Sep 13Liked by Jupplandia

💯This conflict must be stopped as we are escalating to WW III

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I totally agree. The escalation from our side is madness.

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Sep 13Liked by Jupplandia

Putin has already said that the missiles that will be used can only be flown by NATO handlers. That means UK and USA are striking Russia directly. Medvedev calls for the sinking of UK into the sea. Putin says a response will be appropriate. Our stupid politicians and the insanity of Arms manufacturers might well see A strong Russian attack on Europe. We have vulnerable pipelines and cables. A Russian attack on Downing Street , Whitehall and the Houses of Parliament might wake up the idiot politicians.

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Yes, Brirish people having had no say in the actions of our government will suffer. The Russians will surely find some way of striking back.

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We can only hope that Putin realizes the British people do not want this but the Government is the problem

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Sep 13Liked by Jupplandia

Agreed, John. And have a good birthday ! xx

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Sep 13Liked by Jupplandia

Bullseye 👏🏻

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I find it amazing, there have been many more civilians killed in this war but yet Israel is villainised for fighting a war against terror and its survival.

Heir Starmer gives millions in aid to Ukraine and supplies weapons of destruction against Russia.

I am not getting into what the criminal Biden administration is doing to keep the pot boiling.

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Yes. And while they claim the moral high ground despite the obvious evil of siding with Hamas, they find no such necessity elsewhere. Tibets been under Chinese conquest a whole lifetime-where’s the outrage? If Muslims have to be supported and protected, why no concern about the Uighur in Chinese concentration camps? If invasion and borders matter, why do our borders not matter? If we have a moral duty to punish Russia, why didn’t we have a moral duty during the Rwandan massacre? Or during African wars?

It’s all bullshit. They have no morality and it’s all about which things benefit them.

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Gosh but I agree with every word!

It's like the western leaders seriously believe they are in a Hollywood movie.

So frigging scary (even more than back in the day when I believe Ronald Reagan would press the button or when my husband had lessons in Peru on hiding under the desk at school if the siren was heard). Just so scary because these leaders are inadequate fantasists. The only hope is that Putin isn't a fantasist at all.

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Yes, the world as we know it essentially hangs on Putin being saner than our lot.

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Sep 13Liked by Jupplandia

My sentiments exactly, expertly stated, as always, Daniel!

I was just talking to someone about how much more measured than our "leaders" and less eager to escalate Putin has appeared. It is truly frightening to observe how little regard our puppeteers have for the peons and for the planet when weighed up against money and power. It is getting more and more difficult to believe that it's incompetence driving them. I guess many of them have underground bunkers in their palatial mansions...

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Thanks Olia. Yes, he sounds more reasonable because, despite being an effective dictator, he is more reasonable. Which shows just how mad and bad our lot are.

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Vladimir Putin may be a paranoid autocrat and a failing military strategist but when he talks about people in the West who want to "destroy [its]traditional values and impose their pseudo-values... which would corrode [it] from within" you surely have to ask yourself if does have a point?

Ironically, the people he presumably is talking of really do know how to mount a successful invasion. However you choose to describe them - social justice warriors, virtue signalling liberals or ‘the woke’ - they have achieved a rapid colonisation of every single institution of civil society in America. And all without firing a shot. https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/invasion-of-the-virtue-signallers

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It’s the only thing they are good at, subversion and corruption. For all Putin’s faults, and I have no love of him or Russia, he is simply much more rational and understandable than our leaders.

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Sep 13Liked by Jupplandia

Nail on the head, Daniel, as ever xxx

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Thanks Maggie 😀 xxx

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You sound like you belong on Russia’s front line, to serve and protect the homeland. Ukraine is an independent sovereign nation, Russia invaded. Why? Who provoked the invasion? At the time Russia’s tanks and artillery were lined up on the road to Ukraine, the NATO/Ukraine/US should have sent the strong message, turn around and return to base, or face destruction

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This is an opinion hardly worth replying to. But I will do so. Who disputed that Russia invaded or that Ukraine is a nation? What is in dispute is whether Russia had some legitimate reasons to invade, whether Ukraine is our business in any way, and whether spending trillions propping up a Ukrainian regime which is no better than the Russian one and moving inexorably towards direct war with Russia is sensible.

I have no intention of fighting for Russia or for Ukraine and even less intention of fighting for our psychopathic and hypocritical western leaders. If you wish to fight for Ukraine by all means do so. I’d like people such as yourself to stop spending the resources of my nation on this, though, and to stop risking a nuclear war that would result in my death, the deaths of my innocent children and millions of others who never had a say in this insane spiral of escalation.

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Its a sad day when RT is more trustworthy than the MSM 😩

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We do!

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I’m not buying the official narrative, this ‘conflict’ is way too scripted. Someone desperately wants a geopolitical shifting depopulation war and nothing is as it seems on the surface. Is this Covid 2.0? Perhaps the low level radiation released from a nuclear war is the companion to the binary weapon system designed to finish the job in people who’s immune system has been wrecked by the vax?

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Well there’s a greed and power agenda and there’s a depopulation agenda. Both tend to be held by the same people. They want a global government, a reduced population, and all resources concentrated under their control (Putin being a barrier to this in Russia is why Russia became the Great Enemy again).

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Good writing.

As for the explanation of “benefits”, that was clearly spelled out by Linda Graham the other day: “Ukraine has over $1T worth of natural resources that could be beneficial to us”.

There you have it.

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