Lockdowns and Home Schooling: An Unintended Good?
Home schooling as an escape from the State education matrix
I have two school age children and I’ve been thinking about State schooling and the consequences of a Labour Party victory in the upcoming UK election. One of the things which I think is likely to happen with a huge Labour majority is an increase of the already existing indoctrination aimed at the very youngest pupils.
The incoming Labour Party will not be a moderate one in the old sense. One of the strange realities we face at the moment is that anything considered mainstream and respectable will actually, in almost all cases, be extremely radical in terms of social policy and societal ethics.
Globalism is not a mild movement. The ideas that are held by mainstream globalist institutions are not consequence free or about the successful management of agreed principles we all share. Parties of the old Left and Right have both been captured by Globalist money and influence and exist to promote a new set of Globalist ideas and assumptions which are fundamentally radical in nature.
The British Conservative Party has been destroyed by its Globalist capture. What it has delivered is in many ways the exact opposite of what its core voters want or what actual conservatism is, and its voters have finally realized that leading to a complete collapse of its vote share.
But the Labour Party is of course as the Conservatives warn (the only honest thing they have left to say) worse. The Labour Party is even more controlled by Globalist interests and poised to push Globalist agendas than the departing Globalist Conservatives. We will see a more radical and urgent expansion of everything Globalist Conservatives refused to challenge.
Rightwing globalism manifests as a refusal to fight Globalist interests and power, as much as a desire to work for Globalist interests. Shared monetary interests explain the capture, or simple fear of Globalist directed assaults like the run on the pound that removed Liz Truss and installed Rishi Sunak. But these globalist policies and attitudes never sat comfortably with the grassroots. The leadership class, particularly from Cameron on, were captured, whilst the core vote was still expecting small government, low taxes, resistance to foreign rule and a cultural fight against wokeness. That difference has resulted in the final schism, many years later and after the debacles of COVID fully exposed how un-conservative the Conservative Party now is.
Leftwing globalism is however more enthusiastic and ideologically committed, from the grassroots to the leadership. The Old Left that might have expressed leftwing reasons for opposing Globalism (protection of your own working class, primarily) is long dead. Where Globalist leaders from traditional Left parties face internal opposition, its from even more Globalist radicals in their midst (people who want even more mass immigration, people who want an even faster demographic and social reconfiguration of western nations, people who want more internationalism, more foreign control, more spending, more welfare, more transgenderism and transhumanism, more Net Zero).
The radical Left criticism of Globalism is not that Globalism is destroying the West, it is that Globalism isn’t destroying the West quite as fast as they would prefer. In the US for example Biden has flooded the nation with migrants (11 million officially, probably 30-40 million in reality). Globalists love open borders. But the radical wing object if Biden then pretends to want to halt this flow (for the purposes of winning an election). Even a radical champion like AOC gets criticized by her own core vote if she’s not radical enough, if for example she only tacitly supports Palestinian terrorism rather than explicitly and vociferously doing so at every opportunity.
People tend to still mistake the differences between Globalism and the radical Left. They still think that, say, the radical Left bullies Globalists into extreme actions. Or they think that the Globalists are purely greed oriented and just use the radical Left as foot soldiers (a Pelosi telling Antifa types to riot against Trump, for example). Both these formulations ignore what has happened over decades of very rich people funding very radical ideas and groups, which is that both sides have become more like the people they thought they were just using.
Of course the Globalists are in it for huge wealth transfers and personal advantage. Their influence is the influence of the billionaire class, and their networks of power ultimately end up managing the greatest wealth transfers in history. But they have also become more ideological and in many instances believe the same mad nonsense as the radical mob does.
Of course the Radical Left are ideological zealots driven by a Marxist and Cultural Marxist agenda. They have an ideological hatred of the West and its people and emotionally and fanatically support anything that weakens the West or is harmful to its average, traditional, majority white populace. But they have also become rich and powerful personally, with status and privilege to protect (as Deans of universities, as grievance industry experts and DEI picks etc) and that is very much a motivation too.
So when it comes to policies which WILL destroy the West we cannot say these come solely from Radical Left social ideology, or solely from billionaire class Globalist schemes to enrich themselves, because they come from the alliance of both. Radical leftism provides an ideological excuse for considering the destruction of the Western world to be a moral good, and Globalist networks of power provide instruments by which to personally profit from it. Most of the participants have adopted BOTH the ideology AND the greed.
The alliance between the most wealthy and the most radical is the recipe for societal collapse which is engineered and deliberate.
So where does this sit in terms of being an ordinary citizen with two young children in a State education system?
It means that part of being a responsible parent is knowing that the State education systems combine huge amounts of public spending with a teaching class who are radical leftists and ideologically committed to using that education system to indoctrinate the children they should be educating. If we defer moral teaching to such institutions we are lost. If we don’t counteract the ideological instructions they receive at school at home, we are lost. What were 20 or 30 years ago radical left ideas followed only by the most extreme, are now standard mainstream attitudes taught in schools, and even more taught in universities.
And we can’t untangle Globalist greed from Radical Left ideology. Their alliance is at its strongest in education systems. Bill Gates, for example, was in many ways the architect of Common Core policies under Obama. Obama himself represents the total alliance of the pursuit of wealth by a parasitic elite AND the worst of radical Left ideology. This was the man who got into office on the basis of skin color. This was the man who was sold as a moderate but had a radical left social engineering agenda to fundamentally transform America. Bringing in Gates as the mastermind of a digital education revolution was an Obama era example of how Globalist greed and radical leftism have exactly the same interests and work together to such an extent that parsing which controls which becomes impossible.
Did Gates help Obama because he saw huge potential profit in all those government computer contracts, because the digital revolution in the classroom meant more power and control to Microsoft or subsequent tech investments? Undoubtedly.
But Gates and Obama were also ideologically aligned. The intent of the co-operation was to control the lucrative contracts for the software and the hardware involved, but also to control what was being taught on those school computers.
During COVID, while pressing for masks, lockdowns, school closures, totalitarian restrictions of personal liberty and hugely profitable mass vaccinations, Gates was again also extolling the virtues of computer based learning in a return to the educational front of his Globalist ambitions. The evolution of tech offers the Globalist tech barons innovative ways to influence minds at home as easily as they can be reached and influenced in schools. Gates and similar operatives envisage future 15 minute cities which are all tech suffused and AI directed, where ‘smart’ versions of the TV, the fridge, the car, the house itself, talk to and interact with their owners, whilst being programmable and controllable remotely by their suppliers.
The society of total control and surveillance, all high tech and also all new tech with older technology models jettisoned, is both a Globalist vast opportunity and a Radical Left old methodology. AI search engines can direct the enquiring mind more efficiently than even a human censor, online learning tools can be programmed even more efficiently than human State employees emotionally invested in LGBTQ+ flags in the schoolroom.
In recent years we have seen an explosion in home schooling. Parents have learned that their schools and colleges are factories of Globalist thinking, not just poorly run and failing institutions that are very bad at teaching kids to read and think, but deliberately failing institutions that are more concerned with teaching kids ideological lunacies. It was bad enough when State schools were churning out generations who could barely read or college graduates who could not place their own capitol on a map or solve a simple equation. When more and more parents found their children returning as Hamas supporting radicals or angry sexual degenerates with their own porn channel the ‘value of a good education’ became more evident than ever, as did the fact that State institutions were providing something other than an education.
There was already a strong political drive to escape State Globalist indoctrination when long periods of school closures under lockdown added to the sense that State schooling could be escaped. Who wants to pay to get a brainwashed brat who hates everything you love? The Globalist Washington Times reported a few years ago that the number of homeschooled children in the US has increased 45% since the 2017-2018 academic year. Amusingly, AI directed answers on Google and other search engines will factor in the pandemic as a driver of homeschooling, but avoid mentioning that State school political indoctrination is a key concern for many parents choosing to homeschool.
In the UK, my expectation is the new, even more Globalist and radical leftist government under the Labour Party will quickly extend the kind of ‘teaching’ we don’t want. There will be a greater focus on DEI, both in hiring policies and in propaganda supplied as teaching. There will be more lessons (usually under the cover of anti-bullying) on the value of diversity, the need for equity, the dangers of climate change, the need for radical solutions and rapid transformation. There will be more school days devoted to ‘understanding other cultures’, with more five year olds able to tell you things about Nigeria they don’t know about England. There will be CRT in all our schools. The LGBTQ+ agenda will be more obviously applied to more innocent age groups, not just in sex education but across the curriculum.
The educational reaction to our younger generations and to our Muslim immigrant communities backing the disgusting atrocities of Hamas will be even more school based teaching of the ‘peace loving’ nature of Islam, together with even more circumspection regarding ever offending Islamic parents and even more instruction that Islamophobia is a problem (rather than the barbarous nature of Islam).
And it won’t stop there. The Conservative failure to fight the culture war has already seen both pure Globalist and radical leftist literature aimed at children being commonplace in UK schools. In the US responses to this sort of material in America, real attempts to save children from vile indoctrination, have been demonized as book banning and book burning (rather than the reality, protecting children from inappropriate materials). A Labour victory in the UK, like a Democrat victory in the US, sees these educational agendas advance faster than they do even under the most complacent Conservative or Republican administrations.
Home schooling of course provides an opportunity for parents to reclaim power over what they care about most, their children and their children’s future. The family unit is the building block of a sane society, and another thing to destroy if you have Globalist ambitions to control everything or Marxist ambitions to destroy everything (the difference between control and destroy in some ways serves as a good distinction between the two, until we realize that the Marxist tries to control everything so that it can be destroyed, while the Globalist tries to destroy everything that is between him and total control…leading to both doing the same things anyway).
Interestingly, then, the COVID era boost of home schooling might be a Globalist error, an own goal where the totalitarian approach they showed in schools (masking kids before refusing them an education) pushed parents towards helping their children escape the indoctrination facilities altogether. But our awareness of the use of home schooling as a means of ensuring our liberty and that our ideas survive in the next generation has to be cautioned by an awareness of what tech allows our Globalist masters to do in society at large.
If home schooling is an escape that circumvents control and indoctrination and wins the next generation, our children, their mental freedom, we can expect to see home schooling banned altogether and classified as a crime, as it already is in several supposedly ‘liberal’ and ‘free’ nations. At the moment in the US the response to the home schooling surge is more subtle. Globalists are offering home schooling parents more and more ‘assistance’-which means on the surface level access to schools based materials, shared online teaching resources, printed material supplied by schools or government.
On the deeper level, of course, this is a calculated response, perhaps learning from negative reactions to the heavy-handed totalitarianism of the lockdown era. This assistance will ‘help’ parents escaping the school system…via the school system following them home. Physical presence is not required so long as the kids are still learning from the same teaching materials (and devouring, in all of them, Globalist attitudes to mass immigration, energy sources, climate change, gender, Islam etc etc).
If the lockdown surge in homeschooling was a Globalist blunder, we can be sure of one thing: just as they are planning ways to increase indoctrination in State schools, they are also planning ways to reach your children with their mandatory lessons whether that’s in a State building or your own home.
Taking on the parental responsibility of voicing a better way directly to your kids, and giving them material that isn’t pushing Globalist lines but rather long established and better principles of your own, grows more vital the worse society gets, rather than less vital.
One of my sons has two autistic kids. Both very functional in reality. But they are home schooled as the state system is a disaster for such.
My four kids (with my ex) all in their forties now, spent much of their education at Steiner schools. We lived in Oxford; the primary schools were fine, but as soon as we looked that the middle schools (still used then in Oxford), and knowing quite a lot about Steiner schools, we upped sticks and bolted to Bristol, where the first non straight fee paying Steiner school had been running for some years. The first inner city one as well.
We sent them there as the model of child development that Steiner described was how we saw it, and diametrically opposed to orthodox education (even more so now). No regrets at all. The core of this mode of education is to produce "free and responsible adults"
None went to Uni on leaving school (one a mature student later at 28, Royal Academy of Music). All gainfully employed in no time at all, self-supporting at 21 with no debts.
Worth a crack. There's MUCH more home schooling going on now, and lots of supportive organisations.
No way I'd send my kids to a state school were I a new parent...
I agree. I home schooled my two kids back in the 1990s. One of my grandchildren is currently home schooled with another two expected to follow before they go to senior school. The remaining one says he doesn't believe a word the teachers tell him so we do not need to worry. It is very important that parents and grandparents are awake to what is being taught in schools today across the UK. If you start to dig it will shock you. I was very concerned when I found out critical race theory being taught in the local junior school so I wrote to my MP about it. My email spelled out what children are being taught and is on the 'Don't Divide Us' website:
They are organisaton worth supporting.