Boots on the Ground and Aristocrats at War
A double punch of my social media posts, for those who haven’t seen them
Every now and then I will share a social media post here, although my articles are normally more in depth. Today it’s a double punch of short, sharp truth, and the two pieces are connected.
It’s those who won’t do the dying who most love the fighting. See if you can spot the connection between our frantic efforts to continue the money laundering operation, sorry Just War, in Ukraine and the existence of a parasitic new aristocracy since World War II.
It’s not hard to join the dots, is it?
Boots on the Ground
“The UK are prepared to back this with boots on the ground and planes in the air”.
How odd. I don’t remember being asked, do you?
This warmonger rape jihad enabler is determined to destroy our country any and every way he can.
Do they know or care how weak our forces have become after at least 50 years of military downsizing?
We have about 18,000 soldiers who can actually fight. We don’t have an industrial base anymore so our ammunition runs out in weeks without someone else supplying us. Our navy is now three men and a boat. Both Conservative and Labour governments have reduced our actual fighting force again and again and again because they only want us to fight on behalf of others anyway and assumed there would always be US or European forces there as well.
We have nothing like the number of fighting troops, ships, planes and tanks we had even in the 1980s. We have spent more than our European neighbours, but a lot of it has been spent badly and our actual capability is at its lowest level for centuries. We are still classed as able to project force anywhere, which gets you a good rating in military analysis wank magazines, but we can only project that force for a matter of days without external assistance.
We still have the best special services troops in the world but they aren’t the forces that fight an entire war. You can’t win an entire war against a serious opponent with just the SAS.
The losses Russia has sustained in Ukraine would finish us in about three days.
And one of Russia’s larger nukes can take out the whole of England.
Yet the same people who tell us that Britain is too weak, too useless, too poor, too pathetic to survive outside the EU, make its own economic decisions, trade with the world, or be proud of anything, the same people who won’t defend our shores, who won’t preserve our liberty, who won’t save our lives or pay a winter fuel allowance to our pensioners, tell us that we can go toe to toe with Russia and win.
The lunatic leftists believe this, and the lunatic rightists who love NATO and Ukraine more than the UK, believe it too.
And it’s bullshit. Dangerous, stupid, self destructive bullshit.
The New Aristocracy
The European and British disagreement with Trump on Ukraine or anything else is not based on any fault with Trump, JD Vance, Elon Musk or the policy positions they hold.
It is not based on Trump being rude, Elon being a Nazi, or free speech having created the Third Reich.
It is based on the fact that ever since World War Two a transnational set of organisations have lusted after supreme power over everyone, globally, and every Establishment political and media class in the western world signed on to that agenda.
In Britain our political and media class decided we would never be a significant power again in our own right, and if they wanted to access true influence and power PERSONALLY they could only do it by transferring control of our country abroad and serving those interests instead of our interests.
In Europe jealous, broken and failed Western European states, beaten by Britain in the 19th century, conquered by Germany or allied with Germany and sharing its defeat, and then overtaken by the US, made a similar decision.
They would pool their resources and what was left of their power in the EU, and somehow via a bizarre bureaucracy overtake a thriving Republic. That of course failed, but failure did not teach the Europeans anything more than losing to Britain previously had done.
They applied the same resentful envy to the US that they had applied to Britain, and the same sly contempt masquerading as alliance. The US would pay for their defence while they continued to sneer at it in the manner of old money towards the nouveau riche.
In the US itself this corrosive and insecure arrogance, which became the default setting of European and British ruling classes, where sophistication and snobbery were harnessed to, rather than opposed to, radical Marxist leftism, became the defining trait of US elites as well, who aped European manners and attitudes more assiduously than they ever did in earlier centuries.
Through much of the period of US global dominance, even in competition with the Soviet Union, the leadership of the ‘Free World’ was a poisoned chalice, requiring vast spending in ways that did not really serve the interests of the average American at all. While the Cold War did provide some genuine threat and some genuine moral imperative, few Europeans ever felt genuine gratitude for American protection. It was expected in the same way a spoilt teenager expects the use of daddy’s car. The hot coal of resentment was far more the standard European attitude to American supremacy, and the European elite were dedicated to the EU precisely as the means by which they could sneer at America with a loaned collective strength rather than as individually clapped out former powers.
We need to always remember that this is essentially a class and snobbery issue. Within the US, the strongest supporters of the Democrat Party, the strongest believers in the kind of self hating Cultural Marxism taught in the universities, and the strongest and most fanatical opponents of Trump, are American snobs. They are people who believe in themselves as a kind of aristocracy, while sneering at the mass of Americans as ‘deplorables’. This is the attitude they share with European elites, who despite numerous revolutionary spasms are more convinced of their innate worth and our innate worthlessness than they were when their nations were truly, independently powerful.
In Britain, every contest between sanity and arrogant insanity is determined along class lines. Remain EU lovers were middle class and upper class. Brexit voters and Brits who admire Trump are nearly always working class.
What USAID did, and what the CIA became, is the ultimate Gentleman’s Club deciding that the peasants aren’t fit to make the real decisions, at home or abroad. From Skull and Bones LARPing student rich boys to US political dynasties, and from the attendees at WEF gatherings to the trustees of great Foundations, all of them decided that the surface of Democracy should be just that-a surface, beneath which the real powers operated, doing what they willed as correct, rather than what any US, British or European electorate actually wants.
What people like Trump and Muak have done is class betrayal. They have betrayed the cozy consensus of ever increasing modern feudalism. They have ripped away the pious and sanctimonious defences and exposed the vast networks of graft, corruption and nepotism which really constitutes mainstream respectability and which really drives the kind of policy the mainstream media approves of.
Note how often the alleged protests at policy can’t help but be wrapped in the concerns of aristocracy-the idea that the public can’t be trusted with decision making, or that the populists who actually serve the lower orders are vulgar, crude, and just not ‘the right kind of people’. Note the obsession with Trump’s mannerisms and working class tastes, followed by the curious fixation, from people who claim to be the champions of migrants, on Musk’s non American origins.
You only get accepted in this crowd by complete usability (the savage imported hordes make convenient slaves and distracting armies) or complete conformity (any defiance of the ‘accepted norms’ means instant classification as a Nazi).
What we have had then is an unacknowledged aristocracy. This aristocracy is loyal to its own class interests. It is pan and trans national, a curious reflection of the kind of sexuality it also favours. It believes in transgressing national loyalty, and hating one’s own working class. Trump’s call to a specifically American loyalty and identity is exactly the kind of thing that members of this aristocracy are trained to despise. Sophistication is oikophobia, and crudity and worthlessness is marked by belief in the exceptionalism and worth of your nation. The European political elite, the British, the Canadian, and the American are denuded of all sense of connection to the people they allegedly represent. All of their amity, fellowship and understanding is reserved for elites in other nations just like them, and none is saved for ordinary voters in their own land.
It is an aristocracy whose arrogance surpasses that of the old aristocracy, even the French one prior to the Revolution. The old aristocracy at least were actually taught to love their nations, and some retained a genuine noblesse oblige. The old aristocracy, even at their most removed from reality, at least charged the enemy guns themselves, as the leaders of Britain’s forces in the Crimean War gloriously and stupidly did, or as thousands of upper class young men did in World War One.
What replaced them was not, it turns out, better, but far, far worse. It was an aristocracy by bureaucracy, by intelligence agency, by billionaire purchase of media, and by Deep State and administrative state permanent, hidden rule. Elected representatives who departed from the New Aristocracy either by much older loyalties or much fresher ideas were the kind of politicians or leaders described as shameful, disreputable and as ‘threats to Democracy’. They began being ousted at least as early as the 1950s, whether it was McCarthy in the US or Powell in the UK. In Western Europe the New Aristocracy went utterly unchallenged, in Britain it ruled regardless of changes of party save for a brief Thatcherite reversal. And in the US it assassinated Presidents who tried to claim any real power or do any novel thing departing from the policies the aristocracy had already chosen. It removed Nixon , it murdered Kennedy, and it initiated a long run of CIA selected Presidents, one of whom was of course a former head of the CIA.
None of this is conspiracy theory. It is simply a parasitic and corrupt class with its own narrow interests removed from our interests, and generally opposed to our interests. DOGE has exposed just how vast the network had become, but really anyone reading a list of NGOs, government departments, and ‘respectable’ organisations could reach the same conclusion that the first real audits since WWII have reached.
It wasn’t just Biden who was a selected puppet. Being a selected pyppet is the normal standard that Trump disrupted, and the same applies in the UK or in Western Europe.
The real disagreement with Trump and Trump policies is that he is trying to return power to the elected position, and using the elected position to do what voters elected him to do. For the New Aristocracy a President or a Prime Minister exists to serve them, not interject his own ideas or, even worse, serve the general public.
Both pieces excellent thank you. I hope that first and foremost our new recruits to the army (all six of them) are recruited on the basis of a sound DEI policy, to reflect our diverse society. Perhaps those who've illegally crossed the channel in dinghies can show their love for their new country by joining up. After all. we're all behind our Prime Minister, aren't we?
Calling this class an aristocracy is an insult to aristocracy. True aristocracy is a growth out of the countryside of peasantry, tied to the land, laden with powers but also duties, and willing to defend the realm with their own blood. What we have now is the ultimate outgrowth of the urban bourgeoisie/proletariat/fourth estate with a heavy dose of secular clergy.
The complete disregard for national identity is a trait of the urban classes and the clergy, the love of money a trait of the former, and the world bettering ideological zeal a trait of the latter.