"It was not part of their blood,

It came to them very late,

With long arrears to make good,

When the English began to hate."

(The Beginning by Rudyard Kipling)

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Yes exactly. The trouble is our enemies move very fast in the work of destruction.

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Yes, but they HAVE to move quickly to be successful and maintain the hypnotic state of the masses. We just have to resist early enough and in sufficient numbers to slow them down, and we will wake up and win again.

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Daniel, I really wish you could post on X. People far & wide need to see this.🙂‍↕️

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Thanks Leila. 😀

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When Britain first at Heaven’s command

Arose from out the azure main,

This was the charter of her land,

And guardian angels sung this strain:

Rule, Britannia, rule the waves;

Britons never will be slaves.

- James Thompson 1727

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If only people would act on it.

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Remember remember the Fifth of November. Do most Brits understand and appreciate what has happened in America? What do you think?

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Lots of Brits do, but probably the same amount are brainwashed Trump hating morons.

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People voted for this - not many, but enough. I can only assume it is what they wanted. The next election is our last stand. If we don't get a Reform government to unwind the madness, then the next vote has to be with our feet, otherwise we will be like those Eastern Europeans, trapped on the wrong side, as the Iron Curtain came down. Hope we can claim political asylum in the Land of the Free.

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It’s really only the betrayals of Con Inc and the absurdities of our system that delivered this. I don’t blame the people when only 20% of them voted Labour. But I agree unless we get a Trump style government in soon the country is finished.

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Powerful and, yes, heart-stiringly beautiful in its final paragraphs, Daniel! Thank you.

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Thanks very much. 😀

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A rousing call to patriots to bestir themselves - time will not wait forever.

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If I were a praying person, I would pray unceasingly. May the British reclaim their inheritance.

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The silence of the royal family is deafening.

Brits will have to realize that KC III is just as culpable as Starmer is, and unless the royal family corruption is dealt with head on, things will continue to get worse.

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You guys had your chance…

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When, exactly? Back in 2019 Boris had an opportunity to become a British Trump and lead a populist conservative government for a decade at least but blew it. We the people haven’t had a chance really since Thatcher. Imagine if the Republicans were all Thune types and there had never been a Trump, a Musk or an RFK Jnr. That’s the position Brits are in.

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You just voted that PM’s party in, right? He’s pretty far left, as is Labor…

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Only 20% of people voted Labour. 80% of people either voted for other parties or didn’t vote. And if our system was a PR one Labour would have less than half the MPs they got and Reform would have over 100 MPs. It was an absurd result that can’t really be blamed on the majority of the people. One of the absurdities-a single vote for Labour was 80 times more likely to elect an MP than a single vote for Reform.

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yes, indeed Britain voted for catastrophe, by hook or by crook. It’s true that too many in the country needed this catastrophe to make them uncomfortable enough to wake up ..

The comparison with the USA is that too many needed their catastrophe, which they got under Biden, who they voted for in 2020 by hook or by crook. Now in 2024 the US and Trump and his team and the population are in a much better state to do the job of saving the nation.

Britain’s chance to save itself is coming at the next election.

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