It took 40-50 years for the truth about the infected blood scandal to come out…. Has anyone been held accountable? They are good at being unaccountable. Can anyone see it changing?

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A sadly accurate point. It’s especially galling when the media and mainstream politicians tell us how appalled they are by a very old scandal, when they are guilty of even worse. I think there were 30,000 people affected by the blood scandal, which is appalling, but compare that with half the population of the planet or more injected with a dangerous experiment. Accountability has to come, but for it come it has to come quickly. Otherwise, yes, they have a history of getting away with it.

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I commented on this in Allison Pearson 's article in the daily telegraph last week. All this angst about contaminated blood, serious as it js, is nothing compared to the catastrophic harm that has been done to future generations with these experimental gene therapies. I expect it will be a long time before any main stream journalist writes about this.

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It is incredibly hard to get those who were totally complicit in a crime to admit it was a crime. That’s the position we are in regarding mainstream media.

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Have to keep working on it…

Ginormous crime to be exposed.

Deliberately manufactured crises to exploit and enslave the people.

Biggest crime of all time.

We have to find a way to prosecute it.

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It took 58 years for Australia to provide financial support to Thalidomide survivors. And over 60 years for the government to issue an apology.


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When the perpetrators are dead.

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These officials who lied need to do real prison time.

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They do. Instead we have people who did nothing wrong (in fact insisted on something right-electoral integrity) behind bars.

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I think we are long past just requiring prison time !.

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Heads on pikes works for me, also.

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consider this both the bird flu scam and the pandemic treaty currently have centre stage in the world as dictated by the powers that be what could possibly go wrong? be aware theres a petition at citizengo.org your last chance to stop the uns pandemic treaty-the 3 million petition...its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including yours all platforms and alternative outlets can and must be used..it currently has over 2,452000 signatures IT URGENTLY NEEDS MANY MORE

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CitizenGo have done some great work opposing the pandemic treaty, and it’s always good to hear that being supported. I signed the petition some time ago, but thanks for highlighting it for those who haven’t seen it yet.

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Why do people even take these organisations seriously?!

These are criminal organisations set up to exploit and enslave the public.

I never gave my consent to be controlled by these organisations, how is this happening?

Because of the treachery of ‘our’ own politicians and bureaucrats?


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signed the petition and passed it on.

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The whole thing was a scam or a license to kill.

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It was. 100%.

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"Dismissing that spike in deaths following the vaccine rollout without really investigating it was medical negligence on a vast scale, just as emergency use authorization was a reckless gamble and just as lying about your methodology for assessing who has died and why suggests a deliberate attempt to cover up the consequences of your negligence."

Yes, and it's also important to remember that at that same early time, real experts like John Ioannidis at Stanford had already calculated that the IFR rate would be very low - a context which has significant bearing on the risk/benefit analysis which also should have been employed but wasn't. As it turned out, Ioannidis was very accurate, the survival rate turned out to be 99.7% or 99.95% for those below age 70.

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Yes that’s an important point to add. Thank you for doing so.

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So why did John Ioannidis support vaccination?

See my emails to him:

- John Ioannidis urges Australia to "push for vaccination very fast..." Why? 17 September 2021: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/john-ioannidis-urges-australia-to-_push-for-vaccination-very-fast..._-why_.pdf

- COVID-19 vaccination in Australia and John Ioannidis' advice. 1 October 2021: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/covid-19-vaccination-in-australia-and-john-ioannidis-advice-1.pdf

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Absolutely nothing about the PLANdemic was "accidental". I'd argue that even words like "negligent" or "reckless" understate the sheer malfeasance of the most powerful in charge of every major institution across the globe.

The most awful part of it all, is that we're still mainly singing to the choir with such revelations. Bits dribble through, but never enough to overcome the public lassitude that increases with the relentless passing of Time. Timing is everything, is it not; and Truth has been so effectively hidden or distorted, that one despairs of it ever fully shining in the daylight.

Although, I do think that countless numbers are now wiser to the game, so ... hope remains.

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All the people involved in manipulating the death statistics for the vaxxed belong in prison for mass murder.

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The people at the ONS (and all statistical offices around the world) are specifically trained to look at these data. This is absolutely evidence of democide. Thank you for going hard in your analysis.

I published the names of the people in Western Australia who watched the injuries from the covid vaccine roll in under COVID ZERO conditions (by their analysis) in a nominally covid naive population (again, their terms) and said nothing. The Chief Medical Officer Andrew Robertson who was present at all these meetings is a bioweapons expert and has published extensively on this topic as well as vaccines. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/in-2021-west-australian-government

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Yes I agree. The people who provide independent statistical analysis are generally very, very good at that aspect of response, but don’t state as explicitly as I would or you have what these lies constitute, morally speaking. It’s obvious, I think, that the ONS or any equivalent would know what the death spike after vaccination and what excess deaths since probably mean. It’s obvious too that attempts to disguise that meaning were not accidental.

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West Australian Rebeka Barnett (https://news.rebekahbarnett.com.au/archive) has also written extensively on the CovidScam from a Sandgroper perspective.

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Who, precisely, told them to lie? That person should be shamed publicly!

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Well the ONS reports to the UK Statistics Authority Board. The members of that board are in authority over it.

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You know Katherine Watt's work? And Sasha Latypova? Puts it all in the correct place. But even the 'freedom fighters' seem shy of even mentioning it? Odd.

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I’ve seen a few things but I’m probably not as familiar with them as I should be. But yes, there is a reticence even among those who opposed about being explicit in terms of just how murderous these policies were. From some I can understand it as part of a culture of wanting very firm confirmation, but I tend to think it’s ok to draw moral conclusions and really judge what was done as harshly as the behaviour warrants.

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Time to get up to speed with team Watt and Latypova! They've both written in depth and interviews, Sasha is more comfortable before the lens and brings drug trial research expertise but Katherine is astounding in her tracking everything in the jigsaw puzzle. Between them - formidable!

Substacks Bailiwick News and Due Diligence and Art.

If you check out Dr Richard Cheng, Orthomolecular Medicine physician USA/Chinese working in Wuhan February and March 2020 you'll get a different lowdown? Every YouTube video he posted at the end of long days.....deleted within 30 mins every single time. I was watching live. Not seen anyone mention him, ever.

There's a huge spiritual dimension and implications, jabs totally trash the energy body, not recoverable btw. Thomas Meyer's book gives some information. There are techniques to rectify post death that I discovered, that's highly specialised work. That's my personal and I guess professional experience.🙏

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In Germany the Covid vaccine roll-out prioritized care home residents from December 27, 2020. Most care home residents are above 80 years of age. Almost all of those care home residents would have received one or two Covid "vaccine" doses during the course of January 2021.

Here is a passage from the January 2021 report of the German Federal Office of National Statistics:

"The above-average number of deaths in January 2021 was largely due to an increase in deaths in the 80+ age group. In January, 29% or 14,464 more people aged 80 and over died than the average for the previous four years in this month. The number of deaths among the under-80s differed significantly less from the four-year average in January (+4% or +1,461 deaths)."

In my opinion this should have resulted in a halt of the vaccine roll-out.

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It tells you something about the overall morality when one of the key ways of defending the policy is to say ‘most of the deaths were among old people who were going to die anyway’. Which also ignores of course that this elderly death rate must mean that the measures taken to supposedly protect the most vulnerable did not protect them at all, but increased fatality, whilst proving at the same time that restrictive measures were not needed on the rest of the population because they were not at great risk anyway.

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please pay attention to my comment above.

nevertheless i am and I was from on start of vaxx campaign suspicious about safety of C-injections. But to deliver overwhelming strong proof of deadly risk isnt so easy.

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You are right that delivering strong proof of deadly risk isn’t easy. But the reason it isn’t easy is because every attempt has been made to disguise this proof, not look for it, and refuse to acknowledge it. All the evidence has been wilfully obscured by guilty parties-we rely for example on false detection methods telling us who had COVID based on tests subject to significant error. We now know that who had been vaccinated and who hadn’t was deliberately distorted. BUT even with all this obfuscation we DO see excess deaths following the experimental covid ‘vaccines’. We see this in every country that used them, including Germany.

Your suggestion that Germany showed only tiny, slight increases is false. Even Bloomberg admitted a significant rise of excess deaths in Germany.


See also




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BUT, compared to German data Dec20 in Jan21 there ar a bit less deaths among each age group over 70, AND a bit more deaths among each age group in the range 45-69;

I consider: at least your argumentation has no grip.

I am German and had a very detailed view on all of the official data concerning mortality, published by destatis.de over times of pandemic, also pre- and post pandemic.

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We need a whistleblower from the ONS.

If anyone there actually cares about the, let us say - and I'm putting it as kindly as possible, sheer immorality of their obfuscations.

Sadly it's as likely as this being on the BBC

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That’s one of the key problems. The mainstream media are still the gatekeepers of what qualifies as a scandal. So you need both a whistleblower and an unusually honest mainstream media outlet. Alternative media is great for informing us, but is basically ignored or silenced by those with the power to effect change. We are left hoping that those involved in the evil will punish the evil, which is generally a forlorn and unlikely hope.

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Doctors and the MSM in the US praised the health benefits of smoking at the behest of bigtobacco. It took 40 years to nail that lie (mind you they're still thriving).

I believe the timescale for the jabs will be much shorter - thanks to the sheer number of deaths and injuries and the work of those involved in getting the truth out there.

I'm also heartened that young people tend to get news from alternative media, so there's reason for hope.

(By the way I have no substack - some algorithm or similar thinks so, or maybe I pressed a wrong button somewhere).

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You won't get that while there's a risk of losing that gold-plated pension.

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It's ok to lie. Let's connect dots:

“The global economy was facing the worst collapse since the second world war as coronavirus began to strike in March, well before the height of the crisis, according to the latest Brookings-FT tracking index. “The index comes as the IMF prepares to hold virtual spring meetings this week, when it will release forecasts showing the deepest contraction for the global economy since the 1930s great depression. https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-ultimate-extinction-plan-uep

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That’s a fascinating, well constructed piece, if a terrifying one. I think an absolute belief in an approaching apocalypse is sincere from sone of the people taking sociopathic measures today. And it’s certainly true that they have also built the conditions of a gigantic economic collapse. I’m less convinced that we have passed peak oil and that this is the cause. I’ve not looked into it in the kind of detail you illustrate in your piece, but I’ve frequently seen estimates of untapped oil that aren’t anywhere near bad enough to suggest that we run out in a matter of a few years. Not if we use fracking and not if we stop putting tax barriers and other blocks in the way of oil extraction.

But like climate apocalypse thinking this stuff could be explaining the behaviour without it being the level of threat they think it is. Especially if there are scientific panels saying ‘here’s the secret. Everything collapses tomorrow unless you do this’.

And I don’t think we should underestimate the pure greed wealth transfer motivator in all this. Create a crisis to monopolise a response and the wealth generation that goes with your new monopoly that HAS TO happen to avoid apocalypse. Covid was the greatest wealth transfer in history. New energy sources likewise represent new tech that you can monopolise and get subsidised for-if you are a crook who never intends the stuff to work, those subsidies form your profit incentive. If you are slightly less of a crook and intend it to work, you gain a fresh required industry that you control from the start. All your risks are covered by the State because you’ve told the State this avoids apocalypse.

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We need to rethink peak oil .... we will never run out of oil rather we will run out of affordable oil.

This process is well under way:


According to the OECD Economics Department and the International Monetary Fund Research Department, a sustained $10 per barrel increase in oil prices from $25 to $35 would result in the OECD as a whole losing 0.4% of GDP in the first and second years of higher prices. http://www.iea.org/textbase/npsum/high_oil04sum.pdf


For most of the last century, cheap oil powered global economic growth. But in the last decade, the price of oil production has quadrupled, and that shift will permanently shackle the growth potential of the world’s economies. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2012-09-23/how-high-oil-prices-will-permanently-cap-economic-growth

The Beginning of the End

JUNE 13, 2003 - There is increasing evidence that massive economic stimulus — monetary, courtesy of the Federal Reserve, and fiscal, thanks to the president and supply-side minded lawmakers — is taking hold. The magnitude of the policy turnaround, which caps a constructive, multi-year reflation process, should overwhelm the economic negatives — including the drag from expensive oil and poor finances at the state- and local-government levels.

Expensive oil and its impact on other energy costs remains a concern.

The current level of U.S. monetary stimulus is massive. Real interest rates have fallen 5.2 percent from December 2000 to March 2003, reaching -1.2 percent. A swing of this magnitude may be historical.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/207227/reversal-fortune-david-malpass

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I thought the infected blood scandal was the worst NHS disaster. I am beginning to wonder whether that is still true.

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The Australian government just gave the Red Cross indemnity for tainted blood products in the Federal Budget. There was no announcement, no one is talking about it - I just found it: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australian-federal-budget-blood-and

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It’s amazing how much of this stuff they can just blithely admit with no great reaction now. It’s only a scandal if the mainstream media say it’s a scandal.

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We've got infected blood and semen now for sure. 😔

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Yes. Once you have put that stuff in so many bodies, it’s very difficult to avoid contamination (shedding, blood supplies etc).

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Drop in the ocean compared to the jabs. Mind you the NHS is a disaster in itself. I saw some of that myself in 2020.

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Now that the truth is finally coming-out - and more people in academia are acknowledging that fact - the more difficult it will be for the bastards who pushed these poisons to continue to claim 'safe & effective' or that they were acting in the best interests of the public. "I didn't know" was no defence at Nuremberg-1 and it will be no defence at Nuremberg-2.

This is likely a strong reason why so many MPs in the UK have decided to 'step-down' and not defend their Parliamentary Seats in the forthcoming General Election - they want to be out and away before the SHTF bigtime in regard to the real cause of the continuing Excess Mortality (note that there was NO excess mortality recorded in 2020 while CoNvid was supposedly doing the rounds and before the vaccines were rolled-out. (I prefer to refer to those as V.E.S.s = Voluntary Euthanasia Shots, although in many cases those were M.E.S.s = Mandated Euthanasia Shots).

Those involved are attempting to avoid their seats in the Dock at the aforementioned Nuremberg-2 Trials by slinking away to their hidey-holes.

We may need an army of latter-day "Simon Wiesenthals" to track these phuquers down and bring them to justice.

In similar vein to Jupps' desire to be blunt, I hope that the likes of Bogbrush Boris Johnson, 'Midazolam' Matt Hancock, Sajid "Rabid-Jabbid" Javid, and indeed Chris TWhitty, P(at)rick Vallance, June Raine, Jennie Harries, Susan Michie, that twat Neil Ferguson and many, many, many others are quaking in their shoes about the potential fate that awaits them. I'd happily pull the lever on any (and every) single one of them.

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I’m not sure the number of MPs retiring or abdicating their seats shows that they are running scared of retribution. I wish that was the case, since it would suggest retribution and accountability is coming. At the moment, I don’t think it is. It’s more of a cynical ‘ok, this product is tainted, withdraw it from sale, issue it under a new name and it’s the same thing’. That’s what the calculation is behind it. The MPs are now another drug, and if your drug gets tainted, you switch it. But really the ingredients are the same, and the profit goes to the same people.

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LMAO... it's a gene therapy not a vaccine.

Of course it caused deaths... it's a G E N E T H E R A P Y that never passed animal trials.

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I agree. I’m not sure why you are voicing this as if I don’t. I’ve merely used the word vaccine for the sake of the understanding of those who don’t already know that the definitions were changed, that it isn’t actually a vaccine, and that it is an experimental and dangerous gene therapy. I have put the point you make many times myself, including in my book on Bill Gates. Sadly if you say ‘COVID vaccine’ everyone knows what product you are talking about, and it’s still the case that if you say ‘mRNA gene therapy’, they don’t.

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All vaccines cause harm and death if anything. Covid ones are just more lethal it seems, but then they have been rolled out in a way we never saw before.


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