You know, I constantly remind myself of all the Covid Madness because it's fading from people's memories and is no longer subject for polite society. But I refuse to forget all the stupidity and wickedness that was unleashed on the world. The masks which made communication difficult for the deaf (our local M&S put up a big neon sign above the severly deaf cashier and only the brave used her till - how humiliating for her) and which stunted babies' (and puppies') development. The hand sanitiser that layered up on the skin and gave people dermatitis. As you say, the stupid social distancing. The dumb idea that the virus attacked if you drank a pint but left you alone if you had some chips with it or ate a sandwich sitting down and survived but stood up and it killed you. The TikTok dancing nurses. The Midazolam. The whole damn lot. I will never forgive, never forget and never trust anyone or anything again. I know I would have ended up in a concentration camp, betrayed by my friends and relations. And now, they are poisoning my children just by being contaminated with this mRNA junk and walking past. Perfect.

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The collective amnesia is as depressing as the collective hysteria was. How can such crimes be so quickly forgotten? Treated as normal then, and treated as normal still, despite all evidence and reason to the contrary? It’s astonishing really.

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I constantly change my mind as to why people don't want to know. Sometimes I think it's because they are ashamed at how they behaved and the wicked thoughts they all had. Sometimes I think it's because they took those jabs and have watched people's health fall off a cliff since. Sometimes I think it's because most of humanity is really really stupid and simply did what they were told ("be afraid, be very afraid" "oh, OK") and will do it all again when told to. Sometimes I think it's all those things. Whatever, it is really depressing and pretty damn scary.

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The scale of the deception does two things-so many people in authority and key positions profited from it that it’s very hard to get a criminal process going. Virtually every nurse, doctor, scientist and politician could be considered guilty. So best just to forget it all. Second, so many people believed so deeply that their ego takes an almighty battering if they admit that they were the morons.

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And PFAS in the hand sanitizer:


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Worse. People were coerced to take an experimental medication. A clear violation of the Nuremberg Code.

We hanged people for this after tha war.

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Every place I go I still see these blithering idiots with their utterly worthless masks. It's like a Biden Harris or Harris Walz bumper sticker, it's a blatant advertisement saying that an insane nutbag is behind this mask or driving this vehicle. Like the imbecile I took a picture of at a traffic light next to me all by himself masked up and wearing surgical gloves !!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

The stupidity of some people is beyond astounding.

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Yep, the mask fetish is an easy way of identifying the worst brain mush sufferers.

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The same has always held true for flu vaccines and childhood vaccines (in terms of shedding).

Many doctors are quick to deny that vaccines shed, but they have no idea what they are talking about. I have an immune-compromised cousin, who had to stay away from anyone sick, because he was on immune-suppressant meds due to a lung transplant. His mother-in-law got a pre-surgery flu shot (which is insane in itself) and ended up getting horrible flu symptoms - runny nose, coughing, sneezing, etc. The immune-compromised cousin's doctor insisted that it's perfectly fine for him to be around the slobbery, coughing, sneezing woman because "she didn't really have the flu - after all, she was flu-vaxxed!"

It's complete mental derangement.

And it goes on and on. In 1st grade, my daughter, who was not vaccinated for chicken pox, picked it up from someone in her class who had just been vaxxed (all her classmates had been). I kept her home and did basic natural immune-boosting things (including baking soda+ apple cider vinegar + olive oil baths to prevent itching), and she was happy, in spite of looking like a red-spotted leopard. The rest of the class got a much more debilitating version of chicken pox, with fevers and complications.

In grade 2, my daughter, who was probably the only one not vaccinated for whooping cough, was one of only a handful of kids in the entire grade who did not get whooping cough. Even some of the parents got it...

There is a lot of great literature out there about vaccines (and shedding), written (and filmed) by honest doctors, who care about public health over financial rewards and ego stroking...

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Thanks Olia, I will admit that I’ve never looked into the shedding information deeply. For me the experimental gene therapy, lying about the definition of a vaccine, rushing the development, limiting the trials, having no long term studies and suppressing contrary voices and evidence all made it blatantly obvious this was a dangerous and reckless gamble even before you consider shedding at all. Similarly the obvious absurdity of the distancing measures was there for me from the start.

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I remember in the 80’s the Doctors then saying you can still get ‘whooping cough’ even though you have been vaccinated you just will not get a bad dose of it. The ultimate in ‘snake oil’ besides being untrue. My two unvaccinated children got a mild dose while their vaccinated friend got a really bad dose.

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The evidence is looking more and more like multiple vaccines including non mRNA traditional ones are overall more harm than good. I’ve seen a few studies on outcomes for non vaccinated that are startling in this regard. I was never an overall vaccine sceptic but I’m increasingly leaning more towards that position, based on evidence.

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My son had the usual round of childhood vaccinations before he entered kindergarten in the U.S. in 1992. He's now married with 3 young children and works at a global defense contractor (hundreds of employees). Three years ago, right in the middle of the pandemic, he contracted the chickenpox at age 36! He had to isolate himself in an upstairs bedroom for 2 weeks until his spots disappeared. It wasn't a severe case, but he said it was bloody uncomfortable. We don't know why he contracted it, but the irony was not lost on us. None of us in our entire family took the jab, BTW -- he received a religious exemption from his employer, to our great shock but extreme gratitude.

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I’m very glad your family avoided the COVID jabs. Mine were not as wise. The kids were not jabbed (thank god, and I would have physically tried to prevent it) but my wife, my in laws and my sister all got multiple jabs against my advice/position.

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7.8 bil people. 12.8 bil doses well done.

"Even if I were fully vaccinated, ya right. I would admire the unvaccinated for withstanding the greatest pressure I have ever seen, even from partners, parents, children, friends, colleagues and doctors.

People who were capable of such personality, courage and critical ability are undoubtedly the best of humanity. They are everywhere, in all ages, levels of education, states and ideas. They are of a special kind; they are the soldiers that every army of light wants to have in its ranks. They are the parents that every child wants to have and the children that every parent dreams of having. 

They are beings above the average of their societies, they are the essence of the people who have built all cultures and conquered horizons. They are there, next to you, they look normal, but they are superheroes. They did what others could not, they were the tree that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination and social exclusion. And they did it because they thought they were alone, and believed they were the only ones.

Banned from their families' tables at Christmas, they never saw anything so cruel. They lost their jobs, let their careers sink, had no more money ... but they didn't care. They suffered immeasurable discrimination, denunciation, betrayal and humiliation ... but they kept going.

Never before in humanity has there been such a "casting", now we know who are the best on planet Earth. Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races or religions, the unvaccinated, the chosen of the invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything collapsed.

That's you, you passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest Marines, Commandos, Green Berets, astronauts and geniuses could not withstand. You are made of the stuff of the greatest who ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary men.


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Well that’s stirring stuff! I don’t think we were superhuman, as it happens, or that refusing the vaccine made you a genius. I do think we were smarter and more logical in some very obvious ways than those who took it, if only on that topic, and definitely morally superior to the COVID fanatics who were screaming for basic rights to be taken away and fantasising about the agonised deaths they anticipated for the unvaccinated. Those people, without a doubt, were less than us.

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What I've read about vaccine shedding is that it only occurs with live-attenuated vaccines, which contain a weakened form of a pathogen. That isn't the case with the COVID mRNA "vaccine," for which there is no biological path for shedding. I've been reading about the study you cite (I can't find the actual study online) and from what I can see, the evidence is entirely anecdotal by way of an internet survey and derives from a rather small, self-selecting sample. The authors only say it's associated with menstrual anomalies, not that it's in any way conclusive. The mean age of the entire cohort was 37.8 ± 0.1 years, which is at a declining stage of fertility and might easily explain inevitable changes to menstrual cycles.

You state "Because if shedding is real and occurs to any significant degree ..." and then continue with your essay as if it is real.

I'm not defending any of the COVID nonsense or the criminality of the whole episode ... it was all bullshit. I do think there has been significant direct vaccine injury that has been unacknowledged and/or concealed. But I also am not going to jump on every bandwagon of residual studies that try to correlate it with what might otherwise be perfectly ordinary explanations, especially for any unestablished and indirect impact on a female bodily process that is subject to a variety of irregularities by its very nature.

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You are perfectly entitled to that view. However as I understand it there were fertility issues and pregnancy issues in what limited testing of these vaccines occurred sufficient to have necessitated either not continuing with them or banning their use with pregnant women.

Also, the reason this study is based on self selecting anecdotal evidence is because all the monitoring of harm has to be self selecting when the authorities decide that something is safe and then refuse to investigate whether that is true. The only monitoring systems people can turn to for large scale evidence were ones based on the harmed individual or others lose to them reporting the harm.

It’s possible that menstrual bleeding or other detected harms are correlations and causation hasn’t been fully proven, but to me this isn’t the only evidence of this nature and of these harms. It seems highly unlikely that we would get the timing and nature of the changes we have seen (in this, and other conditions) without their being mRNA causation. It’s looking increasingly desperate and dishonest to deny that.

Your caution might be justified and I end up being proven wrong on this, but I don’t think that will be the case. I believe the caution should have come before the experiment, and not after the experiment when discussing just how harmful it is.

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I had to convince myself last week that the specialist vet oncologist, who was about to operate on my dear, dear dog ,and who was wearing a mask to speak to me beforehand and had hysterical warnings about people not coming to the practice if they had covid (!? who even does the fraudulent tests any more) was probably an extremely CAREFUL person, rather than a gibbering idiot who didn't understand biology.

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I had an unrelated illness and saw a doctor who was double masked around 2021. I’ve never booked a doctors appointment since. 😂

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I know - I was having follow up in a couple of hospitals during the madness and one consultant wore his mask on his chin the whole time and another actually wore his mask. I wasn't masked ever. I considered that perhaps they were 'just following orders', but it's the old Burke quote about evil flourishing when good men do nothing - the medical profession knew the masks were splatter guards only and should have put the administrators straight. So many failed the test. Like you, I think it's usually a waste of time consulting these reps for Big Pharma. Sure, a surgeon - but the rest, forget it.

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most vets drank the koolaid, highly indoctrinated in vax culture. many employed by corporate overlords and even if they didn’t want to take it, did so to keep the job

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Yes, certain professions are more prone to it. The pressure placed on doctors and nurses to comply was both State led and professional body led, so that does make things worse.

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I was forced to take the shots. And I remember starting to read information AFTER about the ingredients and effects. I had received a baby shower invitation and would have loved to attend.

I didn't because I read about this shredding and didn't want to hurt mother and fetus. I declined and sent a gift.

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Sorry to hear you were one of those forced to take it Patricia. For a job? I was lucky in that I wasn’t in that situation, so it was easier for me to refuse the jab.

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Social distancing, FFP2 or better masks, eye protection, gloves did not originate from governments, but from The Billy Eduard Albert Meier Coronavirus Contact Reports.

The governments high-jacked those recommendations to assert total domination over the populations as is the wish of the oligarchs that give the governments their marching orders.



CR721 block 129 from June 14, 2019 with the advance announcement of the approaching coronavirus pandemic:

Especially in Europe, but also worldwide, more and more wrong decisions will be made by the governments in the coming time, and especially with regard to the epidemic that is now beginning, which you already announced in the 1990s and which will become acute in the month of November and a pandemic in 2020.


Safth predictions, pronounced Swath, from 1948:

In 1980, an immunodeficiency pandemic will break out, from which around 39 million people will die worldwide by 2020.



The Corona virus pandemic – which is trivially and misleadingly called COVID-19, thereby causing certain uneducated sections of the population to have false views and ideas and leading them to misconceptions, delusions and conspiracy theories – is an infectious disease arising from a virus created out of a desire for revenge, which, however, is not recognised by 'experts' in virology etc., but is denied and described as a 'newly discovered corona virus' from the 'animal world'.

A claim that is foreign to reality, because it does not correspond to the truth that the Corona pandemic was triggered by a diseased animal.

Contrary to this untrue assertion, the effective truth corresponds to the fact that in the 1970s, as a result of a man's hatred of the government in the USA, a plot was hatched with a man in China who was hostile to the USA, and laboratory work was arranged to create a disease in connection with a certain type of bat, which was then to be spread in the USA in order to take revenge.

However, the reason for this is now unknown, as all those involved in this matter have already passed away, although the research work begun at that time in the 1970s continued until the beginning of January 2019, and the now globally rampant Corona virus emerged from it.

This has since, since January 2019, claimed many victims who were not recognised as having been infected and killed by Corona, but were deemed to have died from the flu, before the epidemic was then openly recognised and has since driven the world and its humanity into fear, terror and multiple infections with millions of deaths.

As far as the effects of the Corona pandemic are concerned, we have talked a lot about it over the last few months and have also clarified a lot of things which you have also published on the Internet through your efforts according to our findings, whereby various virologists, epidemiologists and doctors etc. have taken up this information and made it public as their 'own findings'.


CR757 warnd a month in advance that the coronavirus vaccinations were rushed, untested and dangerous:


...And this could also be the case with the untested vaccines that are still being used negligently and irresponsibly for vaccinations in 2020, which could possibly lead to serious late effects or even deaths. But what will happen as a result of the vaccinations that will soon be carried out on a large scale as mass vaccinations worldwide with untested vaccines and, in some cases, also criminally with counterfeit pseudo-substances or placebo serums and thus sham vaccines, which will of course lead to certain results or good or bad consequences, will remain silent. The whole legal vaccination campaign – which in and of itself will involve no or only a few counterfeit pseudo-substances – will benefit the vaccine manufacturers enormously, because human beings' fear of the Corona rampantly spreading disease is forcing them to vaccinate, allowing them to carry out their tests and trials free of charge, while otherwise they would have to pay the test subjects, who volunteer for tests and do not know what effects they can expect as 'test animals' and therefore always run a dangerous health risk in any case.

The whole vaccination marathon, which various companies and corporations around the world have been working towards for months with regard to vaccine research, shows, as I know, that no effective information is being passed on to the public by the vaccine serum manufacturing companies, governments and authorities etc. with regard to the actual effects of the vaccinations, respectively vaccines, that are being administered to human beings. As a result, I think that various things that we have been able to observe and establish will be concealed, as will also the fact that some vaccines are as good as placebos and therefore ineffective …

And if you read the coronavirus contact reports, you will find that this virus has no complete recovery once anyone contracts the virus as the virus is stored in swinging waves long after antibodies have vanished from the body to appear within a cell from swinging wave storage unpredictably at some future date to again restart replication and mutation until it becomes deadly to the host.

Earth-based science is still centuries away from being able to detect swinging waves.

Advance warnings from 1989, 1995, 2003, 580 BC ... see https://theyflyblog.com/2020/04/covid-19-predictedthousands-of-years-ago/

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I remember an incident I was in some months into the Covid madness. I was unwilling to wear a mask and only in the rarest and most pressing situations did I acquiesce to it. If I went to a shop, pub, restaurant, etc, if challenged on the sin of exposing my face, I would state matter-of-factly that I "don't have one" and "don't wear one." 9 times out of 10, the busybody harassing me backed down instantly and was clearly subdued by a simple, polite, but unapologetic assertiveness.

One day, though, I went into my local supermarket and was stopped by the security guard, who asked me where my mask was. "I don't have one." "You need one," he replied. "I don't wear one." "You have to wear one," he replied. "Well, I'm not." He blinked at me for a few seconds, then said, "You're not allowed to be in the store without one." So I replied, "are you asking me to leave?" A simple question, you might think, but I've rarely seen someone look so uncomfortable. "It's the law," he replied. "So," I repeated, "are you asking me to leave?" Again, he evaded. "Do you not have a mask?" he asked, slightly pleading. "No," I said. "Do you have an exemption?" "No", I said. "Well, we're not supposed to let you in." So I said again, "so are you asking me to leave?" "Well, um... just remember your mask next time." He let me in.

It was a great illustration, I think, of the character of those who followed such rules, and of the manifest weakness it revealed in them when forced to take responsibility for it. "It's the law," became the instant, unthinking refrain of such people. I was turned away on several other occasions from the store, and other places too, but never once did the busybody ever utter any statement that would implicate them in the decision to turn me away.

And it's the reason I think that my country is basically irrecoverable at this point. Covid taught us that most Brits are willing to be taken advantage of. It's as simple as that. If we - those of us who resisted the nonsense - learned anything from that time, it's the rather sobering fact that most of our countrymen are undeserving of respect.

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I’ll never forget having dinner at a Manhattan restaurant outside on the sidewalk in winter with snow falling on my plate with all the warm indoor seats where it wasn’t snowing, unoccupied. I reminisce for the days of being chased by managers through stores maskless which was really great cardio, especially those evasive aisle maneuvers. Fun times.

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