President Trump and his family to endure all this hate for all these years, still fight for the American people; which amazes me. The democrats and mainstream media are the danger to our democracy. I just somehow can’t understand the hate they have for the man who wants to save America. I will always support this courageous man. Let’s pray we get him back into the White House.

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Absolutely. 👍

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Haha, the fact that you think that Prayer will help win an election is incredibly revealing - do you seriously believe that God has a vote, lol!

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I am as incensed as you are about this. I walked out of an Edinburgh Fringe stand up 'comedy' show last month when the performer built up a piece about the first assassination attempt to end with a lament that the assassin hadn't practiced enough in a shooting range otherwise he wouldn't have missed. Much laughter from the morally debased audience (about 50 people). Not only was this hideously disrespectful to Mr Comperatore who died shielding his family, but was a totally nazi-level disregard for human life. As I walked out, the performer sneered that I must be a MAGA fan. I wasn't going to let him get away with turning it into a political point, rather than one of common decency, so I turned back and told him that 'no, I couldn't stomach someone making a joke out of cold blooded murder.'

Normally, I follow the principle of 'if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all' but in his case I made an exception by leaving him a bad review on the Fringe website. I think there is a difference between humour that is rude, possibly offensive (I'm fine with that, certainly never been a prude and I swear like a trooper) and making 'jokes' about murder. That is crossing a line into dehumanising victims of violence but this guy (and his audience) were entirely oblivious of the line and I found that quite scary and reminiscent of the population of Germany during the holocaust, who actually made jokes about the ovens and the lampshades made of human skin.

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Well done for responding that way. These people have become completely blind to their own evil. That’s true of both the journalists and the members of the public who think that the death of an innocent man is funny.

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Good for you! It took some courage to say your piece in front of the audience.

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It's true when they say anger makes you brave. My room 101 is public speaking!

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I feel for you. It was clearly a bad show - because making fun of Trump is like kicking an invalid in the balls - its such as easy target, not so much comedy as cruelty, abusing this senile, absurd, and pompous old age pensioner. We all know he belongs in a home for the demented, and where's the fun in that?

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Have you ever considered questioning your own prejudices and whether they may be irrational? Your Trump hatred seems very programmed. Do you think that Trump is more senile and absurd than Biden? If so, on what basis? Do you think the global situation was worse when Trump was President? Again, how? Did you for some reason dislike the US economy doing quite well, or did you want Trump to engage in more wars like most other Presidents? I’d really like to know something he did in office that was so terrible?

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Here is how Trump managed to piss us all off. I have no real opinions on the US elections, but in Scotland, he screwed up badly.

Or should I say, 'Bigly' The man is an arsehole.


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Oh, nothing to do with that - it was well before then when he messed around trying to bully Scotland into submission over his precious golf course at Menie - which has been a huge flop anyway.

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I agree with you in the sense that, not condemning murder is an ethical question beyond politics. I went to a book event yesterday where one of the authors decided that the Bond baddie of nos jours was the orange man. Seriously? The man who has promised to stop the people-mincing machine that is the Russia-Ukraine war on day one if elected, is the baddie? You really can't think of anyone else, anyone at all......?

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They're not lying to deceive the people who know better. They're lying to deceive all the people who DON'T know better.

And they still have tens of millions of stoopids backing them regardless. Not as many as they used to have, but still far too many!

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Spot on. U fortunately.

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... “Unfortunately”

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IMO, the most serious "authoritarian threat to Democracy" is the Dems unceasing push to censor speech that deosn't toe the party line as mis, dis and malinformation - in complete synch with 1984.

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The three MSM Networks actually tried to blame Trump for the assassination attempts against him. A new low indeed. Not one iota of morality left.

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Can you imagine what a Journalism School interview today must be like? “So, Jimmy, please convince us that you are sufficiently dishonest and reptilian for this program. Can you give us the names and contacts of three people you have betrayed or whose lives you have ruined?”

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Trump is a liar and bully, and also a convicted criminal - he is utterly unfit for any public office. He is 78 years old and talks rubbish, Surely America deserves better than this sexist, racist, geriatric former talk show host?

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I think this hatred of Trump by all sorts of people shows just how corrupt the world has become without most people noticing. People don't know why they hate Trump - nobody has any concrete reasons for their spittle-flecked rantings. Ask that journalist why he feels the way he does about Trump and he won't answer you because he doesn't know. It's like an unstoppable bandwagon.

The shadowy men in suits who appear to be in charge just whisper that Trump is a Bad Man and that's enough. I guess they don't like him because he doesn't acknowledge them and their right to rule. Putin told Tucker Carlson that he talks to the American president and then the men in suits come in later and tell him what America will agree to, regardless of what the president may have said. I guess Trump ignored them when he was the boss!

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I totally agree with you. Its despicable to treat a silly old man so badly - and we all know that we must respect our aged and wobbly senior citizens, and ensure that they get the care they need, ideally in a nice nursing home for the incontinent and senile.

Oh, by the way, he is also a convicted criminal, but hey, America forgives and forgets, right?

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