Today sees a protest in London organised by Britain’s farming community. The protest has, before it even takes place, been limited and reduced by the authoritarian hand of the British Police State. Farmers were informed that strict limits would be applied to their protest, and that it would only be allowed to proceed by adhering to firm restrictions on the numbers attending, the route taken, and the activities engaged in.
To some extent of course such restrictions always exist, but in yet another example of the constant two tier policing policy our woke authorities enact, farmers have been hit with a far more severe version than the ones applied to favoured groups and their protests. BLM protests and Islamic pro Palestinian protests were treated to a softly softly approach if not outright support and affiliation from the Metropolitan Police. Farmers, though, see their right to protest squeezed and limited before they even begin to act.
There is no longer even an attempt to pretend that the same rules and standards, the same policing, is applied to different groups.It is just the standard and expected mode of operation now, akin to the grotesque double standard that sees anti immigration comment on Facebook or other social media results in imprisonment, whilst assaulting female police officers results in no arrest or charge if you happen to be a Muslim.
Certain groups profit from it, and certain groups are there to be crushed, all decided according to the metropolitan woke prejudices of the government, the senior police officers, and the corrupt judiciary. These two tier distinctions were first laid bare by BLM riots several years ago, but the message was brutally and bluntly confirmed with extra zeal in response to the so-called Southport Riots.
That message has been if you are white, working class and/or opposed to some favoured globalist policy or group your expressions of discontent will be classified as hate and a ‘Far Right Threat’ with the full force of the State harnessed to imprison you and crush you, whilst if you are from a favoured group you can do whatever you please without legal consequence. During the ‘Southport Riots’ armed Muslim gangs went on the hunt for white victims, beating and seriously injuring multiple people. The police did no more than ask them politely if they could leave their weapons at the mosque while reassuring them that nobody would be arrested. At the same time white people who merely speculated that the Southport killer was a Muslim terrorist (a speculation the authorities KNEW to be true because they had discovered a jihadi training manual and the stockpiled ingredients of ricin) were arrested, charged and put in prison.
In other words telling the truth online as a white person meant prison, whilst vigilantism and thuggery on the streets as a Muslim meant special police protection and negotiation. Presumably a white Muslim convert would provide a sustained period of head scratching as the authorities decided whether to imprison them for being white or help them for being Muslim.
Two tier policing in Britain though is not limited to special favoured group status for black supremacists, leftwing thugs, and Muslims. The British judiciary seem to have an especially keen desire to limit the sentencing of any kind of child abuser or rapist. For some reason, British judges, especially those who became Hanging Judges for online thought-crime offences, have a record of sympathy and forgiveness when instead of offending someone you rape their children. One of the most loathsome aspects of the thought control, thought policing and assault on free speech that now passes for the law in Britain is that at the same time as politically incorrect words can see you banged up, our judges seem extraordinarily reluctant to issue prison sentences when somebody rapes a child or possesses the most grotesque child porn (porn being an overly mild term for digital filth that requires the rape and abuse of children to exist in the first place). This reluctance has applied to Muslim grooming gangs but also to celebrity pedophiles like the BBC presenter Huw Edwards.
In some cases the various strands of two tier policing cohere, forming a thick rope with which all sense of sanity and justice is strangled to death. There are instances for example of families already victimised by the failure to deal with Muslim grooming gangs, families which have experienced child rape and resulting suicide, having OTHER family members arrested for subsequent politically incorrect protest. Few examples of injustice can be more glaring than this, and the only comparable American example that springs to mind is when Ashli Babbit’s mother was arrested for holding a candlelit vigil for her murdered daughter.
In the case of farmers, their woes are thankfully less urgent, thus far, than those of the grooming gang victims who have never received justice or the working class white urban communities who live with the fear of Muslim predation or State persecution at the same time. But in one particular way the new governments war on the countryside is even more devastating than the urban blight and two tier policing by skin colour already witnessed when woke ideology dominates the thinking of the police, the courts and the ruling class.
Essentially, having turned multiple inner city areas into foul, dirty, lawless, immigrant dominated ghettoes of child sexual exploitation and high but condoned criminality, the ‘progressive’ then seeks to advance social collapse, despairing alienation and anarcho-tyrannical governance into the previously unspoilt countryside. The lead up to this assault is prepared with countless articles on how racist the countryside is, and a diet of psychological prepping for the idea that the countryside needs to be radically altered and modernised. Both ‘green’ Net Zero and CRT race based arguments for this are put forward, together with partisan effort to portray all farmers as fabulously wealthy Tories, so that having thoroughly ruined the cities the same ‘progress’ can cover the rest of the land too.
The measure by which the government seeks to destroy the farming community is one calculated to eliminate independent farming while claiming to be about a ‘fairer deal’ for everyone. A new inheritance tax will force farmers to leave the industry and sell their land to corporations to manage or to developers to turn into housing or various disastrous (and expensively subsidised) green energy projects. The character of the British countryside will be irrevocably altered. Families that have preserved a way of life for generations will be driven out of it. Ugly solar farms and wind farms will proliferate, from which Britain will reap the twin harvests of huge subsidies going out of the public budget to malign investors AND a new level of dependence on foreign food imports (likely driving up food costs and inflation and further limiting Britain’s ability to make its own decisions).
All of these impacts are predictable and obvious, all of them are negative for Britain, and all of them are deliberately going to occur. It’s not that the Labour Party don’t know that these effects will come. It’s that they want them to come, because this is exactly the kind of radical change they want and profit from. A radical realignment of the countryside punishing native communities for voting conservatively AND allowing new soulless estates to be built to house an inflowing migrant population? Well, that’s precisely what they want. Government theft of private property, essentially using taxation to evict people from ancestral land? This appeals to EVERYTHING in the make-up of the modern globalist progressive.
Getting food production under centralised control? That’s in the plan.
Punishing native communities and showing them the State is in charge? That’s in the plan.
Massive housing projects? In the plan.
Stolen land you can put your savage hordes on at public expense? In the plan.
Solar farms and wind farms that don’t work? In the plan, and these need massive amounts of land to even appear to be moderately viable as energy sources.
So the assault on farming is textbook BOTH in terms of corporate sponsored corruption and theft, AND in terms of the traditional Marxist aims of the Left.
The former Jerusalem Post journalist and commentator Donna Rachel has provided an excellent description of the true nature of the inheritance tax on farming on her Substack (Labours war on farmers is a war on kulaks). . As she points out, the policy amounts to a Soviet style land collectivisation programme (one is almost tempted to say ‘pogrom’). It’s no mere technical slight increase in a budget. It’s set at levels that farmers simply cannot pay, and it’s set at those levels deliberately. One of the first groups targeted by the Soviets in Russia were the kulaks-that is, small scale independent farmers and that portion of the peasantry that had acquired some land of its own. This tax move towards farmers today is a repeat of the Soviet attack on kulaks.
In both cases, what is hated about these groups (modern independent farmers or Soviet era kulaks) is their self-sufficiency and political independence. Unlike urban populations that can easily be converted into dependent clients of the State (and therefore people whose vote and voice is controlled) having your own land, energy and food makes you a threat to those who want to own and control everything. You are a threat to a corporate version of tyranny as well as to a Marxist version of tyranny. Especially if you have older and other loyalties (like to the land itself, or traditional communities, or even just your own family).
The ideal citizen in the progressive-globalist tyranny has no such ties, and indeed much of their social engineering aims at breaking ‘other loyalties’ and independent resources wherever they can be found. Family, land and freedom are integral to a farming lifestyle, making them perfect targets for destruction and assimilation even without the land itself being a resource urgently needed for housing migrants and planting solar farms.
Rachel Reeves, the Labour Chancellor responsible for the attack on farmers, couches the whole policy as if farmers have been ‘getting away with’ a kind of tax evasion. Labour are careful to pretend that farmers are rich. The reality is much more complex. Rich land assets owned by farming families do not sustain just one individual, they sustain generation after generation and represent generations of effort and investment and work. In terms of disposable income coming from this lifestyle farmers are, on average, some of the poorest people in the country. Donna Rachel points out that most farms create a working wage of about £17,500 per annum. That is half the average wage of someone with a bog-standard office job. And it’s hard, tiring, sometimes exhausting work over long hours too.
Meanwhile, the kind of Champagne Marxist who becomes an MP wallows in considerably more disposable income than any farmer, much of it gleaned through corruption and graft. No farmer, unlike the current Prime Minister, gets people gifting them £6,000 as an annual clothes allowance for their wives. Reeves herself of course has caned the MPs expense allowance and received gifts in the same corrupt way her party leader has. When the Gift Grabbing Keir was asked to define working class, his hilariously vague answer just happened to distinguish between those who do ANY kind of job for ANY level of salary from those who work their own land. By his definition, hoovering up vast sums for very little achievement or effort in a public sector sinecure granted to you in a corrupt and failing system is ‘working class’, whereas getting up to milk cows at 4 in the morning for barely above minimum wage is not.
The war on farmers then is a very traditional Marxist totalitarian measure of seizing private property for redistribution. It may not involve Red Army mass murders of an entire class of people, Thank God, but it’s essentially the same collectivist policy of evicting the owners and assigning the land to new owners using the power of the State to do so. What Lenin and Stalin did at gun point, and what Robert Mugabe did at gun point too, the British Labour Party intends with a single measure in a budget. And like the more violent Soviet examples, it’s driven by spite, malice, hatred of a particular class combined with the intent and desire to control everything.
Even those who support it are more honest about this than the current government is. Champagne Marxist man of letters Will Hutton gives the typical complacently authoritarian take of the metropolitan ruling elite when he writes in The Guardian to defend the policy. The headline says it all:
“Farmers have hoarded land too long. Inheritance tax will bring new life to rural Britain.”
As Elon Musk observed of this attitude (so representative of the obscene mix of grasping theft and sanctimonious piety that characterises an elite who use Marxist policy and rhetoric to enrich themselves):
“Britain is going full Stalin.”
Unlike their French counterparts, Britain’s farmers do not have a strong tradition of protest. They aren’t a feared lobby the way French farmers are, and they don’t have a tradition of direct action the way French, Dutch, Belgian and other European farmers tend to have. When Tolkien envisaged the leave others alone, mind your own business, take pleasure in small delights and bucolic innate goodness of the Shire, he was writing about the English countryside. Hobbits were English yeoman, English small scale farmers. The point has always been that it takes an awful lot to stir these people to anger. Of course it is the effort of Hobbits that in the end defeats Sauron, but if Sauron had not come after them even the most adventurous, even Bilbo or Frodo, would have preferred a good lunch to heroic battle. These are very far from being cowards, but they are just as far from being natural agitators, protestors or (counter) revolutionaries.
It is an extreme irony of life that revolutionaries tend to be pampered and soft, people who have had it easy, while those who work with the soil or get mud on their boots and under their nails every day just want to be left alone. All our extreme, dangerous, violent revolutionaries are middle class metropolitans with university degrees and soft hands. All our maniacs are in the government. It takes a long time for real people to get anywhere near the anger, rage and malice that a university indoctrinated middle class Champagne Marxist can enact.
It is likely then that British farmers in the first instance will meekly accept the demands placed on them and the injustice done to them. True rebellion is an awful step for the people who are actually decent. But the threat posed by this current Labour government is an existential one. At the end of five years of these people in charge, there may be no countryside and no rural way of life left. There may be the final destruction of one of the characteristic glories of the English landscape. Millions more savages imported, and millions more ugly homes built, and thousands of farms gone too.
Can Britain survive? It’s a serious question. It’s not hyperbole.
Combine the Islamic invasion and the dinghy invasion with the terrible demographics of ethnic replacement. Note the slavish adherence to insane edicts during COVID. Look at the unequal results obtainable under the first past the post system, the recent confirmation of the corruption and insanity of our judges. Look at the deliberate targeting of the vanishing urban white working class or of the rural farming community. And contrast all that with the devotion of the British chattering classes to the failed false consensus of elite and media policy platforms. In all of this you also gave to take on board the total lack of the kind of determined opposition that Donald Trump has provided in the US.
With all these factors, things look very bleak for Britain.
But perhaps too we should start to remember the very first thing they tried to extinguish , which is our own nature. Look at the remarkable story of Britain, and it is not a story of constant triumph. Despite building a vast Empire, our story is not at its beginning or its end going to be the story of conquerors. We are not just people who imposed ourselves on the world, but people who refused to be imposed upon. We are the English who fell at Hastings, and we are the British who evacuated Dunkirk. We were crushed under the Roman heel, and subject to the Viking raid. We stood alone against Hitler, when no other nation was still in the fight and when some had not even started to fight. We English huddled in a swamp, a handful of us around a beaten king…who refused to stay beaten. We are forged in a thousand losses as well as victories, of some of the oldest human steel known to man.
In other words, we have suffered worse and grasped victory from near extinction before. This is the lesson in our national heroes and epics, and a lesson our present ruling class very much do not want you to remember.
So while we have the worst government in generations, the most traitorous and malign ruling class we have ever known, and while our land is literally being taken from us either by open borders or oppressive taxes, we have known and survived worse before.
This too was once one of the dark places of the Earth, Conrad says of Britain. Ironically he says this in Heart of Darkness, meaning that the Romans entered the dark land at the edge of empire bringing the light of civilisation. But for a thousand years or more we were that light ourselves. Let it not be extinguished so easily. Let not the last flames of it gutter and die for lack of love and knowledge. Remember ourselves, and we begin the fight that no 5 years or 10 or 100 can decide unless we submit in our hearts to the power of pitiful tyrants.
The very idea that a Reeves or a Starmer could extinguish US should be a laughing matter. These are fools and puppets. These are crooks purchased for a small price, and empty mewling little things not fit to even serve as our enemies. We are better, still, then to let these fourth rate mediocrities destroy us.
They threaten it, we must be honest. If the open borders continue much longer, if the insane policies continue much longer, Britain is done and finished. But if Americans can drag themselves back from the abyss, so can we.
So must we.
"It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the English began to hate."
(The Beginning by Rudyard Kipling)
Daniel, I really wish you could post on X. People far & wide need to see this.🙂↕️