point is, these things should have had prominence with or without Robert F.Kennedy Jnr talking about them.
Health authorities and regulators, together with the medical profession more generally, exist to spot these trends and treat these problems.
Innumerable charities and philanthropic foundations and research institutes all claim to care about these conditions, to monitor these conditions, and to be doing things which protect people as much as is feasible from these health issues.
And at no point has the medical profession as a whole warned about the explosion of autism in young people, for example. Isn’t that odd, when severe autism is a hugely debilitating and impactful condition? Isn’t that odd, when rates of occurrence go from, as Kennedy explains, between 1 in 1,500 to 1 in 10,000 children in 1960, to 1 in 33 or even 1 in 26 children today. That’s a vast increase.
But effectively these huge health concerns have been ignored, within systems that spend gigantic sums on an entire healthcare profession and literally millions of doctors and nurses. The problems seem particularly bad in the US, but exist in similar fashions in similar nations.
Kennedy should not have been virtually alone in noticing that it is not normal to see children developing conditions once exclusively experienced by elderly alcoholics, or for drug regimes to target children at the age of 6, or for experimental treatments to be issued with inadequate testing to the whole world, or for once vanishingly rate conditions doctors hardly ever encountered to become a daily experience for both them and for many American families to deal with.
How did anyone need Kennedy to point out that a 50% rate of obesity in children is insane, and the 3% rate of Japan much more healthy and normal?
Of course many others noted the issues when they were rather pushed in our faces by the shocking behaviour and outright lies of the medical establishment regarding a pandemic (which the same authorities had helped create). And there have been other people concentrating on these issues besides Kennedy.
But in general, everyone tasked with stopping these things, seems to have been taking money to ignore them or make them worse.
The same could be said for truly shocking educational outcomes despite vast investment, or for the obviousness of how wrong it is for armies and hordes of invaders numbering in the millions to cross borders that are undefended, or how wrong it is for the number of rapes to massively increase whilst the chances of ever seeing the rapists caught and punished is vanishingly low. Or for 320,000 children to go missing.
All of these are more real crises than the things the globalists and the media worry about.
But it’s perhaps in that health crisis affecting children that we get the most obvious indicators of a system which at the very least has bizarrely skewed priorities.
What kind of culture lets its children all get sick and it’s men increasingly sterile, and huge numbers of kids get transported across borders as drug mules or sex slaves, while concentrating on an imaginary climate crisis or an even more imaginary scourge of micro-aggressions?
Perhaps one of the best things Kennedy has done is show us what a real crisis is and where we should be looking, and that alone will be of vast benefit to a Trump administration that has him in it.
The greatest hope such an administration can offer is to move the western world away from the fake crises that exist to benefit special interests, and towards dealing with the real and significant problems we actually face, many of which were created by the very same people who want you to worry about an entirely fictional ‘far right’ or a pandemic that if it does come is almost certainly going to be as a result of their reckless efforts and scientific meddling rather than being a thing that emerges from Nature spontaneously.
Absolutely correct. Your list of 14 will bring down both our countries and send the world into a new dark ages, unless stopped very soon.
Another excellent piece of writing echoing my own thoughts on the ridiculousness of current events. It's not too much of a stretch (I hope) to describe the emphasis placed on these manufactured crises as real evil. It is the politics of "so that we can say (or do) that..." Thank you Daniel.