The Democrat Affiliated Mainstream Media Are Now Shameless Supporters of Assassination
The final line has been crossed. There is nothing they will not stoop to.
I have just read the most shocking and vile example of mainstream media journalism I have ever encountered.
It’s not something I say lightly. It’s not something I thought would be easy to discern.
After all, we are talking about a profession that has disgraced itself with the most vile dishonesties for years. The litany of the lies of mainstream media, especially in their concerted efforts to justify and prop up a Democrat regime and their near decade long campaign of hatred against Donald Trump, is far too long to even summarise.
Where would we start and end? The Russian Collusion Hoax, a smear invented in a dodgy dossier of fabrications dreamed up by an ex British spy, paid for by the Clinton campaign, and which much of the media must have known years ago was false? That’s a lie they ran with for thousands of articles and year after year of dishonesty. Like the most brainwashed Democrat voters and like senior Democrats including Kamala and Biden, they repeated this lie and still repeat it, even after their intensely partisan and political FBI agents failed to turn up a shred of evidence of actual collusion in the Mueller investigation.
John Brennan and over 50 intelligence ‘experts’ famously endorsed the lie, even though right at the start Brennan had briefed Obama (while Obama was still President) that it was a fiction created by the Clinton campaign. Mainstream media knows exactly when that meeting took place and is aware of the memos that prove it. They still press the collusion claims and still act as if all the subsequent investigation was justified. But it never was.
How would a real free press have treated all that, do you think? They might have felt ashamed of their gullibility if they were genuinely fooled. They might have issued apologies and retractions if they were genuinely accountable or held themselves to any real standards. At the very least they would have considered the shadowy interactions of the Clinton campaign with a former British spy a lot more worrying than the false allegations against Trump.
Where is the real scandal when the intelligence agencies collude with one political party and that party at the same time is hiring foreign agents to invent smears against a Presidential candidate? Clearly, the subversion of democracy and the threat to the nation, as well as the big story, would have been found in the conspiracies against Trump (which were real) rather than in the imaginary collusion that did occupy the attention of the media.
All of it was based on a paid for fiction. That was the ‘evidence’ on which both Mueller’s failed witch-hunt and one of the Trump impeachment attempts was based. The mainstream media treated it as true, and continue this ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ line even today. Nor do the mainstream media ever fact check or correct those still labouring under the slanderous delusion, which they spread, that Trump is Putin’s agent.
An honest media would have been stung by their acceptance of such lies, angry with the perpetrators, and made the conspiracy against Trump the focus of their attention because that was both the bigger story and the only real story there.
Instead they ran, and ran, and ran, and ran with it.
Or should we mention the ‘there are good Nazis’ lie? Or the more recently added ‘convicted felon’ and ‘sexual abuser’ tags which never, ever come with a recognition that an objective observer would add, that these negative status declarations depend on the blind, unquestioning acceptance of clearly partisan and Banana Republic style trial processes.
Every single charge they have ever made, either as an actual charge in a Democrat controlled court or as a media charge blindly accepted by Democrat voters, has been a lie. Not one of them has ever been true, or verified by real evidence, or something a genuinely objective investigative journalist would consider real.
In fact, they have been blindingly obvious lies, and not even sophisticated in their dishonesty or convincing in their arguments. They have all been things that are easily dismissed with even a passing familiarity with the facts related to each of them.
Take the ‘Trump told people to drink bleach’ lie. Like the ‘good Nazis’ lie, it is very easy to find footage of Trump’s actual comments and full transcripts of those comments. The lie was instantly detectable as a lie. You could compare the interpretation with the filmed reality of what was actually said. Despite this, mainstream media joined Democrat politicians in endlessly repeating these lies. Mainstream media was so supportive of these lies that they still allow Kamala Harris to repeat these falsehoods in her DNC speech and in her first Presidential candidate debate against Trump.
The moderators of that charade, of course, refused to fact check any of these long debunked smears.
Nor has the relentless propaganda and bias of the mainstream media been confined to their war on Trump. During COVID, they turned their fury directly on ordinary citizens. They whipped up hate and malice against those who decided not to take an experimental mRNA gene therapy. They hectored, bullied and demonised those ordinary people, using language which historically has always tended to result in violence towards groups described in such a fashion.
They told people that the unvaccinated were selfish, dangerous, malign vectors of disease. There’s scarcely any language imaginable more designed to result to violence towards the innocent than that.
All this is however merely the background, the context. The context being that mainstream journalists have sunk to never before witnessed depths of widespread mendacity, that mainstream journalists have abandoned any attempt to maintain basic professional standards, that this entire profession has en masse acted as completely partisan propagandists just as shameless as any Soviet or Nazi mouthpiece of the past. They have lied about an election being stolen and claimed falsely again and again that an obviously stolen election was a legitimate one. They have lied about a dangerous experiment that has harmed and killed millions of people globally. They have broken every ethical code they ever claimed to follow, as well as ones adopted in response to Nazi experiments. They have played a key part in the total destruction of the norms of democracy, accountability, freedom of conscience, freedom of speech, bodily autonomy and civil liberty we thought we lived within.
The mainstream media have been the strongest supporters of the worst crimes of recent years, both burying the truths that would have ensured a far more just society and promoting the lies that allow once free nations to slip into periods of unacknowledged tyranny.
And yet I find myself still capable of being shocked, and still able to find one article more loathsome than the rest. That article is an opinion piece by Jonathan Chait in the Intelligencer. It is without a doubt the most disgusting mainstream article I have ever read. It is titled Donald Trump is a Threat to Democracy, and Saying So is Not Incitement.
Because it’s with this article that mainstream media effectively declare themselves all in for the assassination of Donald Trump. It’s where mainstream media like many of the people they have poisoned for years with a constant injection of lie based hatred become open advocates of political assassination.
When the first assassination attempt came, it was shocking how quickly mainstream media normalised it, and how the reporting essentially stopped after only a day or two. In that instance, the media had virtually nothing to say. They were uninterested in the security failures. They were uninterested in the questions surrounding the events. They immediately joined social media companies in erasing the traces of the assassin’s life and affiliations and motives. Having decided that any coverage could only help Trump, they treated the near murder of a former President and current Presidential candidate as a story not much more interesting and important than a jaywalking offence or a minor celebrity divorce.
In a telling and symbolic example of this instant forgetting which normalises attacks on Trump and tacitly encourages them by seemingly suggesting that it’s really no scandal at all when such things happen, newspapers and magazines swiftly dropped the instantly iconic fist pumping photo. One of the best political photos ever taken was dropped because mainstream media realised it was far too flattering and positive an image. It made Trump look good, so even though the drama of that photo had everything in terms of capturing a moment, they dumped it.
More broadly, it was astonishing how quickly the most shocking news of the campaign became non news. Asking genuine questions about the shooter, about how he had got into such a position, about whether he acted alone or not, about the worst security failure since Ronald Reagan was shot, was all stuff a media normally obsessed with Trump were conspicuously uninterested in.
But that has been topped now, because in his article in response to a 2nd assassination attempt on Trump, Chait basically calls for the profession he works in to have the right to say and do anything with regard to Trump. He asserts their right to lie in ways that encourage assassination, and he insisted that he himself will keep spouting the greatest poison of all-that Trump is an authoritarian, existential threat to democracy, and that Trump is the kind of leader you should want to assassinate.
To offer this fare immediately after an assassination attempt seems to me to be to demand another one, as quickly as possible. Chait claims to address the charge of stochastic terrorism made against the rhetoric he and his peers have used. He dares to pretend, in the most shameless projection I’ve ever seen, that holding the mainstream media to account for their part in the insanity they have unleashed is merely a cynical manoeuvre.
Here’s the start of his piece, which gives a representative flavour of the whole:
“Donald Trump is a threat to democracy. That was true before an assassination attempt was foiled at his golf course Sunday, and it remains true after. Political violence in general, and assassinating presidential candidates specifically, also poses risks to democracy.
There is no contradiction between these ideas whatsoever. Yet Trump’s supporters have responded to both attempts on his life by muddying the waters, exploiting the near-tragedies with cynical efforts to redefine critiques of Trump’s authoritarian inclinations as violent provocation.”
Where do you begin with the hypocrisy, dishonesty, shamelessness, and reckless disregard for everything sane in an opening like this?
How exactly does Trump threaten democracy? What makes him an authoritarian? What measures did he enact as President that justify this assasination adjacent description?
Did he launch wars on the basis of lies (like Bush Jnr)? Did he massively extend the power of the intelligence services and surveillance of US citizens (Bush Jnr again)?
Did he illegally spy on a political rival (Obama)? Did he bomb half the Middle East (Obama)? Did he imprison for years without trial political protestors (Biden)? Were these prisoners tortured and driven to suicide (Biden)?
Did he use novel law and selective application of the law to favour violence from his supporters or aligned groups? (Biden). Did he claim that violence and rioting was justified or try to encourage it? (Pelosi). Did he support terrorist groups or have personal terrorist and extremist connections (Obama, the Squad). Did he go after all his Democrat critics and members of the previous administration with lawfare and obviously false cases? (Biden). Did his administration witness Republican judges engaging in election interference the way Democrat judges have done in 2024?
An objective description of an authoritarian threat to Democracy would surely apply to a Presidency which saw the political corruption of the FBI, the CIA and the DoJ into active partisan supporters of One Party. That has occurred under Joe Biden, not Trump. An objective description of an authoritarian threat to Democracy would be applicable to Judge Engoron, Judge Merchan, Joe Biden, Fani Willis, Jack Smith and all the rest engaged in lawfare. An objective description of an authoritarian threat to Democracy would apply to a Party that stoked and supported 7 months of violent rioting against a rival administration, and then locked people away for years for trespass in a public building. An objective description of a threat to Democracy would apply to a regime that started by stealing an election and murdering protestors.
None of that comes from Trump.
So much for ‘Trump is a threat to democracy’. It’s a blatant lie. If it were true he would have done all the things Biden has done. If it was true they would never have been able to force him to step down when they stole the 2020 election. An actual tyrant would have put up much stiffer resistance than calling a rally, demanding it be peaceful, and then telling everyone to go home peacefully when the tear gas attacks on the crowd prompted violence. If it were true then Democrats and police would have died on Jan 6th, instead of the murdered Trump supporters.
Of course mainstream media repeatedly lied about that too. Just like Democrat politicians, they lied by pretending that the murder of unarmed female protestors was justified, and they lied by pretending that protestors instantly lose all civil rights. And they lied by pretending that police officers were killed on January 6th by Trump supporting rioters, when this was also untrue.
They lied that Jan 6th was an insurrection. They lied in claiming that Trump’s words, which specifically and repeatedly called for peace, called for violence. They lied about whether rushing through a certification was itself above board and fully legal. They lied about all entrants being violent, when they knew there was footage of doors being open and protestors escorted through by the police. They lied by not applying anywhere near the same standards to BLM riots, to previous capitol invasions actually supported by Democrats, and to serious questions about how much the entire event was actually orchestrated by Democrats and the FBI. They lied by propagandistic and demonising exaggeration of the threat from Trump supporters, and they lied by omission regarding the entrapment behaviour of the FBI and the police brutality of the day as well.
It almost becomes laughable, what Chait does now. It has to be partly laughable, to go even further than all this. Note that ‘assassinating political opponents ALSO poses risks to Democracy’ line….as if political assassination is some kind of minor infraction, one whose threat to democracy is secondary to the threat of being Donald Trump.
Trespass misdemeanours have been transformed into an armed assault on the capital, because of media lies. At the same time BLM riots are mostly peaceful. When only protestors die, the protestors are vile. When over 20 innocent people die, the rioters are justified protestors. But the truth is that everyone who knelt for BLM was more directly supporting violence than Trump ever has.
And the truth is that mainstream media rhetoric on Trump and Jan 6th is obviously linked to why Trump hating lunatics are now trying to kill him.
Chair’s dishonesty is all designed to allow mainstresm media and himself to keep encouraging the assassination of Donald Trump. In doing so, it legitimises those assassination attempts and encourages the next one.
I don’t think Chait is naive and stupid enough to really see no possible link between describing Trump as Hitler and promising Trump will bring in a dystopian Handmaid’s Tale America and calling him a threat to democracy….and people with mental health issues who vote Democrat being whipped up enough to try to kill the man that Chait has told them to hate.
I don’t even think mainstream journalists of this kind really do fear Trump ending democracy or mass imprisoning them or being what they claim he is.
I think they know they are effectively encouraging assasination, and I think they want to do that. I can’t say that’s a 100% fact because unlike them I don’t tend to pretend I have the power to read minds or the inclination to make private thoughts or even most public hatreds a criminal matter.
But I’m absolutely certain that mainstream media and the Democrat Party have earned hate and condemnation for their provable malign actions, whereas Trump has not. One side has already delivered authoritarian tyranny, and the other did not. One side have already shared words that HAVE led to assassination attempts, and the other side have not.
Trump has no plans to end elections and no record of stealing them. There isn’t anyone innocent languishing in prison on Trump’s orders because they politically opposed Trump. There have been no MAGA inspired attempts on the life of Joe Biden or Kamala Harris.
So it’s not insane partisan hacks like Chait who are the good guys. They are the assassination lovers and the hypocritical encouragers of violence, now. They are the danger they pretend to describe. And they know exactly what they are doing.
President Trump and his family to endure all this hate for all these years, still fight for the American people; which amazes me. The democrats and mainstream media are the danger to our democracy. I just somehow can’t understand the hate they have for the man who wants to save America. I will always support this courageous man. Let’s pray we get him back into the White House.
I am as incensed as you are about this. I walked out of an Edinburgh Fringe stand up 'comedy' show last month when the performer built up a piece about the first assassination attempt to end with a lament that the assassin hadn't practiced enough in a shooting range otherwise he wouldn't have missed. Much laughter from the morally debased audience (about 50 people). Not only was this hideously disrespectful to Mr Comperatore who died shielding his family, but was a totally nazi-level disregard for human life. As I walked out, the performer sneered that I must be a MAGA fan. I wasn't going to let him get away with turning it into a political point, rather than one of common decency, so I turned back and told him that 'no, I couldn't stomach someone making a joke out of cold blooded murder.'
Normally, I follow the principle of 'if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all' but in his case I made an exception by leaving him a bad review on the Fringe website. I think there is a difference between humour that is rude, possibly offensive (I'm fine with that, certainly never been a prude and I swear like a trooper) and making 'jokes' about murder. That is crossing a line into dehumanising victims of violence but this guy (and his audience) were entirely oblivious of the line and I found that quite scary and reminiscent of the population of Germany during the holocaust, who actually made jokes about the ovens and the lampshades made of human skin.