One of the most basic means of distinguishing between moral and immoral warfare doesn’t actually work when dealing with tribal savages or terrorist cultures.
I have never come across anyone who writes about history and politics with such clear vision as you. Absolutely stupendous article. Half my family come from Northern Ireland and I know for a fact that the Troubles were a cover for general criminality and gangsterism, dressed up as sectarian violence. As for Irish nationalism - yes, that's looking pretty feeble now in the face of the ongoing third world takeover of the Republic. And 'Palestinians' - they are the gypsies of the Middle East - no Arab country wants them, and whose supposed genocide has resulted in the population quadrupling and more. They do not want peace, this is not a territorial dispute, it is an insane death cult focussed on destroying Israel and nothing else. They will not be satisfied by any concession of land, nor made peaceful by some agreement, because eradicating Israel is their raison d'être and the only thing that matters to them.
Thanks Bettina. Yes, the IRA robbed banks, dealt drugs, supposedly for the struggle but really because, deep down, that’s what they would have been doing anyway. And I totally agree with your description of the Palestinians.
There were so-called proddy extortion rackets too - my mother's cousin ('Protestant') had his pub set on fire by 'Protestants' when he refused to pay protection money to them.
Thank you for the history lesson re Ireland. Also, your description of terrorism, Hamas/Palestinians in particular, is beautifully sober, cogent. If a reader still doesn't get it, your well-written post is not to blame.
Ayn Rand asks “Why do we kill tigers in the jungle?” She answers: “Because there is no other way of dealing with them.” The same is true of those who enjoy inflicting pain and death.
I learned everything I need to know about these monsters the day after 9/11 when they celebrated in the streets over the deaths of thousands of Americans.
Peace is possible, but only after this evil culture of death has been brutally defeated and thoroughly demoralized in the same way a fanatical and imperialist Japan was at the end of WWII. The defeated Japanese called the atom bombs “Gifts from Heaven” for exposing the lies of their leaders. The Palestinians require similar gifts, possibly in the form of MOAB’s dropped on their population.
Sounds cruel? Not if a lasting peace is the objective.
It’s funny how the people always claiming that it’s 1939 have no understanding at all of 1945. Nazism was pretty much eradicated. Japanese imperialism was eradicated. How? By the depth, completeness and severity of the defeat.
The best analysis of entrenched terrorism I've read, as it probes right down to the core of these two insatiable groups.
- "a civilised man need not be a weak victim..." - No, but the vast majority in the civilised world are scared to death not of appearing weak but hard-hearted and uncaring. Islamic terrorists have perfected the art of appealing to western softness and humanity whilst destroying it in their own societies.
And thanks, Bettina, to pointing here to Jupp from elsewhere.
The only cure is educating 100% of their children in Truth, Ethics, and Morality, although they would argue that is what they are already doing. The parents must be watched and suspected until the day they die.
People in Gaza who vote against Hamas are shot, people who complained about Hamas are shot. Everyone with an IQ over 85 that wasn’t Hamas escaped when the war started. The only people in Gaza is Hamas.They should send them to Ukraine since they like war. There’s no way to break that kind of indoctrination
I have never come across anyone who writes about history and politics with such clear vision as you. Absolutely stupendous article. Half my family come from Northern Ireland and I know for a fact that the Troubles were a cover for general criminality and gangsterism, dressed up as sectarian violence. As for Irish nationalism - yes, that's looking pretty feeble now in the face of the ongoing third world takeover of the Republic. And 'Palestinians' - they are the gypsies of the Middle East - no Arab country wants them, and whose supposed genocide has resulted in the population quadrupling and more. They do not want peace, this is not a territorial dispute, it is an insane death cult focussed on destroying Israel and nothing else. They will not be satisfied by any concession of land, nor made peaceful by some agreement, because eradicating Israel is their raison d'être and the only thing that matters to them.
Thanks Bettina. Yes, the IRA robbed banks, dealt drugs, supposedly for the struggle but really because, deep down, that’s what they would have been doing anyway. And I totally agree with your description of the Palestinians.
There were so-called proddy extortion rackets too - my mother's cousin ('Protestant') had his pub set on fire by 'Protestants' when he refused to pay protection money to them.
Thank you for the history lesson re Ireland. Also, your description of terrorism, Hamas/Palestinians in particular, is beautifully sober, cogent. If a reader still doesn't get it, your well-written post is not to blame.
Thanks Jim. 😀
Ayn Rand asks “Why do we kill tigers in the jungle?” She answers: “Because there is no other way of dealing with them.” The same is true of those who enjoy inflicting pain and death.
I learned everything I need to know about these monsters the day after 9/11 when they celebrated in the streets over the deaths of thousands of Americans.
Peace is possible, but only after this evil culture of death has been brutally defeated and thoroughly demoralized in the same way a fanatical and imperialist Japan was at the end of WWII. The defeated Japanese called the atom bombs “Gifts from Heaven” for exposing the lies of their leaders. The Palestinians require similar gifts, possibly in the form of MOAB’s dropped on their population.
Sounds cruel? Not if a lasting peace is the objective.
It’s funny how the people always claiming that it’s 1939 have no understanding at all of 1945. Nazism was pretty much eradicated. Japanese imperialism was eradicated. How? By the depth, completeness and severity of the defeat.
The best analysis of entrenched terrorism I've read, as it probes right down to the core of these two insatiable groups.
- "a civilised man need not be a weak victim..." - No, but the vast majority in the civilised world are scared to death not of appearing weak but hard-hearted and uncaring. Islamic terrorists have perfected the art of appealing to western softness and humanity whilst destroying it in their own societies.
Thanks Alexei. And yes savages and terrorists know how to play on western softness and gullibility.
And thanks, Bettina, to pointing here to Jupp from elsewhere.
The only cure is educating 100% of their children in Truth, Ethics, and Morality, although they would argue that is what they are already doing. The parents must be watched and suspected until the day they die.
Absolutely spot on, Daniel. That so many now seem to support terrorist movements (never mind the BBC), would suggest we are in a terrible state.
People in Gaza who vote against Hamas are shot, people who complained about Hamas are shot. Everyone with an IQ over 85 that wasn’t Hamas escaped when the war started. The only people in Gaza is Hamas.They should send them to Ukraine since they like war. There’s no way to break that kind of indoctrination