The female rappers are just as disgusting. What about Cardi B and her WAP? NPR cooed over this disgusting “song” speaking of how it empowers women.

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True, that too is barbarism as ‘music’.

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'Gangsta Rap' and its lapping up by white college kids (and bien pensant liberals more generally) is perhaps the single most grotesque bit of doublethink in our grotesque Age of Woke. And it is also a tragedy because up until its advent black music used to be great. Blues soul, Tamla, disco.....'rap' what a falling off was there! https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/imagine-theres-no-muzak

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I agree. I have never understood people who saw merit in the genre. Earlier US black music is far superior.

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Isn't it what happens when there is a God-shaped hole in the world?

I'm not religious but I can see how this hole in the world is causing so much grief. People clearly need strong moral guidance (which I had assumed was something that was just innate or part of the human condition but what do I know!). Take away the moral and ethical guidance and some people just revert to being uncouth wicked savages.

The depressing part is that, as the top part of society continues to rule us all, we are gradually being acclimatised to paedophilia being "normal". Just like pornography and graphic sex scenes in movies is now "normal". Just like drug-taking is normal" in movies. Just like transgenderism is being normalised. Just like mass immigration of people-not-like-us has to be accepted as "normal". Just like schools and restaurant chains serving halal meat is now "normal". All the wrong things are "normal" and there are names for people like us who think none of this is "normal".

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Very true. I’m in the same position. I’m constitutionally unable to genuinely believe in a deity, but I feel the absence and consider the rejection of our Christian heritage as the beginning of our descent into barbarism.

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I think Christianity provided a moral framework which might have been unnecessary for many, but definitely set standards of what was acceptable and what was unacceptable behaviour for those with a weak or absent moral compass. It's a cultural code and I don't think you have to believe in God to accept it because it feels natural and right hence the way it underpins many of our laws and sense of justice. In the western world our foundations are Christian and we have removed that foundation. Not surprising that the civilisation which rested on it is cracking and crumbling.

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Every single day, I wake up again to the terrible reality of how life on Earth is warped and managed by pure evil.

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There is still a huge swathe of decency and normalcy in the middle, but the terrible controls the social heights and the social depths.

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20 hrs agoLiked by Jupplandia

It feels like we are reverting to barbarism. How long can those of us in the middle normal withstand the assaults on decency from all sides. Makes you want to move to Salt Lake City or an Amish community or something!

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It does-the Amish look more and more sensible to me.

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Salt Lake City is going the way of so many other Dem-controlled big cities. We escaped from downtown SLC to the suburbs 9 years ago and couldn’t be happier.

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Many thanks for your thoughts, Daniel. It has come late to me that only deviants will be allowed to be persons of consequence. Still processing it. I'm curious who set Sean Combs to his career. Perhaps someone will come forth with investigation results about who set him in motion and who controlled him.

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I suspect there are some genuinely innocent success stories, but a lot more of them are selected and managed and involved in a morally loathsome network of one kind or another. It seems unlikely, to say the least, that everyone who comes from nothing to massive prominence is an instinctually brilliant business person.

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Sorry to be pedantic...but can you please put a space either side of a hyphen....your thoughts will read better!! Thanks....and by the way I love your writing .....

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