
Amen! “We are the ones trapped in the past, not Russia.” I see this every time I speak with a neighbor, who still sees Russia as The Boogeyman.

Today’s Russia is another incarnation of Russia, as totalitarian as Tsarist Russia, but vastly better for everyone, Russian or elsewhere, than Soviet Russia—capitalist, trade-oriented, allowing free movement of its citizens and trade, prosperity driven. Russian government is oriented toward furthering those goals.

The US has a greater need for good will and cooperation with Russia than it does with Europe, although there is no reason we cannot all three coexist and prosper together.

A great essay! Thanks!

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Thanks very much. I think Russia has some obvious problems, but delusion isn’t one of them. Our leaders may well be mad, and Putin isn’t.

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No "well may be", Daniel. Batshit crazy. Look at Starmer. Man should be in an asylum. Not out on the streets!

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Well, this solidified my thinking, such as it is, and confirms my hunch about Russia and Trump’s expressed attitudes. I thought the piece was exactly the right length. Thank you.

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Thanks James 😀

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Utter brilliance.

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Thanks 😀😀

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Explaining the demise of a good size portion of the formerly free world chronically is not something one does with brevity. Well done.

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Again, so well done!

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Thank you 😀😀

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Well said again. A good explanation of what we are seeing.

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That pulled a lot of threads together for me, thanks.

Why is it that we can see the EU/UK emperors have no clothes, but they insist they are dressed in the purple raiment of The Chosen and The Incorruptibly Correct? And we can't get rid of them or shock them back to reality.

I'm frightened now. If we can't turn the tide within this decade - of war, of illness, of hunger, of encroaching infidels - Europe is overrun, bankrupt and finished.

But we have no real heroes to follow, no obvious future, no sense of the history we're betraying.

Maybe only a war will wake enough of us up to start the trek back to sanity.

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It’s looking incredibly bad for the UK and Europe. If I was younger I would move to the US now.

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Trump must annex the UK.


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Same - but it's too late for me, too

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Another excellent article!

Our weakness is shown to be only too apparent to all those Muslim men strolling across Europe unchecked, floating over the Channel to be accommodated in hotels with free food, health care, money, phones. Who can see our King bowing down to their religion, our police facilitating their way of life, our churches apologising for being "wrong".

Apparently we are so weak we will not even rise up to shake off our corrupt politicians and remove the illegals who threaten our very existence. Putin doesn't need to invade Europe to protect Russia, he can just watch as it becomes a shabby, poor, Islamic 3rd world country with the natives cowering in corners. Most young Europeans don't know their own histories and believe the lies they have been told about how all Englishmen are colonial racists and all Germans are closet Nazis - what is there in that worth fighting for? It's only the old Boomers who look back to WWII glories (mostly based on long-dead men's stories and old movies) and Cold War heroics (or John Le Carre stories).

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Thanks. I’m increasingly worried that the UK is completely finished. We just can’t survive a full term of this Labour Progressive Marxist, Muslim Brotherhood, Globalist Net Zero carnival of horrors.

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A tad long and a bit verbose. But yes

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Thank you for the grudging endorsement. 😂😉

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That’s why I do it. Not to criticise but because I want your messaging and others like you to get thru.

We need to wake people up.

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Sorry, but some people need a bit more simple and less time consuming. Otherwise their eyes start to glaze over as saying goes.

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No worries, I appreciate the feedback and the criticism has some justice. I indulged myself a little on this one. At times a writer wants to be poetic the way a child wants to run. Not necessarily wisely.

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Everyone’s a critic! 😁

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Not criticising just trying to improve the reach of the article

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If you put all your comments together, it'd be almost as long as this essay!

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Brilliant essay!

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Thanks Siobhan 😀

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Thanks for a great essay. The Russians are realists. America is becoming so. Still slaves to the propaganda. Not willing to defend our borders just someone else’s.

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Thanks. I think that’s the great divide now, between realists and fanatics who do not even know they are fanatics.

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Interesting. Funny, True.

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Thanks 😀😀

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I'd like to add to the metaphors, please Daniel.

Our warmongers are a coalition of the willies.

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I like it. 😂

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The USA also has lots of "useful idiots". The Deep State has whipped them up into a frenzy of puerile rage and a color revolution... after the assassination of the President and a coup to eliminate the rest of the Administration... cannot be ruled out. Eight year olds full of murderous rage are no great threat. Grownups who are no more grown up than eight year olds full of that same rage are much more dangerous.

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True, but you also have more people who resist that and are sane than Europe has.

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A good description of current reality. The just announced potential economic sanctions against Russia by Trump points to Putin being a “player” and upping Russia’s hand in ending the Ukraine war. This is all due to EU trying to bluff like a child.

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Something is happening, but you don't what it is, do you, Mr. Jones?

10/10. Few understand that the various countries of Europe have much more in common with each other, than any have with Russia.

The Russian soul is entirely other. Their history manifests that.

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