Yes exactly. I wish it was easier to wake people up but it seems people only open their eyes when they decide to open them. I have spent the last 7 years telling my friends that MSM's reporting on Trump is nothing but a totally fabricated lie and distortion of the truth ditto COVID ditto climate alarmism etc but not one of them listened. I know because they have all since repeated the propaganda. Last night, however, a friend told me she had just watched 'Silenced' and was shocked beyond disbelief to discover how the media twist stories and surpress the truth. She said 'I don't think I will watch the BBC any more'. Time will tell if she later chooses the path of comfort and tells herself 'maybe they lied in that instance but I am sure most of what they say is true'

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It’s taken a long time, but I think more people are waking up to it now. It’s just become so blatant now that you have to actively be evil yourself, or unusually stupid, to persist with the lies.

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Unfortunately there are a great many people who are unusually stupid, (for example, the huge take up,of masks and ‘vaccines’) and quite a few that are evil.

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I remain astonished at how people fell for it. That said, it did take a constant bombardment of propaganda and carefully planned psy-ops techniques to get to that point.

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Yes, the psy-ops were powerful….And yet, and yet…I stopped watching and reading and listening to MSM in 2016 because the coverage of Brexit was so vile towards Brexit voters like me so I wasn’t subjected to the bombardment of lies. I like to think however that I might still have reached the same conclusion even if I had watched moronic fat Boris and his moronic cronies climb onto their melodramatic podiums. Hadn’t I lived through ‘mad cow disease’/the foot and mouth horror? Hadn’t I seen through the climate warming scam? And of course, there was Brexit and all the ‘getting to the back of the queue’ from that fiend Obama. And Fat Moronic Boris looked (on the few clips I have subsequently seen) just so…moronic, and his moronic sidekicks looked like corpses dug from their graves just after the wreaths had wilted. I was 58 when the evil nonsense kicked off, and I never from the very start believed a word of the lies. Perhaps age does make one wiser, but not it seems for the majority: the question remains - why did they watch and listen to the lies so intently in the first place? Too many have the tv on all day, everyday, and if not the tv, then Radio 2, or Radio 4, or some commercial station cackling out the ‘news’ every hour, even when they are at work. Why, at some point before early 2020, didn’t they turn it off, knowing they had been subjected to so many lies for so long over the last several years? There must be some level of gullibility that is unchanging no matter what propaganda is broadcast.

Anyway, I continue to believe that most people are extremely stupid, either that or very lazy or very malevolent. They won’t read, they won’t question, or they want the power to be nasty to others (wear your mask! You’ll kill my gran! (As if they cared about lonely old gran….)).

My husband refused to be bare faced in shops, whipping out his black cloth mask from his pocket as soon as we crossed the threshold. I still harbour some contempt for him, the man who got vaxxed when he wasn’t mandated to and now has heart failure. I am still bitter; I still loathe my neighbours who believed ‘government wasn’t doing enough’. I am quite reclusive as it’s been proved to me that most believe as my neighbours and it makes me want to kick their backsides down the road. Oh well. All that powerful propaganda, eh? Perhaps we give it too much credit. Stupidity and nastiness can’t be fixed, although of course it can be encouraged.

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That’s similar to me. I stopped following mainstream media at all in 2016 with both the Brexit and Trump reactions. It was very clear at that point that the entire mainstream media was a propaganda exercise furiously trying to prevent perfectly reasonable things people had democratically voted for. Sadly though people still plugged in to this diet of lies have a very hard time escaping from it. I think it takes a hinterland of real beliefs to see how insane current mainstream beliefs are.

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I find the hysterical hatred and fear of Donald Trump really odd. It was quite embarrassing when he was president and came to visit London and people who couldn't even vote in US elections protested and complained. When I asked people why they said it's because he's mad, dangerous, evil, bad, wicked and all those other sorts of things which he clearly isn't. Apparently he's up there with Vladimir Putin for the award of Next Hitler/Worse Than Hitler.

The media have done this and it's really weird. It's also very depressing that many many people simply believe what their favoured newspaper/TV channel tells them. If I had a pound for every time some one has insisted that Putin Is Mad, I'd be very rich! Nobody can explain how or why Russia would have a madman in charge. Nobody can explain what Putin has done that justifies the description. The best they come up with is that the BBC keep telling them he's mad. Same with Donald Trump - the fact he didn't take the USA into any wars is clearly a sign of how mad he is!

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Absolutely, it’s purely a media generated madness, an artificial frenzy. And it’s true of the Putin obsession and Russophobia too. There are plenty of unpleasant world leaders who aren’t portrayed as a giant threat to us, and plenty of foreign wars our media have zero interest in.

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Very good, well up to your usual high standards. Maybe this article should be forced reading for those who only know of the world according to the narrative? Wait! That would be tyranny? What those that tell us the story want to impose upon us?

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Perish the thought, John! 😉

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The political attack word "Far-right" is an interchangeable leftie term for ''Fascist'' Decades ago the lefties defined being a "fascist" as someone who believed in invading other people's countries and replacing the people of those countries.

These days the 'Far-left' defines a "Fascist" as a 'privileged' white person who resists having his country invaded, his children murdered and raped seemingly without any action by the police and the 'authorities' because they fear the accusation of 'Racism/Islamophobia,' and anyone who objects to having the indigenous people replaced by people who have never contributed anything to the building of this country but come here just to 'take'.

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Yes they are all for conquest, ‘colonialism’, and invasion….so long at is majority white nations being invaded.

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Nailed it

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This is UTTERLY brilliant. I hadnt realised it was weird that the Trump rally was being covered by MSM. I didnt know that CNN never normally covered his rallies. OMG.

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Thanks Caroline. It’s apparently true of several of the mainstream media. And it’s possible there was a kind of complicity that wasn’t explicit-a nod and a wink from sources that something big was going to happen but never openly say ‘it’s a hit’-but that is still an involvement with an assassination. After seeing AP reporters and UN workers embedded with Hamas do we really think our media in the US are better than that?

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Even more telling, this is the FIRST TRUMP RALLY to which the Secret Service decided to send marksmen. So that the shooter would be sure to be dead so they did not have a repeat of Lee Harvey Oswald and have to go looking for a soon-to-die-anyway Jack Ruby.

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Absolutely. Perhaps this is where the sci-fi fears of an Un-dead eruption originate.

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This is such an excellent treatment of these nightmarish events that I drew upon it, with full acknowledgement of course, in a blog I just published at https://jimgeorge.substack.com/p/a-brief-glance-back-at-an-epochal, should you care to check it out. I especially admired the way you so deftly stated all the possibilities the liberals will immediately brand as conspiracy theories and I included much of that in my post. I'm sure you have read Congressman Clay Higgins' interim report containing the outrageous revelation that the FBI released Crooks' body to the family for cremation without, according to the Coroner, the Coroner's or anyone in local law enforcemeent's knowledge,. Excellent report and well worth reading in view of all the worthless reporting taking place about July 13. Thanks again, Jim

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Thanks Jim, I appreciate all shares and quotes so thank you for including parts of my article. I think you did a very good job of putting together a number of responses showing how dubious it all is and how many unanswered questions remain. The cremation events combined with the loss of recordings seems like classic disposal of evidence to me.

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Perfect analogies.

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Thanks 😀😀

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Great post-Here's one from 1942-King's Row-RR's famous lines: 'Where's the rest of me'?

Twist was sadistic surgeon who thought RR was in love w/his daughter, amputated both legs.

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Some of those old movies got pretty dark at times!

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Instead, we get stories from the likes of Politico, reporting today that Trump misidentified a black man for another black man as being on a near fatal helicopter ride 30 years ago. OMG!

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