Both pieces excellent thank you. I hope that first and foremost our new recruits to the army (all six of them) are recruited on the basis of a sound DEI policy, to reflect our diverse society. Perhaps those who've illegally crossed the channel in dinghies can show their love for their new country by joining up. After all. we're all behind our Prime Minister, aren't we?

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Thanks 😀😀 it’s a hopeful thought, but I think the Dinghy Army is intended for use at home, and nowhere else. 🤔

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I think you’re right. But even if they’re not intended to replace or subdue us, they will eventually realise there is nothing to stop them doing it anyway. We’re importing a brigade of Paddingtons every day and eventually they’ll see our kindness as weakness. In the 3rd world, people are not kind to the weak.

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Calling this class an aristocracy is an insult to aristocracy. True aristocracy is a growth out of the countryside of peasantry, tied to the land, laden with powers but also duties, and willing to defend the realm with their own blood. What we have now is the ultimate outgrowth of the urban bourgeoisie/proletariat/fourth estate with a heavy dose of secular clergy.

The complete disregard for national identity is a trait of the urban classes and the clergy, the love of money a trait of the former, and the world bettering ideological zeal a trait of the latter.

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Well I do point out that the old aristocracy were much better.

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Yes I think it's not far from the truth that the decline of the aristocracy (the tradition, not the families) is synonymous with the decline of the nation, as they hold it via land and defend it via blood. The UK started going downhill when the landed aristocracy (and interestingly, the Clergy) sold out to urban international money, and the decline of the House of Lords to complete castration was the most visible symptoms of Decline.

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That’s a really interesting point. I tend to agree. The old class system had responsibilities encoded at each level, as well as rights and privileges. One of the most surprising things for modern ears for example would be to hear the voice of Halifax in his diary entries. He was an appeaser because he loathed and feared Nazi Germany just as much as Churchill did, and loved Britain just as much as Churchill did. He wrote after walking on his country estate that the thought of the Nazi jackboot on English soil was too terrifying to contemplate.

Today you would not get to an erroneous position out of excess of protective love of your country, you’d get there out of hatred of your country. So even when the old aristocracy were wrong, they had better reasons for it than the new aristocracy does.

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One of the reasons the UK and USA came to dominate the Imperial period of western civilisation is that the aristocracy defeated the absolute state in the Fronde conflict of the 17th century (culminating in the Glorious revolution), whereas in France, Spain, Prussia the State was victorious.

Therefore in the Anglo countries (just like Rome with its government structure) there was never a danger of the parliament being overthrown in revolution, rather power it simply passed back and forth between different aristocratic factions, with the focus in Britian always on commerce and foreign policy to better the national interest. Being an island was also crucial to this, as the entire state never had to rallied against invasion like on the continent (same with USA over the ocean). When it finally has to be in the World War, Britian exhausted itself and was finished.

It's therefore probably the USA that has carried on the tradition most totally. It can't be forgotten that it was those 17th century Puritan victors who founded the USA, as an even more extreme Anglo version of the UK. The British aristocracy had succeeded somewhat in removing the national identification away from the Monarchy and into the very idea of England (which was eventually then imported to the continent but take up by the bourgeoisie rather than led by the aristocracy), but in the USA this was taken to its final abstract level, as was the insular island tendency.

The fact that at the slightest exercise of monarchical state power the USA revolted shows just how powerful the instinct is in the Anglo countries, but mostly the US revolution was really just the homegrown aristocracy wanting to kick the other one out.

Through this lens Trumps actions can be seen as an Anglo revolt against the socialist absolutist state tendency of the continent, which has completely taken over the UK.

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The best thing Trump could do is completely walk away and leave the EU to it's fate. Tempting, no? They'd fold like a cheap tent if they had to even defend themselves. What's awful to me is the simpering affection for a spoiled coke head like Zelensky. Affection for his money laundering paradise to be precise.

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Excellent, thank you.

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Thanks 😀😀

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Nothing will come out of it. Starmer and the rest of the EU clowns won’t go to war without US backing. And Trump is dead serious about ending this war. At the most, with big fanfare some troops will go to places far from the frontline (Odessa?) and sit there. The front is relatively peaceful right now (rains and mud everywhere), so they can posture for 2-3 more months. My guess is ceasefire in May.

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It's important to consider that the United States is primarily descended from people who had the courage to strike out for a better life on a new continent. Europe is old, tired, and descended from people who didn't have what it takes to risk everything for the chance to make a better life in a country without a ruling class. Europeans consider Americans "mongrels." We believe that we have "hybrid vigor." The American people have had as much as we will tolerate from snotty elites who only survive because of grift on the rest of us. God bless Donald Trump!

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I second that statement. We are done standing by while illegitimately installed, corrupt leaders move to "fundamentally transform the USA" into a nation of dependent sheep while they suppress and strip us of our God-given, Constitutionally guaranteed rights!

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The US will sit this one out. Ergo, no war. France has a sordid history of not even defending itself. Sweden won’t fight. Starmer is losing his pull drastically. Brits are ultimately very tough but their inner toughness has been cowed. If it re-emerges it will be a civil war long before it decides on a defense of Ukraine. Italy won’t defend Ukraine. Hungary, Poland etc won’t. Germany, maybe.

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GREAT analysis. I hadn’t realized how well our modern aristos had merged, but of course the evidence has been right in front of us as CANUKUS insanities duplicated themselves among us virtually immediately.


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Absolutely. And Starmer is a nightmare., bound and determined to get us into a fight with Russia.

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England needs to dissolve the Union and declare a republic with a constitution.

/clears throat/

Better late than never.

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The USA needs a Supreme Court that will not allow a repeat of the 2020 electoral fiasco. These days, there are even Democrats that acknowledge the role of electoral fraud in that election.

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Starmer’s mad declaration would have me believe that Europe doesn’t want the US in NATO. I can’t imagine Trump looking at this statement, while they pushback on peace with Russia, deciding to stick with this org that is doing all it can to drag us into a calamity.

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"Our navy is now three men and a boat."

And how do you know they even identify as men?

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Excellent and spot on!

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I do hope that Starmer has remembered that NATO is only there to protect NATO MEMBERS. Otherwise he will be on very soggy ground......


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