In the interests of fairness, today’s short post is a statement from the other side of the debate, guest writer Sir Reginald Felch of the UK Ukraine Taskforce.
Thank you for being sane and informed Daniel and thank you for writing this stack. I don't normally have discussions on Facebook as I hardly ever look on it but my nephew posted his absolute outrage at the way Trump treated the stunning and brave Zelensky. This was followed by a single friend of his who actually understood the reality of the situation but who was mocked by a number of friends so I jumped in with my bit. The resulting comments were disheartening and went along the lines of Hahaha, do your research, Trump is a mysogynist, you only had to look at the difference between how Starmer treated him vs Trump, the man is evil, he wants to start WW3. Of course we all know these people live in Plato's cave and their research is listening to MSM accompanied by a huge dollop of smug satisfaction and righteousness for being on the side of all that is good and right. I have had enough and I want to leave - anyone know where the door is?
It’s that university attitude-ignorance combined with smugness all fed to them by others, whether mainstream media or academia. You always find they have done zero individual or independent research into anything.
The universities have been brainwashing students for decades. They tried with my two daughters but that was almost 20 years ago and that didn't go very well. Social science studies document how those with a university education are much less likely to distrust 'authority' than say the dustman.
Trump is right. If Trump all of a sudden went pro Ukraine, they’d all be siding with Putin.
I do not understand Europe’s pro Ukraine Zelenskyy stance.
Trump is showing how ridiculous they all are. How they are nothing but a group of beggars.
Now they want to talk again, saying they give security guarantees if USA will fill in as back up. Apparently, they didn’t listen to a word that Trump had to say.
No American troops to on the ground. Seems pretty simple, but Europe, obviously can’t take a crap without the USA being involved. Cowards, all of them.
Using Ukraine as an excuse to destroy Putin and take the resources of both Ukraine and Russia was a Globalist scheme. Europe is ruled by those Globalists while the US ones lost full power with Trump’s election. Europe and the UK are too weak to enact that scheme themselves, so they need US involvement. The people of Europe and the UK are much more dependent on mainstream media than many Americans are, and that too exists to push Globalist narratives.
I was just in the other room talking to my husband about the insanity of this war mongering he said almost word for word what you have written in this comment! Must be morphic resonance lol
Sir Reginald is clearly the man for the job isn't he? I imagine he was transferred from the Department for Maintaining Climate Hysteria.
Most people I know either don't have an opinion on Ukraine or have the Officially Approved one. The Believers are hilariously depressing to be around. Naturally, they are unaware that Ukraine had never been an independent country until the collapse of the USSR, they still couldn't confidently put it on a map, they don't know it is full of people who were Russian until about 25 years ago. They are certain that Russia is down to its last couple of men and Ukraine is winning. They have forgotten that Ukraine is where the Sexy Ladies, child traffickers, drug smugglers, Azov Brigade proper Nazis and US bioweapon labs all came from before 2022. They don't know the Donbas was a war zone since about 2014. But they absolutely know and passionately believe that Zelensky is and always has been a true Churchillian statesman, Putin is and always has been an Evil Mad Dictator and obviously Donald Trump is a nasty racist mysogynist who wants both wars and deals with Putin. Naturally, they all believed Covid was The Black Death But Worse and the Climate Is Changing and it's all our fault. World of Idiots!
Yes good summation. All of the bullshit comes as a package. People who are dumb enough to mindlessly believe one fall for the rest too. It’s depressing as well that it never registers with them even after the lies of the last thing they fell for are fully exposed.
I got into it today with an imbecile who called me.. drumroll.. a Putin Puppet. Because I rightfully blamed this entire travesty on the Obama/Biden/Hillary/Nuland/Soros/Deep State globalist warmongering grift machine and having created a money laundering, corrupt vassal state of Ukraine, which, like the U.S. /UK/France/Germany/Ireland and nearly every EU nation are no longer democracies.
“ Oh , but Russia is special and Putin’s not a murderous dictator and hellbent on resurrecting the Soviet Union?”.
I replied, “ What would you call the EU/NATO and our interventions, meddling, regime changes, censorship, surveillance , malicious prosecutions, targeting citizens who don’t align with the left, imprisoning journalists, whistleblowers or “ disappearing “ them? Rigging elections? Puhleeze!”
He was furious. “ I knew it! You’re so devoted to the Orange criminal, of course you love Putin. Russia has nothing to offer but a gas station. Nothing good ever came from Russia!”. Then I blew up.
“ My grandfather, my husband’s grandparents, Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev,Rachmaninov,Rimsky Korsikov , Chopin, Haiffetz,Perlman, Baryshnikov,Nureyev,Pavlova,Chagall,Tolstoy,Dostoyevsky,Nabokov, Pasternak, Solzhenitsyn Gagarin,Gorky,Faberge,Sakharov, Navratilova,Chekhov,Spassky, Sputnik, Beluga Caviar, Stolichnaya,,,, And I asked him to name anything Ukrainian that is exemplary and enriches humankind versus padding the pockets of corrupt warmongers, politicians, gun runners, human traffickers , Nazis,grifters ,BlackRock and Soros
Thank you for the article by Sir Reg. Certainly brings the point home about the war in Ukraine, and the cherry on top is the quote "we will fight to the last Ukrainian. All the useless actions (banging pots, etc.) without any real activity that will shorten or end the war. Typical - virtue signal but don't get your hands dirty.
If there ever was a time that Mercutio’s curse “A plague on both your houses!” was appropriate it’s now and applies equally to Trump and Zelensky. Zelensky surely knew last Friday that he was meeting with a narcissistic sociopath who lives for praise and yet instead of buttering up the old man he demanded a degree of commitment that no president could possibly give. We are not going to send our children and grandchildren to die in defense of the Donbas if Putin (the monster) reneges on any peace agreement which he may well do. Now Trump in response to Zelensky’s emotional outburst has overreacted and cut off critical support to Ukraine which is, in fact, fighting the monster. A totally inappropriate and dangerous action. A plague indeed.
Dear Jupplandians, you have fallen for the mis/disinformation of the tyrant Putinski.
Putinski will annex Jupplandia (I thinkski this country is right up the Urals) and the rest of Europeski unlesski you pay Ukraine 🇺🇦 more money to continue our vainglorious struggle.
Prime Minister Churchillski has pledged to send 100 soldiers, 6 girl guides and the remaining members of Take That to man the barricades (what's left of them)
Once the war is won/lost/declared a draw I will change out of my romper suit.. honestski!
I behave like a total twatski because I'm on meds. Cereal! Look at the pictures. No wonder I can't see the fuckingski catastrophe that is staring me in the
Have to stopski. I need to beg for more money to feed my addiction for death.
Thank you for being sane and informed Daniel and thank you for writing this stack. I don't normally have discussions on Facebook as I hardly ever look on it but my nephew posted his absolute outrage at the way Trump treated the stunning and brave Zelensky. This was followed by a single friend of his who actually understood the reality of the situation but who was mocked by a number of friends so I jumped in with my bit. The resulting comments were disheartening and went along the lines of Hahaha, do your research, Trump is a mysogynist, you only had to look at the difference between how Starmer treated him vs Trump, the man is evil, he wants to start WW3. Of course we all know these people live in Plato's cave and their research is listening to MSM accompanied by a huge dollop of smug satisfaction and righteousness for being on the side of all that is good and right. I have had enough and I want to leave - anyone know where the door is?
It’s that university attitude-ignorance combined with smugness all fed to them by others, whether mainstream media or academia. You always find they have done zero individual or independent research into anything.
I agree wholeheartedly.
I personally think the majority of university graduates are dumb.
The universities have been brainwashing students for decades. They tried with my two daughters but that was almost 20 years ago and that didn't go very well. Social science studies document how those with a university education are much less likely to distrust 'authority' than say the dustman.
They are.
Worked at a major university for 25 yrs
Several different debts.
The social science ones were abysmal
I think the majority of Americans are dumb. As in stupid.
Primarily the university educated middle class ones, the same as the UK and Europe. America has more sane people than we have.
Yes I agree. I think they value freedom considerably more than we do in the UK.
That may be so, but even the minority of clever Americans is larger than the majority of clever Brits for example.
Trump is right. If Trump all of a sudden went pro Ukraine, they’d all be siding with Putin.
I do not understand Europe’s pro Ukraine Zelenskyy stance.
Trump is showing how ridiculous they all are. How they are nothing but a group of beggars.
Now they want to talk again, saying they give security guarantees if USA will fill in as back up. Apparently, they didn’t listen to a word that Trump had to say.
No American troops to on the ground. Seems pretty simple, but Europe, obviously can’t take a crap without the USA being involved. Cowards, all of them.
Using Ukraine as an excuse to destroy Putin and take the resources of both Ukraine and Russia was a Globalist scheme. Europe is ruled by those Globalists while the US ones lost full power with Trump’s election. Europe and the UK are too weak to enact that scheme themselves, so they need US involvement. The people of Europe and the UK are much more dependent on mainstream media than many Americans are, and that too exists to push Globalist narratives.
I was just in the other room talking to my husband about the insanity of this war mongering he said almost word for word what you have written in this comment! Must be morphic resonance lol
Or he’s just a very smart guy. 😉
Yes he said it is definitely that
Voldemort Zelensky has done well on this UK visit, trousering a £2.26 billion 'loan', with. as far as I'm aware no repayment date, or interest rate.
Keep feeding the meat grinder Starmer, while the country you hates waits for another rise in taxes to pay for the slaughter.
Yes that makes about 15 billion stolen from the UK taxpayer so far. With 3 billion a year apparently forever to follow.
Sir Reginald is clearly the man for the job isn't he? I imagine he was transferred from the Department for Maintaining Climate Hysteria.
Most people I know either don't have an opinion on Ukraine or have the Officially Approved one. The Believers are hilariously depressing to be around. Naturally, they are unaware that Ukraine had never been an independent country until the collapse of the USSR, they still couldn't confidently put it on a map, they don't know it is full of people who were Russian until about 25 years ago. They are certain that Russia is down to its last couple of men and Ukraine is winning. They have forgotten that Ukraine is where the Sexy Ladies, child traffickers, drug smugglers, Azov Brigade proper Nazis and US bioweapon labs all came from before 2022. They don't know the Donbas was a war zone since about 2014. But they absolutely know and passionately believe that Zelensky is and always has been a true Churchillian statesman, Putin is and always has been an Evil Mad Dictator and obviously Donald Trump is a nasty racist mysogynist who wants both wars and deals with Putin. Naturally, they all believed Covid was The Black Death But Worse and the Climate Is Changing and it's all our fault. World of Idiots!
Yes good summation. All of the bullshit comes as a package. People who are dumb enough to mindlessly believe one fall for the rest too. It’s depressing as well that it never registers with them even after the lies of the last thing they fell for are fully exposed.
Our Ukraine 😂😂
Great post. 😂😆🤭
Parody cool
Funny. Cool post. Thank you.
I got into it today with an imbecile who called me.. drumroll.. a Putin Puppet. Because I rightfully blamed this entire travesty on the Obama/Biden/Hillary/Nuland/Soros/Deep State globalist warmongering grift machine and having created a money laundering, corrupt vassal state of Ukraine, which, like the U.S. /UK/France/Germany/Ireland and nearly every EU nation are no longer democracies.
“ Oh , but Russia is special and Putin’s not a murderous dictator and hellbent on resurrecting the Soviet Union?”.
I replied, “ What would you call the EU/NATO and our interventions, meddling, regime changes, censorship, surveillance , malicious prosecutions, targeting citizens who don’t align with the left, imprisoning journalists, whistleblowers or “ disappearing “ them? Rigging elections? Puhleeze!”
He was furious. “ I knew it! You’re so devoted to the Orange criminal, of course you love Putin. Russia has nothing to offer but a gas station. Nothing good ever came from Russia!”. Then I blew up.
“ My grandfather, my husband’s grandparents, Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev,Rachmaninov,Rimsky Korsikov , Chopin, Haiffetz,Perlman, Baryshnikov,Nureyev,Pavlova,Chagall,Tolstoy,Dostoyevsky,Nabokov, Pasternak, Solzhenitsyn Gagarin,Gorky,Faberge,Sakharov, Navratilova,Chekhov,Spassky, Sputnik, Beluga Caviar, Stolichnaya,,,, And I asked him to name anything Ukrainian that is exemplary and enriches humankind versus padding the pockets of corrupt warmongers, politicians, gun runners, human traffickers , Nazis,grifters ,BlackRock and Soros
And he told me to eff myself.
HaHa! Muh Ukraine. Easy to spot 'em just by the U flag in their profile pic.
Thank you for the article by Sir Reg. Certainly brings the point home about the war in Ukraine, and the cherry on top is the quote "we will fight to the last Ukrainian. All the useless actions (banging pots, etc.) without any real activity that will shorten or end the war. Typical - virtue signal but don't get your hands dirty.
If there ever was a time that Mercutio’s curse “A plague on both your houses!” was appropriate it’s now and applies equally to Trump and Zelensky. Zelensky surely knew last Friday that he was meeting with a narcissistic sociopath who lives for praise and yet instead of buttering up the old man he demanded a degree of commitment that no president could possibly give. We are not going to send our children and grandchildren to die in defense of the Donbas if Putin (the monster) reneges on any peace agreement which he may well do. Now Trump in response to Zelensky’s emotional outburst has overreacted and cut off critical support to Ukraine which is, in fact, fighting the monster. A totally inappropriate and dangerous action. A plague indeed.
Dear Jupplandians, you have fallen for the mis/disinformation of the tyrant Putinski.
Putinski will annex Jupplandia (I thinkski this country is right up the Urals) and the rest of Europeski unlesski you pay Ukraine 🇺🇦 more money to continue our vainglorious struggle.
Prime Minister Churchillski has pledged to send 100 soldiers, 6 girl guides and the remaining members of Take That to man the barricades (what's left of them)
Once the war is won/lost/declared a draw I will change out of my romper suit.. honestski!
I behave like a total twatski because I'm on meds. Cereal! Look at the pictures. No wonder I can't see the fuckingski catastrophe that is staring me in the
Have to stopski. I need to beg for more money to feed my addiction for death.
Voldemort Zelensky.
(Sponsored by Primark)
Unfortunately, in parts of Europe this is already closer to reality than to satire.
You know you can edit your post?