Yes, you are right on all points. But most of all, to add, is that they let the rally proceed and let him take the stage knowing that there was an active threat for nearly 30 minutes beforehand . To me, this changes the root cause from gross incompetence to intentional malice. This was planned, and Trump is alive today only by the grace of God. He should be in a bunker with a food taster until after the election, and hire his own security team. The USSS is compromised.

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Agree. I am worried that the next attempt - and why wouldn’t they keep trying will be a completely different tactic, maybe something a la Andrew Breitbart. Always suspected that was them too.

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And Judge Scalia

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Quite so !

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And I’m worried about Baron. Another way to neutralize PDT is to break his heart and spirit by targeting his son.

Nothing is beyond these people.

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Good synopsis.. new mounting evidence/ supposition that 2 more shooters were in place and firing, it is questionable that the obvious shooter was shot by the SS due to where his body ended up below the apex of the roof. The plot thickens. The short position taken on stocks emphasises that people expected Trump to be dead. Those people need to be investigated. I am of the opinion as of today the shooter ‘ Crooks’ was an easy to shoot patsie to hide the evidence of the attempt. Looking increasingly like a botched FBI CIA operation

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I don’t go so far to confirm that yet, but it would not surprise me in the least. My point though is that even if it wasn’t an actual CIA hit with other shooters, it WAS a DELIBERATE leaving of Trump exposed to a lone wolf shooter. That’s bad enough and basically criminal. Setting someone up to make their death likely is bad enough. It may well be more, of course.

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I understand completely your take. Definitely criminal.

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It's also been determined that the woman in a ball cap behind him who began recording on her phone was the assistant FBI Director! Hmmmm. She made no attempt to go help him, which would have been a natural reaction for any normal human being who was in that position.

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Nope! You are right.

What I find so unbelievable is that all that scenario is so in our faces but yet they expected no questioning of it all?

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Yes, and how even we accept this as normal now. The other way round, the news would be full of it still and there would be resignations. The media would go crazy for months on it. Here it’s like ‘it was loud noises’, then ‘ok, it was an assassination attempt’, then ‘it was staged’ or ‘anyway, here’s the weather’.

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And not one loud and violent protest, no shops looted, and no massive outcry.

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Yes, she stands then sits prematurely it seems. Then shots ring out and she doesn’t cower for cover, but raises her phone to get a great “shot” of the commotion in front of her. Something’s rotten…

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Naomi Wolf nails the lapses in physical security: https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/lady-macbiden/

It looks to me like gaps were left open for a shooter. Butler took place a few days before the RNC. Had Trump been killed, it would have been bedlam. Which suggests that the timing was deliberate, for maximum damage. I've watched a couple of interviews with ex-snipers, and they refer to the assassin as a 'gunman', because he was not using professional sniper equipment such as a telescopic sight. If the security lapses were intentional, and an assassination was planned, then there was a second gun - a professional sniper - within sight of the stage. Crooks was the patsy. Same playbook with saw with JFK et al - look here, not there.

If you're with my reasoning so far, you should have questions. Let's work through this...

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As as American, I agree with you on all points. I also think that Naomi Wolf's assessment of the entire situation (Jill Biden's envolvement) is spot on.

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No, Daniel, you're not wrong.

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All true, but when you add to it things like the 17 "mistakes" the FBI made that all resulted in a benefit to one party and a detriment to the other, or numerous other times when our DOJ and FBI flat out killed conservative citizens for strictly political reasons, it looks far more like the final public display of the fact that Democrats are willing to commit murder to get their way. Sadly that does not surprise most of our citizens. We've been living with it for a few years. It doesn't remotely feel like conspiracy any longer, just corruption that is getting ignored repeatedly.

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Has anyone seen this??

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If you're referring to the government "plant", as a common spectator, in the stands, then, yes, I noticed, as many that I know did, as well (I'm an American). Pamela Feldhues' s comment is 100% correct.

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If you start with the premise this was a carefully choreographed planned assasination, which by sheer chance failed, what was the hoped-for scenario? The planners must have had a post-assassination game plan, not merely to avoid being found out, but something more - a pretext for suppression of political opposition? To provoke civil war? Or just with Trump gone, hope for a return to Uniparty control, business as usual?

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Spot on Daniel.

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You're not even a tiny bit wrong.

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The truth might be they really couldn’t be bothered to give a shit bc every Trump rally goes off without incident…so what cud possibly go wrong, they thought.

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You're not wrong about all the common sense stuff. But that goes only skin deep.

Plenty on "our" side also are coming to the conclusion that the event itself is entirely staged.

I'll point you to: https://open.substack.com/pub/miri/p/america-the-movie-screenplay-by-jd?r=q4die&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

and https://open.substack.com/pub/sagehana/p/the-making-of-an-iconic-picture?r=q4die&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

Just for starters.

Over the past several years, I've actually LOVED DJ Trump. And want to keep on feeling that heady, hopeful feeling, despite his "three beautiful vaccines". But it's getting harder to hold on to the fantasy.

Nothing is as it seems.

This, too, is full of clues. https://open.substack.com/pub/sagehana/p/next-rollout-of-mrna-will-be-better?r=q4die&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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You’re not wrong. Mail on the head, in fact ! xx

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*Nail !!

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Jul 18
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I’m British too. But yes, there are obvious similarities. Except the death of this possible patsie was more immediate. For the JFK assassination my view is that the best commentator is Roger Stone.

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