One of my sons has two autistic kids. Both very functional in reality. But they are home schooled as the state system is a disaster for such.

My four kids (with my ex) all in their forties now, spent much of their education at Steiner schools. We lived in Oxford; the primary schools were fine, but as soon as we looked that the middle schools (still used then in Oxford), and knowing quite a lot about Steiner schools, we upped sticks and bolted to Bristol, where the first non straight fee paying Steiner school had been running for some years. The first inner city one as well.

We sent them there as the model of child development that Steiner described was how we saw it, and diametrically opposed to orthodox education (even more so now). No regrets at all. The core of this mode of education is to produce "free and responsible adults"

None went to Uni on leaving school (one a mature student later at 28, Royal Academy of Music). All gainfully employed in no time at all, self-supporting at 21 with no debts.

Worth a crack. There's MUCH more home schooling going on now, and lots of supportive organisations.

No way I'd send my kids to a state school were I a new parent...

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Thanks Jeremy, it’s good to hear positive homeschooling examples.

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I fully expect a crackdown when Labour came in. And in Germany, the ONLY law created by the Nazis, I gather, that home schooling is illegal, is still in place.

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You are probably right. Labour are going to be in a position to target home schooling easily, and they will do so.

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well in that case we are all hiding in the woods - at least the prisons are full.

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I agree. I home schooled my two kids back in the 1990s. One of my grandchildren is currently home schooled with another two expected to follow before they go to senior school. The remaining one says he doesn't believe a word the teachers tell him so we do not need to worry. It is very important that parents and grandparents are awake to what is being taught in schools today across the UK. If you start to dig it will shock you. I was very concerned when I found out critical race theory being taught in the local junior school so I wrote to my MP about it. My email spelled out what children are being taught and is on the 'Don't Divide Us' website:


They are organisaton worth supporting.

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That’s excellent, I think that kind of pushback really helps.

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I, too homeschooled my only child, in the '90s. Here in Canada there was already quite a growing movement in that direction. We followed no curriculum; only the day's rhythms and interests, and had lots of other homeschooling families to engage with.

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Good for you Joanie. Here in the UK it was rare to meet other homeschoolers and we had to have an inspection by an independent assessor each year to ensure we were supplying an adequate and appropriate education. The charity I consulted when we first took the kids out of school told us to hide from the system as we were moving home. We tried but somehow they tracked us down so I had to tell them we homeschooled.

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How invasive. I gather that has changed somewhat, now, or is it still the case?

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My daughter is home schooling her daughter and they don't seem to have the annual inspections. I did hear that there are now 1.5m children being home schooled in the UK and that number is growing so they probably don't have enough inspectors to police it any longer. I am appalled at the brainwashing and radicalisation of school children in our schools. Cultural Revolution mark 2.

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Yes, it is absolutely appalling (your word fits perfectly).

My own daughter, went on to obtain three University degrees, which wiped out all of the critical thinking we instilled in her whilst growing up. So much for "higher education."

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My two also got degrees from a local university so they lived at home. I wasn't prepared for them to start life in debt. When the university expected my eldest daughter to read Michel Foucault's postmodern garbage she came home - threw the book on my desk and said ' they want us to read this but why would I be interested in hearing anything from a man who spent his life taking psychadelics and wandering around the desert whilst imagining he might be a fish' She then added 'my brain will not let me read it!' I was very proud of her. I read it for her and wrote her essays - and I got good marks lol

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They are not going to give up. They will follow us.

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Yes, very true. They can’t accept anyone escaping.

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Just wondering how widespread homeschooling is in the UK. It seems to have become widespread in the US in the last ten years, especially.

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I don’t think it’s as common as the US, but like the US it has increased dramatically.

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I can't read this.. lamenting; too painful. But I simply don't get the British. They voted for conservatives, and got traitors.So they're going to vote Labour!! What the fuck! Why not Reform, and Andrew Brigen (??), the Independent.

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We have had a lot of political stability historically because we don’t like a fuss and don’t like social discord. Those positive traits become severe weaknesses when the mainstream goes mad and does mad things. Lots of Brits have forgotten how bad the last Labour government was and don’t pay enough attention to how bad the current Labour Party is because all the news and attention is on Tory failures. That said, lots of us hate Labour. They are going to win a massive majority because the vote on the Right is split in half and the vote on the Left isn’t. We need the last 20% of the Con Inc vote to shift to Reform as a real conservative movement, but they will stubbornly cling to the sinking ship and drown us all in a huge Labour majority.

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On the surface, borderline astonishingly and most unfortunately, yes, seems headed that way. Thank you Daniel.

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Is homeschooling legal in the UK? Are there regulations? Does the central government or local governments control it? In the U.S. each state passes its own law on homeschooling and writes the regulations. Sometimes teachers' unions try to get the state government impose more stringent or stupid regulations

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It’s a legal requirement for children to receive an education, but you can homeschool and devise your own curriculum. Obviously if you want them to enter qualifications exams you have to arrange that and therefore will be following the standard curriculum to some extent.

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