Sep 25Liked by Jupplandia

It does make it easy to tell the difference between the people who look at the world with their own brain engaged, and those who simply believe the regime. The difference certainly has become stark, hasn't it?

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Yes, it’s useful for that, at least. And the difference is very, very stark.

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Not familiar with Scooby Doo, and your literary metaphors fly over my uneducated head, but I know you'll want to fix the typo in your subtitle and your last sentence.

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Thanks Joanie, well spotted.

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I see you forgot to change it in your subtitle... only driving the point because its impact is lost with 'of'.

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Yep, adjusted now. Thanks for the heads up. I find that spellchecker never spots these errors, but will substitute incorrect words when it wants to as well. 😂all correct now.

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Brilliant. Although Gothic lit begins as a product of the Enlightenment, it flowers as an expression of German romanticism, which declares the reality of spiritual evil. This is powerfully expressed in Bram Stoker’s Dracula, in which only Christian spirituality can beat down the metastasizing demonic evil infecting the entire social order. Ratiocination doesn’t cut it; we have to drive a stake through the heart of the vampires who have seized control of our culture.

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