Brilliant Daniel. I can’t remember how I first knew you on Facebook, it’s years ago now though. I left Facebook after losing my first account and after President Trumps fake defeat, and went onto other platforms where I was shocked to the core when I saw the hatred of Jews coming from right wingers. I know you were there and saw it too. Facebook isn’t ideal but at least we can all keep in touch and the vile Jew haters on there are easily blocked, although recently I’ve been shocked at some who I considered friends have acted since this last atrocity.

As you know I’m a committed Christian, and I have a deep love for the Jewish nation. Israel is still the apple of Gods eye and woe betide the haters.

I bless the day I “found” you because your literacy speaks for my limited ability to put into words how I feel. You always come up Trumps 😂 In more ways than one!

I truly value your friendship and always will.

Thanks especially for this post. It’s touched my heart ❤️ xx

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Thanks so much Syl. Your own decency and humanity is just as much an inspiration to me. Very best wishes to you and yours. Xx

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What a wonderful, heartfelt message! Daniel is indeed a treasure; I too am both informed and uplifted by his writing.

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Thanks Martyn. :-)

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I'm ashamed of what I'm seeing. People on Facebook that I thought were friends have turned into unrecognisable hate filled fanatics. Was it always within them? A lad of 26 that practically lived with us as his dad was a drunk with many problems, has moved to London and suddenly he's online spouting about 'his community and ma people are wots important' 'israel needs to go!' -like it's something we can return to Amazon. He's gay and trills on about queers for Palestine?! Should I tell him? Others have questioned my 'virtue signalling Israeli flag'. It's not there for me, it's there to let any Jews know that they do have support. That there are some of us that are prepared to defend them. I wouldn't want to be patronising and say I understand their fear because how could I? But I can see it and I'm downright ashamed. And if its put to the test? I will be right alongside them. I can say this with a degree of confidence because for 30 years, we had a jew, Helga, live next door to us. When the threat of Corbyn loomed, she was beside herself. We told her, she was going no where and that her and her family belong here with us. She stayed and is now in a local nursing home with Dementia. She's 98 years old and I'm glad she's unaware of this current wave of Antisemitic hate. I'm very worried about what comes next but I will always have any Jews back. Another excellent post Daniel.

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Thank you Donna. I knew you would be on the moral side in this.

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Terrific commentary. I hate to say it, but it seems to me that Jew-hatred is the tip of the spear of anti-Western self-loathing and anti-white racism generally.

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Thanks, and yes they are definitely linked now. Jews are classed as ‘oppressive whites’ in the sick race hate theories of progressivism.

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Great post. The best explanation I've found so far on antisemitism is Prager and Telushkin's "Why the Jews: the Reason for Antisemitism."

As for Europe, one of the big issues is the Nazi Holocaust. Not only did it show the evil of the Nazis, it didn't reflect well on many Europeans in general. But people don't like feeling evil, so they incline to mental calisthenics to excuse what they and they society / ancestors did. In this case, it seems to have taken three steps:

1. Denial of the event. "The Holocaust never happened; the Jews are lying about it."

2. Denial of guilt. "My family were active in the XXX Resistance" (claimed by far more than actual were)

3. Shifting of blame. "The Jews actually deserved it because... reasons."

The last finds a convenient excuse in the Israeli/Palestine war. Hamas ensures that as many Palestinians are killed as possible by using them as human shields - and that lets those who want to, pin the blame for their deaths on Israel.

News reporting that downplays Palestinian attacks on Israelis and emphasises Israeli responses makes this easier.

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Thanks Russell, and yes I think you’ve very accurately described some of the main reasons for the distorted views we are seeing. I think all of these have been made a lot worse by the progressive/woke adoption of Marxist rhetoric on ‘imperialism, colonialism’ etc and the whole victim culture narrative of minority oppression, from which they have excluded the most frequently oppressed minority in history.

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DENIALISM may very well be the final outward appearance of human decline and the end of civilization as we know it. Collectively, not to oversimplify or belittle in any way, denialism of the Holocaust, the geography of the Earth (it’s really flat, you know) and Covid is an epidemic of dangerous proportions and a cancer of critical thinking and sound judgment. We are doomed at this point; I sadly believe.

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As always, you say it better than anyone else, Daniel!

Thank you!

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Thanks Olia :-)

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A great synopsis of the moral values we should indeed hold. I am not Jewish but have many Jewish friends and love them all dearly. I have read many articles of how propaganda from Palestine has worked its way into the left and MSM narrative. Over many years. That is the root of the hatred we see pouring out at the moment. Often from people ill educated enough to quote a headline but not understand what they are saying. ‘ from the river to the sea’ they scream.. what river? Errr.. dunno….

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Absolutely, there's been many years of propaganda on this to get us to this point. Western education has failed to deal with Jew hatred.

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Thanks for that Daniel. I grew up in Essex, but somewhat closer to London than you are. There was a strong Jewish community where I lived. There were several Jewish boys in my class at Grammar school. I always got on very well with them and they became friends. As Christian children, we used to sing Carols at Christmas time outside their houses, and I'll never forget their kindness to us children. (of course at the age of 8, we didn't understand the religious difference. The West is going to learn a terrible lesson, I think, because they have allowed the formation of enclaves of Muslims throughout the cities. I'm sure they are just biding their time, waiting for their populations to get bigger. A hundred years should do it at this rate. Unfortunately, it will be my sons, grandchildren and great grandchildren who will have to confront what's coming.

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Thanks Kevin, that's interesting, where I was I never encountered any. But absolutely true regarding your comments. I have a young son and an even younger daughter. My greatest hope is that they can live out decent lives without being threatened, but I think that's made less and less likely with every passing year and every moment of Muslim immigration and greater Muslim birth rates. We have let the Iron Age into our country.

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Thanks for writing this. Why are you a decent human being when so many others are not? Idk the answer to that. But I’m glad.

Every Jew like me knows they may need to stand alone except for G-d.

Just as Israel, the nation, can be seen to often be standing alone.

It’s not the easiest experience. But I simply discard the haters from my life and move along. I’m confident and love myself and my people and our faith. It’s actually a beautiful experience to know I’m in truth and love not lies and hate. My life never lacks for purpose or meaning.

One thing I have is a very meaningful life. Am Yisrael Chai!

I think you have a very meaningful life too, Daniel.

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Thanks very much Cat. Your life and that of every Jewish person matters to me, even if not to some others. Very best wishes to you. Xx

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Best assessment yet. I've been noticing lately that our social warriors seem to think "real" history began sometime in the 1980's or so and everything prior to then is suspect. In other words, if it there isn't a video on the internet in real time..... I even saw a 'fact' checker post that there is "no evidence of people re-using aluminum foil" - as though our oral history is gone. I've also had an argument with someone who told me the information I sent - directly from the person involved - was propaganda because she had 'googled it' and knew better. I don't know how to argue against ignorance.

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Thanks Kay. Yes on Israel it’s amazing how much history has to be ignored to believe the ‘settler’ and ‘colonialist’ bullshit. Most of the modern attitudes that are so sickening are based on educating people to be more ignorant than they were before that ‘education’.

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Thank you, Daniel. 🙏🏻

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Extraordinary post, Daniel. Thank you for your compassion, conviction, and friendship. What is your policy about reposting from your subscription site?

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Thanks Mitchell. I’ve made this one a free one specifically so it can be shared if people want to, so go ahead. Thanks likewise for your friendship and your support here. 😀

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I really needed to run into this this morning. Thank you.

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You’re welcome Kate. 😀

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I love this part, Daniel ....

"And it doesn’t matter how you wrap it up or excuse it. It doesn’t matter if you pretend that you oppose the Israeli State but not the Jewish people, because that State was founded as a just and righteous reaction to hate, as an offering of protection and a means of protecting themselves, not as a theft of land from others. If you use any words like colonialist, or settler, or apartheid, or ‘stolen land’, in reference to Israel, you are utterly ignorant of 3,000 or more years of Jewish history, so ignorant of the land you are discussing that your words are worth less than a single grain of sand, there or elsewhere."

Stark.... and true...

Great essay!

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Thanks Donna 😀😀

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I understand this. My father's side comes from Italy and my mom's are Jews who fled the pogroms in 19th century Russia, so I have a unique perspective on understanding Jew hatred. I don't have to look far to see it, it's having perspectives on both sides, it's in my family. It's hatred of the good for being good, this is why Jews are hated. This is why Israeli's are hated far beyond any mistakes their government might make.

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There's a huge amount of resentment and jealousy towards a minority who usually make a success of themselves, rather than respect for them doing so, sadly.

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Honestly, I can barely see through the tears ... and I cannot conjure up anything profound or particularly meaningful to say here ... another apt and sobering essay ... straightforward and clear.

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Poignant. My take away is that any denial of a person's humanity, and debasement for whatever reason is categorically antihuman, the crime of hatred, anger, reprisal, hubris, megalomania, and incitement of death, is never right. No matter the context.

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