Irish Terrorism and Palestinian Terrorism
One of the most basic means of distinguishing between moral and immoral warfare doesn’t actually work when dealing with tribal savages or terrorist cultures.
In the aftermath of the confirmation of the fate of the Bibas family, which included the brutal murders of a kidnapped four year old (Ariel), a kidnapped nine month old baby (Kfir), and their mother (Shiri), I want to talk about one of the civilised rules of warfare that distinguish legitimate nation states from terrorist groups.
That distinction of course is that modern nation states, the western ones that is, at least claim to wish to prevent civilian casualties. They make a distinction between enemy combatants and non fighting civilians, with at least some effort towards minimising civilian casualties.
Terrorist forces, by contrast, prioritise harm to civilians. It’s not even that they don’t care if women, children, and elderly or infirm non combatants are killed. The logic of terrorism is that these people, the most innocent and the most defenceless, are the terrorists primary targets. In an asymmetrical conflict with superior forces, the terrorist aims specifically away from military targets and towards civilian ones. The civilians are the less dangerous opponents, the most vulnerable targets, and the aims of terror are served by focusing on civilians. Not only are these targets easier to kill, making up for terrorists limited resources and training compared to conventional forces, but they are also targets whose suffering demoralises the enemy. Or at least that’s the terrorists alleged justification for it.
In reality of course it’s as much about the terrorist being a disgusting animal who enjoys hurting the most vulnerable as it is about any attempt to change the policy of a targeted nation by terror. Terrorists are motivated by hate, and it’s a hate that doesn’t differentiate between soldier and civilian, adult and child, guilt and innocence. For the terrorist everyone else is a legitimate target. The reason the terrorist focuses on harming civilians and killing women and children would be vile enough if it was a cold calculation that this will force the opposing side to give the terrorist what he wants. But this is not really his motivation at all.
The great unacknowledged irony of terrorism is that the cause which the terrorist declares isn’t really what he cares about. The most fanatical terrorists are never really motivated by the thing they claim to support, except perhaps in the cases where they declare that they are killing in the name of Islam. In that instance alone, they are sincere, since there is a very clear set of instructions in Islam telling them that jihad is their duty and that the enslavement, murder and sexual exploitation of non Muslims is something to be proud of. It’s helpful of course that these instructions coincide with their vilest urges.
Even there, though, the declared cause can sometimes simply be a cover for what the terrorist actually wants. Let’s take two notable examples of terrorism and the declared aims which the terrorist states justify his targeting of civilians. Let’s look at Irish Nationalism and the IRA, and then at Palestinian Nationalism and Hamas.
First, the IRA. Now the formation of the IRA, the stated purpose, was to throw off British rule, end British imperial control and create a free and independent Irish State. Because the IRA claimed to be an Irish Nationalist movement. The name of the political wing of the IRA, Sinn Fein, literally means ‘Ourselves’ or ‘We Ourselves’, but is widely understood to mean ‘Ourselves Alone’. Modern and pro Irish Nationalist comment claims that the addition of ‘Alone’ is an English invention designed to make Irish Nationalism look insular and exclusive, which is a curious language sensitivity regarding the appearance of things from those perfectly happy to bomb children in the town square. But Irish Nationalists themselves were perfectly happy to see Ourselves Alone as the core of their philosophy.
In 1845, for instance, the Irish Nationalist newspaper of the Young Irelanders, The Nation, published a series of poems which included one written by ‘Sliabh Cuilinn’ (John O’Hagan) which made very clear that the Alone part of Irish Nationslism was sincerely meant-the kind of thinking that led to the IRA was virulently and unashamedly xenophobic in the truest sense (rather then a mere leftist insult). It wasn’t just about rejecting rule from London. It was about a deep, tribal detestation of anyone other than the Irish Nationalists, which must logically include non Irish Nationalist women and children:
“Too long our Irish hearts we schooled
In patient hopes to bide,
By dreams of English justice fooled
And English tongues that lied.
That hour of weak delusion's past—
The empty dream has flown :
Our hope and strength, we find at last,
The people to be despised are the entire English, with no gradation of guilt between government and people, soldier and civilian, Crown and commoner, male and female, or adult and child. The only people to be viewed AS people are other Irish Nationalists, truly, Ourselves Alone.
Now one would think thar this attitude is the quintessence of nationalism, because that’s what it calls itself. One might even think that IRA tribal hatred of the English is an example of the dangers of nationalism.
But actually it wasn’t real. It was the claimed aim, the claimed fanaticism , the cover for something else.
In 1921 the Irish were effectively freed from British rule by the Anglo-Irish Treaty. This really is the origin point of modern Ireland. It had self determination from that treaty. It had cast off the English yoke. It had achieved the original declared aim. A free Irish nation ruling itself with no real English presence. Dominion status was no more onerous on Ireland than it was on Canada, a transitional fiction on the road to total sovereignty. While it’s true that all British influence was not ended until 1931 and the change in dominion status via the Statute of Westminster, really 1921 showed exactly where the process was going.
England had far, far less control of Ireland than the EU has today.
What did Irish Nationalists do in response, though? They kept fighting and went straight into a Civil War. The Irish Free State did not emerge until 1923. The nation that had only just been formed by terrorists entered another cycle of terrorism against each other. That’s a curious reaction to achieving the dream you were supposed to love and want above anything else, if you think about it.
But of course the possibility of peace and the creation of an Irish State came with the acceptance that a Protestant majority in the North desired to remain British. So even when the internal terrorist on terrorist civil war was done, there sat Northern Ireland taunting the Irish with a continued sliver of British presence on the same island as them. Even when 1931 removed the very last vestiges of British influence and even when the new nation has already had a former IRA terrorist in charge the idea that more was needed still persisted. Again, the excuse was that Irishness without a trace of British influence must cover the whole island.
Only the Irish and with no such thing as the Northern Irish.
From 1945 onwards the British Empire unravelled itself. So another Irish Nationalist founding claim became irrelevant. The British were no longer expansive imperialists. They had no designs to retake the rest of Ireland, and the term imperialist was itself redundant, an anachronism in the modern world. But Irish Nationalism and the IRA did not stop talking about British imperialism. If anything they talked about it all the more when it didn’t exist.
They had their own nation, but it wasn’t enough. Nobody in England wanted to rule them, but it wasn’t enough. The people who wanted to stay British wanted that from their own free choice and were the clear democratic majority in Northern Ireland, but that wasn’t enough to prevent terrorism in the name of the minority of Irish Catholics in the North who wanted to unite with Ireland.
By the time of the modern Troubles it was relatively easy to pursue a desire for the unification of Ireland peacefully, but that wasn’t enough. Certainly without the Irish themselves electing to still support terrorist groups, the pursuit of unification with Ireland would have faced a British response likely to treat Irish Nationalism like Scottish Nationalism, allowing referendums on the issue.
Demographic trends favoured a likely eventual Catholic majority even in the North, with unification being obtainable by vote at that point, and it wasn’t enough.
Terrorists aren’t good at waiting an extra day for a peaceful solution, let alone a few years more.
By the start of the modern Troubles English forces actually arrived in response to Catholic calls for protection from Protestants, with a genuine desire to protect all sides and minimise casualties on all sides by preventing disturbances and terrorism. The English were not controlling an Empire there to conquer. British forces were trying simply to prevent Protestant terrorist groups killing Catholics, and Catholic terrorist groups killing Protestants. And it wasn’t enough.
Why wasn’t it ever enough? Why wasn’t the Irish State ruling itself up to the counties that wanted to be British, enough?
Why wasn’t the death and irrelevance of the British Empire enough?
Was it really because their nationalism was so extreme it could never be satisfied….or was it rather that the nationalist cause was an excuse and cover for a particular type of person defined not by nationalism….but by sadism?
The cause gives the terrorist the excuse to indulge in behaviour that, without that alleged cause, no sane person would endorse and no civilised country accepts. The terrorist can feel powerful by killing people. He can indulge the most bestial instincts he has. He can rape the women of the enemy. He can demand money with threats of violence. He can extort his own community. He can have status and terrified ‘respect’ he could not earn any other way. He is a somebody rather than a nobody. People are afraid of him, and he enjoys that feeling. If he likes hurting people and gets a power thrill or a sexual thrill from it, being a terrorist is an orgy of pleasant sensations for him. It’s the ultimate career choice for a sadomasochist or a narcissist with sadistic leanings in which the vilest excesses of self indulgent evil are transfigured into brave acts of rebellion.
Terrorism offers ultimate power to ultimate losers. And it tells evil people that indulging their evil makes them good. And it lets them savage their own people while claiming to be good, too…..
Irish ‘nationalist’ terrorists continued to be terrorists regardless of their original declared aims being met, regardless of peaceful routes to success, and regardless of political and demographic changes going their way….because they enjoyed being terrorists. This is really why the cause never dies unless it is killed.
Because the cause becomes nothing more than an excuse for the sadism and power. An addicted sadist will latch onto any excuse to ‘keep fighting for….’. You can insert any cause in that gap, and for a hardcore of evil bastards addicted to the sensation of life and death power over others, they will invent a new reason to keep killing whenever old demands are met.
In case you still mistakenly think the existence of Northern Ireland was the cause of continuing Irish Nationalist terrorism, or you still mistakenly think British or English presence as a neighbour was the cause, or you still think the IRA and Sinn Fein are the natural end result of nationalism….look at what supposed ‘Irish Nationalists’ support today.
Sinn Fein are possibly the strongest supports of the demographic replacement of the Irish in Ireland that there is. The IRA have nothing to say about mass immigration to Ireland, except to support it. Irish Nationalists who supported bombing children justified by ‘Ourselves Alone’ have invited the whole of the Third World into Ireland. The Irish, as an ethnic majority in Ireland, are threatened by Globalists and by mass immigration in ways the British Empire and the English never threatened them.
And the party of the IRA is all in favour of it.
Do they care that they are ruled from Brussels, even further away from them than London? Not at all. They are strong supporters of the EU.
Do they care that Irish children are now abused in school by imported savages? Not at all. They call anyone noticing that racist.
Do they care that Irish money is going to foreigners and strangers, or that Irish streets are more dangerous, or that their own people are becoming outnumbered and oppressed within Ireland by millions of imported Third World criminals, bullies, thugs, fighting age men, rapists and Iron Age throwbacks?
Of course not.
So in what sense was their alleged nationalism EVER real? Because a nationalist should be the strongest opponent of his country being flooded with a tidal wave of dangerous asylum seekers, refugees, migrants, and imported aliens who do not share Irish culture, language, values, religion, identity or ethnicity.
They weren’t in love with Ireland and the Irish people. They were in love with the idea of total power over Ireland and the Irish people. They were in love with being terrorists….and where they stop being terrorists, they become Globalists. Look at the things I say terrorism offers to the sadistic terrorist. Doesn’t it remind you of Globalist treatment of their own populations?
Because in many ways being a Globalist politician is a lot like being a terrorist. You get to indulge your dark urges. You get to destroy everything. You get a psychosexual thrill from evil actions with noble excuses. The opportunity for a wider scale of devastation and evil compensates for the slightly less visceral thrill of the thing. You press the detonator from an office, perhaps.
When a nation or a ‘denied nation’ indulges in terrorism over a sustained period, it provides a means by which the entire culture becomes twisted to normalise sadism and vileness. To some extent this is what happened in Ireland and why Ireland has the feature of being the country that supported Nazism and has always supported their terrorist friends and soulmates, the Palestinians. It took a nation founded by terrorism and still excusing terrorism to be constant friends with the Palestinians.
Ireland, though, does not have so great a problem as the imaginary Palestine. There are real Irish nationalists who are capable of both opposing the mass flooding of their nation (the way Sinn Fein would if their nationalism was real) and consigning anti English and anti Brirish hatred to the past. These sensible Irish nationalists are at least in vocal terms often drowned out by either Irish progressive Globalists or Irish Brit haters and terrorism lovers across the Left. But they do exist.
With Palestinians we come back to the issue of civilian and non civilian in a different way. A way that requires us to be honest about what the Palestinians are.
The Palestinians are a collection of people from Egypt, Syria and Jordan of Arab ethnicity and fundamentalist Islamic religion. Many of them have Arab names which indicate origins outside of present day Israel. They are distinct from the integrated Israeli Arabs who accept the existence of Israel. They are not wanted by the Egyptians or the Syrians or the Jordanians. That is essentially because whenever they have been welcomed elsewhere they have continued to be terrorists and cause chaos and bloodshed, most notably the PLO’s part in the destruction of Lebanon. Most surrounding Arab nations are far more restrictive towards the Palestinians than Israel is, a fact ignored by western supporters and mainstream media.
But the key point is that for over 80 years the Palestinians have been a people defined and led by terrorists. While it’s true that Jewish groups engaged in terrorism against British forces and rival Arab forces in the Mandate period leading up to UN recognition of the state of Israel, the accomplishment of a Jewish state largely satisfied the demands of these groups. Whilst most Mandate territory went to Arab countries, Jewish Israeli efforts since have been focused on the survival of the very small territory it was assigned in 1947. Expansion has come as the result of Arab neighbouring nations attempting and failing to destroy Israel, or based on Hamas and similar groups using territory handed to them to launch attacks on Israel, of which Oct 7th is only the most horrific and recent large scale example.
Israel has always had people arguing internally about how best to deal with the Palestinians. It’s always had voices of restraint and peace. It’s attempted peace deals on innumerable occasions, and ceasefires that are invariably broken by the Palestinians. It’s given back territory it has occupied on multiple occasions. Gaza, at the time of Oct 7th, was free from all Israeli forces and control. Palestinians quite literally have to go looking for Israeli civilians and military to kill inside Israel because Israel is not an imperial power. Multiple Israeli governments would have accepted two state solutions and have even removed Israeli settlers from disputed areas.
The Palestinians have had the chance to build a successful nation since 1947. The UK backed such a deal, the US did, the Europeans did, and even the Israelis did. But, as we mentioned with the IRA, it was never enough. There was never a deal good enough to satisfy Palestinian demands. When the Clinton administration, which was full of self righteous progressives very much on the Palestinian side, negotiated with Arafat they were presented with a list of Palestinian demands. Incredibly, the Israeli government of the day was prepared to meet every one of the initial demands. Clinton went back triumphantly to Arafat and thought they had a deal.
Arafat walked out of the negotiations.
The Palestinian people follow the logic of terrorism, no matter how destructive. If a demand is met, make a new demand. There are no civilians on the other side. Keep killing their children. If they respond, even following rules of engagement and trying to avoid civilian casualties, pretend that they are the ones using terror and targeting civilians. Use your own civilians as human shields. Exult in the deaths of your own civilians, because that wins a propaganda victory. Palestinians want other Palestinians to die, so that these deaths can be used for propaganda.
From the river to the sea….the demand has to be beyond what the other side can offer. The demand has to be the complete annihilation of the other side…because that is the demand that allows the terrorism to continue. It is not that the demand is just. It’s clearly both genocidal and impossible for the Israelis to accept. It is not that the demand is something the terrorist hopes to actually get as a concession.
It is that the impossible genocidal demand can never be fulfilled and therefore the terrorist gets to keep being a terrorist. Something that terrorists share with bureaucracies is this-the original cause is never enough. What matters becomes the cause that lets the terrorist or the bureaucrat continue to be what they enjoy being. What matters is that the status and power and unaccountable life and death authority is retained, so the terrorist like the bureaucrat fears the end of his excuse.
If the aim was ever both sane and realised, their reason to exist disappears. So the aim must be both insane and impossible.
In the case of the Palestinians, this has been going on for 80 years. Palestinian schools are terrorist training schools run by terrorists. Palestinian hospitals are terrorist training hospitals run by terrorists. Palestinian children are raised by parents, from birth, with terrorist values and ideas and training. The Palestinian father is a terrorist, and the Palestinian mother takes pride in birthing future terrorists. Every bit of information Palestinians receive is delivered to them and shaped for them by terrorists. Their police are terrorists. Their doctors are terrorists. Their children are being raised as terrorists.
The western world is fundamentally dishonest on what this means, what 80 years of this does to a people. We are fundamentally dishonest in supposing that those shaped by terrorist leaders over 8 decades come out the other end of that the same as you or I. Westerners who think Palestinians want peace, or that Palestinians oppose the terrorist groups that rule them, or that you can be indoctrinated with genocidal lessons for 80 years and come out the other end as a reasonable party someone else can negotiate with, are fools.
Let us be fully honest, and not for reasons of innate hatred that make me the same as those who hate me. I have no innate reason to hate Palestinians or defend Israel or detest Islam. All of my positions are based on the actions of those I observe. If Islam wasn’t sponsoring terrorism all over the world and hadn’t killed 250 million people at least through 14 centuries of conquest and pathological violence I’d have a better respect for Islam. If it wasn’t responsible for the 20 largest terrorist organisations on Earth and wasn’t still creating monsters and still raping children and still beheading or blowing up innocents I would view it as I view Buddhism or Sikhism or Hinduism or Christianity.
But it is doing all those things.
The Palestinians have been guided, shaped, led, taught by three despicable things. First, by Islam itself, which always provides excuses for Islamic maniacs and Islamic atrocities. Second, by Marxist sponsors from the KGB onwards, which always provide a victim narrative which ‘justifies’ obscene evils. And third, by being the captured population of terrorist proto-states, suckling on terrorist logic and terrorist hate from birth to death.
Anyone who thinks the Palestinians as a whole can be psychologically sound or be making reasonable claims they will reasonably negotiate has no understanding of culture formation, human psychology or propaganda at all. This is the most heavily brainwashed and controlled population on Earth, even moreso than China or any regime elsewhere, and that psychological formation, identity crafting and brainwashing has been conducted by savage terrorists.
This has terrible implications for all sides. Because you aren’t dealing just with terrorists. You are dealing with a population of terrorists. Most Palestinians are now engrained on the terrorist psychological template. They aren’t breaking that conditioning unless they are incredibly, naturally strong willed independent thinkers (like the Green Prince). The Hamas Oct 7th attacks could only occur because Palestinian ‘civilians’ support Hamas. Supposed civilians gathered the data. What does this mean?
It means that day after day, week after week, Palestinian civilians visited the places that were attacked. They spoke to the families there. They took jobs with them, they worked alongside them. They smiled and they interacted. They learnt the names and routines of the parents, the fathers, the mothers, the grandmothers, the children. Even the pets. They learnt the routines, and they did it smiling and waving and nodding and picking up payments from the families that would die.
And they handed that all over to Hamas. Knowing or at least suspecting what that meant.
Similarly, when the attacks occurred, it’s now estimated that perhaps the majority of the participants were not the initial Hamas murderers and torturers formally affiliated to the plan, although there were many of those. ‘Ordinary’ Palestinian civilians followed and participated. That means that they too were torturers, murderers and rapists. They too raised red hands at the window, metaphorically speaking.
When hostages were freed, they were freed from terrorist tunnels and UN compounds. But they had also been held in civilian homes.
When Oct 7th happened, Palestinian civilians danced in the street, as they have for every atrocity. Ordinary Palestinian civilians celebrated online, praising the glorious day while babies were being kidnapped with terrified mothers, later to be murdered, and while screaming girls were being gang raped to death by laughing savages.
Of course, it’s not just Palestinians who have become filthy blood crazed savages. Many westerners, instructed for 80 years by Marxists too, have as well.
But such a psychological reality, such a culture of savagery and barbarism, can’t be treated as a civilised population is treated, it’s impossible. It goes nowhere. The grim irony is that the only way to defend civilisation from savages is to be savage towards savages, whether our own or those from elsewhere. Mercy is seen as weakness to be exploited. Universal human rights become a tool to allow them to murder you without you being allowed to even complain.
We don’t need to sink into barbarism ourselves. We don’t need to exult in and worship death instead of life. We don’t need to be torturers or to target children. But we do need to be honest about what it takes to defeat savages who have, through long terrorist indoctrination, become incapable of living in the world of peace. We have to be honest and see Palestinians for what they are-arguably the most brutal, backwards, ideology distorted gleeful savages on the planet.
How on Earth, then, other than children, are we to find a genuine Palestinian civilian, a genuine non combatant who has no terrorist ideology and no terrorist desires? How can we keep excusing the civilians who cheer the murders and the rapes and the tortures as if these civilians are not complicit in it all and dangerous to us?
If we aren’t honest about that, if we refuse to even ask the question, we become victims. If we aren’t honest about that, we insult existing victims. A genuinely evil ideology, especially a terrorist one, can never be partially defeated, it is totally defeated and erased, or it rests, rebuilds, and does the same. The whole history of Israel and Palestinian terrorism shows this.
The same rules do not apply to savages and terrorists as apply to innocents and civilised peoples, because the savage and the terrorist alike have already placed themselves outside the comfort of reasonable limits. As soon as they target our children, and terrorists by definition target our children FIRST, we owe them less than we owe a man. Our highest virtues and kindest instincts, our empathy, our decency, our rules and our restraint, belong to those like ourselves capable of understanding them.
What stays the hand of the civilised man is himself, his own desire not to be a bestial thing submitting to base urges and maniacal destruction. This conscience and consciousness does not exist in those trained by terrorists and Marxists. What is remarkable for me about Israel is how much the most provoked nation on Earth, a nation that set aside terrorism itself and thereafter pursued peace, repeatedly stays its hand.
But the hand cannot be stayed forever. It must fall when the savage and the terrorist strikes, and it must fall resoundingly, so that the lesson is learned that a civilised man need not be a weak victim. The West used to get the balance there right, but now we quite obviously do not.
I have never come across anyone who writes about history and politics with such clear vision as you. Absolutely stupendous article. Half my family come from Northern Ireland and I know for a fact that the Troubles were a cover for general criminality and gangsterism, dressed up as sectarian violence. As for Irish nationalism - yes, that's looking pretty feeble now in the face of the ongoing third world takeover of the Republic. And 'Palestinians' - they are the gypsies of the Middle East - no Arab country wants them, and whose supposed genocide has resulted in the population quadrupling and more. They do not want peace, this is not a territorial dispute, it is an insane death cult focussed on destroying Israel and nothing else. They will not be satisfied by any concession of land, nor made peaceful by some agreement, because eradicating Israel is their raison d'être and the only thing that matters to them.
Thank you for the history lesson re Ireland. Also, your description of terrorism, Hamas/Palestinians in particular, is beautifully sober, cogent. If a reader still doesn't get it, your well-written post is not to blame.