It can be painful to listen to Trump’s speaking. He lost some good opportunities to finish off Biden last night. He repeated generalities when he could have cited specifics. And still, as you say, he has greatness.

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Yes, that’s exactly my view. 👍

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He knew he had it won. If he piles on he loses a few. I agree that this was a setup for Joe. The Party will not push back now. They all see the problem. Many foresaw a replacement. The question has always been who and when. The September 10 debate will be the Democrats last stand but it will be with a new Dem candidate. I'm betting that the Trumpster will demure to participate in that one. The Presidency is his to lose now.

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I very much hope you are right regarding his to lose. But I am still concerned about the level of fraud that will be coming or a false flag event or crisis event used for another theft. I agree wing you that Trump has no need to debate a fresh Dem candidate.

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You’ve released a whole quiver of arrows — every one a bullseye.

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Thanks mate. 😀😀

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I am seriously worried now. Effectively replacing Slo-Joe will be difficult - maybe even impossible if Jill wont let him go. And Kamala will not go quietly into that good night. If they can't pull it off, that leads inexorably to the final option - get rid of Trump. There are plenty of Antifa-types available who would be willing to do that deed. I hope the secret service is committed and up to the job of protecting him. I would not put it past the power-hungry to try it.

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Yes the more everything else fails, the closer we get to them using assassination.

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If they put him in prison, even for a night, they will kill him. His VP pick is essential. He can’t go to prison.

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Brilliant, Daniel.

One of your best thoughts contained within your commentary is "His honesty and courage cannot be faulted by anyone truly rational, because it is the blunt honesty that will always be fact checked as a lie and the abiding courage that will always be hated by cowards".

Btw, I'm sharing this installment with my FaKebook friends.

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Thanks Patricia, share away. 😀

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Here is a Historical Account of The Negative Impact of Democrat Party Rule, Dominance and Policy on Black America. https://shorturl.at/52NYx

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Thanks for the link, I’ll have a look. I’m already aware of course that the impact has been devastating.

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Brilliant yet again, Daniel.Ticked every box.

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Thanks Ivor. 😀😀

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Outstanding commentary and analysis! Trump is both sleazy and heroic. An extreme liar and a defiant fighter of evil.

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Thanks but I don’t think Trump is a liar at all. Everything he says is sincere. Usually, his meaning is accurate and in fact very true if fairly interpreted. But he’s inarticulate and sloppy. That leaves room for malign interpretation-for deliberately misreading what he says of taking a metaphorical comment as a literal comment. Trump gets in trouble precisely because he is honest-if he was more of a liar, he’d be far less threatening to mainstream politicians.

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Trump finds it very easy to say things like "My economy was the best economy in history", "My tax cut was the biggest ever," "My opponent did the worst thing ever," etc. Trump's main two promises in 2016 were build the wall and repeal and replace ObamaCare. He never really tried to do either one. (Even tho Ann Coulter forced him to slightly build the wall.) So, yes, Trump is an immense liar.

Philosophy rules the world. We need a pure libertarian in office.

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Trump takes credit for 'the vaccine'...

For example: Trump takes credit for COVID-19 vaccine: 'I hope everyone remembers!' Fox 29 Philadelphia, 11 March 2021: https://www.fox29.com/news/trump-takes-credit-for-covid-19-vaccine-i-hope-everyone-remembers

Why was there a 'vaccine solution' against a disease it was known from the beginning wasn't a serious threat to most people? The WHO admitted this from the beginning - "Most people infected with the virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment." https://www.who.int/health-topics/coronavirus#tab=tab_1

So how on earth did we end up going along with Bill Gates' plan? "In order to stop the pandemic, we need to make the vaccine available to almost every person on the planet." https://www.gatesnotes.com/What-you-need-to-know-about-the-COVID-19-vaccine

Yet it was also acknowledged in the United States that 'COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2' wasn't a major threat...

As discovered by Australian-based substack, Democracy Manifest, in a video of a media event held in the United States on 5 March 2020, during which US 'Military Medical Leaders' discussed "whole of government" efforts for the development of vaccines and other "countermeasures" to "protect the citizens of the world" against COVID-19, which dropped the bombshell moment...

While the media event beat up the COVID-19 'emergency', towards the end, infectious disease expert Nelson Michael let slip: "So I think people should recognise at the end of the day, this still remains a low risk infection to not just our service members but to the American public, and that we are really good as a hospital system, as a medical care system, from both the EMT up to intensive care units, at taking care of these. I’m not minimizing it, I’m just saying that even in the absence of a vaccine." See: https://democracymanifest.substack.com/p/pentagon-presser-5-march-2020

"a low risk infection"?!?!

Why was there a ‘vaccine solution’ to “protect the citizens of the world” from what was

acknowledged to be a “low risk infection…even in the absence of a vaccine”?

The US was instrumental in the COVID debacle, along with the UK and the other Five Eyes Countries - Australia, Canada, and New Zealand - which were crucial to the narrative.

It can't be glossed over that Trump was right in the thick of this with 'Warp Speed' and 'that beautiful shot'.

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It’s something I would change about him. If I was advising him I’d say you have to now say you were lied to and deceived. You have to say that it was an evil, crooked fraud.

Trump won’t do this because of his ego.

But I don’t blame him for the vaccines. They lied to him, they withheld evidence from him, they doctored evidence presented to him. Just as they did with everyone else, but moreso. He had the entire medical Establishment globally badgering him. He had advisors telling him he’d be responsible for millions of deaths.

Trump is the only person in power who backed the vaccines I forgive for it, because he was the one most caught by being surrounded by the architects of the lies. I forgive ordinary people who backed it too, so long as they didn’t demonise refusers.

Trumps instincts were all good-he initially made positive comments about alternative responses like ivermectin. He was mocked massively for that. He always wanted lockdowns ended quickly. He wasn’t keen at all on mandates. all that stuff got the media calling him a mass murderer.

In the end he trusted the experts, and it was his greatest error. I’d like him to admit all that, but it doesn’t wipe out the good he did in other areas.

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We're five years into this debacle Daniel, enough is enough.

Trump can't get away with the ignorance card forever.

He has to come clean on this, big time.

More and more people are waking up to this massive crime, you know how huge it is, and with Gates and co involved.

Trump needs to move over to the right side of this, and pronto.

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I don’t disagree, however everything that happened during COVID is not the only massive crime that’s a threat. There’s also the borders, the Net Zero stuff, the other massive experiments they want like geo engineering, the Ukraine war and push towards WWIII against Russia-Trump is opposed to these and a barrier to these.

I fully believe the mass medical experiment conducted with mRNA is both criminal and murderous to a degree we can barely contemplate, with millions of victims. However there are also other planned and already initiated things as potentially deadly and disastrous and Trump is better placed to resist those than he did the COVID stuff.

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There is a leaked tape between him and RFKjr in which Trump says he is going to uncover all the truths. He knows now. The question is when does he reveal this? Is there any point in him saying this now? With more than 50% of the pop still believing? No. I don’t think there is any strategic value. In Canada our conservative leader talks about shutting down CBC. Our government progressive propaganda state media. I want to scream at him ‘don’t talk about this!’ Get elected. Hire a forensic accountant to uncover half a $B in corruption. Table the report and get the general population on board THEN shut it down. The leader must know the direction his jurisdiction should go. If he is well ahead of the population then he has to lead his workers/voters etc to where they see it too. Then he moves. Otherwise he is a Progressive. Forcing change on those who don’t want it.

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I owned a bar. I felt the setup was less efficient than it could be. I wanted to move the cash register. Which in a bar is like moving your dog’s bowl. Everyone would have freaked. I backwards chained it. I thought ‘if I move the register, then what?’ I worked through the movement that would take place ending up with the lemons had to be moved. So, I walked in one day and said ‘the lemons and limes are too close to the general public I am moving them’. Everyone shrugged. It was lemons. Which then ended up with the backward chain of events…margarita glasses moved. Sale dish moved. Etc etc. leading to the cash register. A week after moving the lemons the bar staff came in and demanded the cash register be moved. I said ‘well lets try it. If you want that we can.’ A week went by and they all said it was way more efficient, drinks were getting out faster etc and they wanted it permanently switched. I said yes. They all said I was the best best ever because I listened to them. You can’t force change on people. In a crisis you can. Otherwise you bring them along to where they see it best. Then you do it. I would bet he is fully on board and angry. But there isn’t any reason to go against what is likely 60% of the population.

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Interesting points there, and i hope you are right.

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Much to your dismay, the truth is that President Trump was lied to and trusted the wrong people. That is a fact and will always stand as a fact.

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If you were Prez knowing what we all assumed then and virtually every major health organization in the world was giving you false statistics are you saying you would have said ‘I don’t believe you’? At the time he warp speeded a vax if I had been him I would have assumed ‘okay whatever, people want a medicine to feel safe, we come out with a new flu vax every year that is useless and a bit harmful but gajillions of people take one every year. We can do the same thing here and get people back working.’ NO ONE could have anticipated there would be an actual genocide by the medical community taking place. No one. I have been off pharma for decades, at least 30 years, and been very cynical about doctors too, and at the depths of my cynicism I never even remotely considered what happened, would have happened.

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I'm not nearly as hard on Trump's speaking style. In a prepared, formal speech he does great. Not to mention that his very lack of smoothness in this format is what Drew voters to him. He's real. Not smooth and uttering crap. Notice that, regardless of the question, he returned the topic every time to the real topics people are worried about; immigration and the economy. He dominated. This is not the Oxford Union, but hammer blows on the Left.

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A fair point, but he didn’t strike any really succinct blows which should have been easy. Some key phrasing can be decided on ahead of time, and it never seems like he thinks about this, relying on his quick wit instead, which is sometimes gold, but often not.

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P.S. he did strike succinct blows.

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He won the debate, by any measure. Big time. Why are we bashing Trump when he's up against people who want to jail him for 700 years, bankrupt him and destroy his company and family? This Monday morning quaterbacking truly puzzles me, and frankly pisses me off.

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I don’t think it’s attacking him to recognise his faults. He’s not a good speaker. He is however the best hope for the Western world. I wish he would prep more or get scriptwriters to improve his speaking, but I wish that because I want people to realise how much good he does and represents. I expect that’s where Jennifer is coming from as well.

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Great article. I agree with so much of it. Trump is all too often inarticulate. He should have had short factual answers for stuff he knew would be thrown at him. For example: "Biden is lying to you about Charlottesville. When I said there were fine people on both sides, I was referring to people who were against tearing down a historic statue. I specifically said 'I am NOT referring to Nazis and skin-heads.' Joe knows that. He's lying to you. Even Snopes, after SEVEN YEARS, admits that I was not referring to Nazis. We cannot tear down our history. George Washington owned slaves -- should we rename the capital? Some crazy imbeciles vandalized a statue of Abe Lincoln -- who was a Republican, by the way."

Also, I was waiting for Trump to say: "Joe, in the 2020 debates, you said your son Hunter never received money from China. He got MILLIONS! And you knew it. And why did the Chinese give Hunter millions? To influence you. To have something to hold over your head." Maybe in the next debate.

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Anytime. Keep writing and I will keep reading.

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This is top notch analysis, Daniel. Exactly my thoughts and instinct from the moment it finished and I saw the MSM all flip the script 180 degrees in precise unison, but you’ve articulated every bit of it so brilliantly, as is your wont…

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