Moral arguments are used as tools of manipulation. They want people to 'feel' not to think. When people feel they do not/cannot think critically and all the while the media relentlessly heighten emotions with individual horror stories which support just one narrative. Not that I watch MSM but I have not heard one single report about the village shrine to young children killed in the civil war against the ethnic Russians or indeed reports of any other atrocities documented by Western Journalists:
Thank-you, Daniel for addressing the historical, geopolitical and moral illiteracy that dominates so much of the "thinking" on the Ukrainian war. A truly invaluable essay!
Very good article. It's been a long time coming. Another curious thing about this "war" is that Ukraine refuses to draft anyone under the age of 31, I believe. Why do you suppose that is? There is a a lot that is suspicious about what we have been told. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries there are. Their dealings with Biden and the qualifications of Zelenskyy alone, should be proof enough. Today, the little dictator banned Truth Social from all of the country. How's that for "democracy"?
Thanks. I’ve spoken on this before but felt it needed to be said again in the current context of the Trump administration doing sensible things and being attacked for that.
Well said. I would add that Zelensky is a charlatan, whose one good work has been to confirm that most of our leaders in the West. For those not already aware of that.
Trump's approach has done the same, making said "leaders" (hello, Starmer, you unutterable ****) flap their wings and run around clucking. I was going to add "like headlese chickens", but then they wouldn't be able to cluck...
Yes, THIS! 100%, this!! Thank you for putting to paper (screen) my very thoughts on the topic of Ukraine. I hate even writing the word...I'm that sick of it. Jupp, as always, your insight is beyond stellar!
Your substack is one of the most worthwhile of a subscription. I have come across few with such clarity of thought and of expression. For example, take “The idea that borders based on Stalin’s pen are sacred is particularly absurd when it comes from people who consider all other borders, especially our own, as not being sacred.” Almost by itself, that one sentence is a total rebuttal of the posturing adopted by all of the moralising hypocrites who wave blue and yellow flags in defence of Ukrainian sovereignty but white flags in defence of the UK’s. Nothing else need be said to them.
Excellent analysis of a situation most of us are just passing familiar with. Thank you for the insight. This is an article that must be pushed to everyone possible. Agree or disagree, there are facts here that will cause all sides to think.
A very inclusive factual analysis revealing how easily the gullible ignorant general public get roped in to choosing the "right" side to support. How many know that Ukraine only ended being part of the Soviet Union just over 30 years ago? Could there be a connection between this period and Zelensky's oddly coincidental policy to not moblise those born after independence?
Blah, blah, blah…easy to talk shit from the sidelines…meanwhile, the Ukrainians are fighting tooth and nail to keep the Russians at bay. Why? How about the 3 million Ukrainians starved to death during Stalin’s reign of terror. And the millions of Ukrainians who died during and after WWII. The Ukrainians are fighting to keep from becoming absorbed by an oppressive regime that will destroy their culture and turn them into serfs. So, yeah, the security of the United States isn’t at stake in Ukraine. Still, it’s not in the nature of Americans to stand idly by while Putin turns Ukraine into a giant gulag.
I totally agree with all of this and I said the same thing myself repeatedly (not that it did any good) but I don't think it's a great idea for Trump to publicly crap on Zelensky, simply as a matter of strategy.
Thank you. This is such a useful analysis of all things related to Ukraine. The legacy media and brain dead politicians just buy the insane narrative. The atrocities against citizens of the Donbass have been glossed over in the West. The obvious decimation of Ukrainians on the battlefields don’t match with ‘Ukraine is winning’. Failure by the West to understand the Russian War strategy led them to conclude Russia was weak and inning out of men and ammunition. Thank God for Trump. Unfortunately Psychpathic Charlatans like Starmer and the EU command central are going to get a bloody nose.
But the worst thing is to hear these people clamouring for more war ( with what resources?) and dismiss peace.
Moral arguments are used as tools of manipulation. They want people to 'feel' not to think. When people feel they do not/cannot think critically and all the while the media relentlessly heighten emotions with individual horror stories which support just one narrative. Not that I watch MSM but I have not heard one single report about the village shrine to young children killed in the civil war against the ethnic Russians or indeed reports of any other atrocities documented by Western Journalists:
Yes, it’s propaganda and emotional blackmail. Very selectively applied.
Thank-you, Daniel for addressing the historical, geopolitical and moral illiteracy that dominates so much of the "thinking" on the Ukrainian war. A truly invaluable essay!
Thanks very much. 😀 😀
Very good article. It's been a long time coming. Another curious thing about this "war" is that Ukraine refuses to draft anyone under the age of 31, I believe. Why do you suppose that is? There is a a lot that is suspicious about what we have been told. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries there are. Their dealings with Biden and the qualifications of Zelenskyy alone, should be proof enough. Today, the little dictator banned Truth Social from all of the country. How's that for "democracy"?
Thanks. I’ve spoken on this before but felt it needed to be said again in the current context of the Trump administration doing sensible things and being attacked for that.
Well said. I would add that Zelensky is a charlatan, whose one good work has been to confirm that most of our leaders in the West. For those not already aware of that.
Trump's approach has done the same, making said "leaders" (hello, Starmer, you unutterable ****) flap their wings and run around clucking. I was going to add "like headlese chickens", but then they wouldn't be able to cluck...
Thanks Jeremy. Yes absolutely. Psychopathic charlatans would be a fairly accurate summation of all of them.
... in the West are charlatans too...
Yes, THIS! 100%, this!! Thank you for putting to paper (screen) my very thoughts on the topic of Ukraine. I hate even writing the word...I'm that sick of it. Jupp, as always, your insight is beyond stellar!
Thanks Catie. 😀😀
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Your substack is one of the most worthwhile of a subscription. I have come across few with such clarity of thought and of expression. For example, take “The idea that borders based on Stalin’s pen are sacred is particularly absurd when it comes from people who consider all other borders, especially our own, as not being sacred.” Almost by itself, that one sentence is a total rebuttal of the posturing adopted by all of the moralising hypocrites who wave blue and yellow flags in defence of Ukrainian sovereignty but white flags in defence of the UK’s. Nothing else need be said to them.
Excellent analysis of a situation most of us are just passing familiar with. Thank you for the insight. This is an article that must be pushed to everyone possible. Agree or disagree, there are facts here that will cause all sides to think.
A very inclusive factual analysis revealing how easily the gullible ignorant general public get roped in to choosing the "right" side to support. How many know that Ukraine only ended being part of the Soviet Union just over 30 years ago? Could there be a connection between this period and Zelensky's oddly coincidental policy to not moblise those born after independence?
Blah, blah, blah…easy to talk shit from the sidelines…meanwhile, the Ukrainians are fighting tooth and nail to keep the Russians at bay. Why? How about the 3 million Ukrainians starved to death during Stalin’s reign of terror. And the millions of Ukrainians who died during and after WWII. The Ukrainians are fighting to keep from becoming absorbed by an oppressive regime that will destroy their culture and turn them into serfs. So, yeah, the security of the United States isn’t at stake in Ukraine. Still, it’s not in the nature of Americans to stand idly by while Putin turns Ukraine into a giant gulag.
Nailed it. Thank you 🙏
I LOVE every word of this article. Thank you for writing it.
And God bless RFK Jnr - calling it out 👏🏻
I totally agree with all of this and I said the same thing myself repeatedly (not that it did any good) but I don't think it's a great idea for Trump to publicly crap on Zelensky, simply as a matter of strategy.
Thank you. This is such a useful analysis of all things related to Ukraine. The legacy media and brain dead politicians just buy the insane narrative. The atrocities against citizens of the Donbass have been glossed over in the West. The obvious decimation of Ukrainians on the battlefields don’t match with ‘Ukraine is winning’. Failure by the West to understand the Russian War strategy led them to conclude Russia was weak and inning out of men and ammunition. Thank God for Trump. Unfortunately Psychpathic Charlatans like Starmer and the EU command central are going to get a bloody nose.
But the worst thing is to hear these people clamouring for more war ( with what resources?) and dismiss peace.
Wow. Great work - thank you.