All that is so very true. Recently I've noticed the same in the music in films. First no real musician would ever play such repetitive, screeching noise. Only a computer would generate that. It has no soul, no heart, no melody, and it certainly isn't invoking any mood. But is it just technology over artistry? A sort of look what I can do with AI? Or is it more of this attitude coming out of the entertainment industry that says tolerate my definition of entertainment, whether it's the music, the writing, the imagery, the editing? There seems to be this sense interplay throughout our culture that says if you aren't accepting me and my version of reality it's you that's wrong. And it seems to be everywhere. Asking for tolerance intolerantly.
In some cases it is just experimentation, but in the overall impetus it’s deliberate. There’s this demeaning of humanity going on, and that has to destroy genuine art and creativity and elevate the artificial, the superficial and the depraved. We see it particularly clearly in architecture and public sculpture, but it’s modern art and modern entertainment too.
All that is so very true. Recently I've noticed the same in the music in films. First no real musician would ever play such repetitive, screeching noise. Only a computer would generate that. It has no soul, no heart, no melody, and it certainly isn't invoking any mood. But is it just technology over artistry? A sort of look what I can do with AI? Or is it more of this attitude coming out of the entertainment industry that says tolerate my definition of entertainment, whether it's the music, the writing, the imagery, the editing? There seems to be this sense interplay throughout our culture that says if you aren't accepting me and my version of reality it's you that's wrong. And it seems to be everywhere. Asking for tolerance intolerantly.
In some cases it is just experimentation, but in the overall impetus it’s deliberate. There’s this demeaning of humanity going on, and that has to destroy genuine art and creativity and elevate the artificial, the superficial and the depraved. We see it particularly clearly in architecture and public sculpture, but it’s modern art and modern entertainment too.