Jul 16Liked by Jupplandia

This is so good, I hardly know what to say. I plan on printing this out and handing it to my son. Because you say so well what I've been trying to explain to him. It clarifies, for me, that is is Globalism, not Communism precisely, that is the issue. Communism, socialism, Islam, and ither malignant systems, can exist under this broad umbrella. Explains the irrational, blind hatred of these people.

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Thanks Cara, I hope he finds it persuasive. 😀

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Jul 16Liked by Jupplandia

The insincerity of Democrats and the sneering leftists screaming why did they miss…exhibit Trump Derangement Syndrome on an epic scale. Nice people suddenly turn into something very nasty. I think the long time media message has created a group of people who have become dangerous with their misdirected anger

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Absolutely. The mainstream is the extreme. And they set about making their followers mad.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Liked by Jupplandia

Brilliant essay - is it ok if I post a link to this on Dr Paul Alexander's substack next time I am on there? He will absolutely love this. He is a Canadian epidemiologist who worked for the Trump administration and he must be one of Trump's greatest fans.

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Thanks Patricia. Yes of course, every share is welcome and I’d personally love it being shared with anyone with Trump administration credentials or a larger audience than my own. 😀

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Jul 16Liked by Jupplandia

Done posted on this stack in the comments:


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Thanks Patricia 😀

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Liked by Jupplandia

Such a good piece, Daniel, defining Globalism/the Elite perfectly.

President Trump is a shining beacon of freedom's light, not only to America, but to the entire world. As he says,"They're not after ME, they're after YOU". So then, if America falls, so does the entire world to the Globalists, and we MAGA"s are damned if we're going to let that happen.

As a footnote, I'm sharing with my Facebook friends.

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Thanks Patricia, and for sharing it. 😀

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Jul 16Liked by Jupplandia

As soon as he was the last one standing in the primaries in 2015, I was a Trump fan. I’ve been cancelled, even by old, what I thought were good friends and fond family members. I’m afraid you’ve got their number just right. There is no room for discussion—on their side. I’m sorry they’re so morally deficient and have not all that sadly wiped the dust off my feet.

I actually have a MAGA hat, never worn, that I bought in Alexandria VA in 2018. I live in a very trendy neighbourhood in Toronto—close to both Jordan Peterson 😊 and Margaret Atwood ☹. Maybe one day, I’ll venture out wearing that hat. It could be dangerous: as you note, the Trump haters are dangerous. I’ll think about it.

Thank God President Trump was saved by the power of God. In thanksgiving, I posted Benjamin Britten’s Festival Te Deum on my FB page. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGTFd_5es_w

It ends :

“O Lord, save Thy people: and bless Thine heritage.

Govern them and lift them up for ever.

Day by day we magnify Thee; and we worship Thy Name, ever world without end.

Vouchsafe, O Lord, to keep us this day without sin.

O Lord, have mercy upon us.

O Lord, let Thy mercy lighten upon us: as our trust is in Thee.

O Lord, in Thee have I trusted: let me never be confounded.”


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Amen. And thank you for your thoughts Judy. I have a MAGA hat too. My wife doesn’t like me wearing it as she thinks it’s dangerous to do so, and I live in England.

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How many of us have lost friends and have estranged family members because of supporting Trump? As you said it’s totally irrational. It’s enough for them to know you don’t share their frothy fury about Donald Trump. When you try to understand or ask why they are willing to walk away from decades long friendships the answers are the same lunacy heard on MSNBC. He’s a Nazi! He is a threat to democracy!! He will take away your freedoms! No evidence. No cogent argument. It’s truly shocking and only goes one way

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I had a very similar experience in the UK when I opposed Jeremy Corbyn on purely rational grounds. These people will have insane fantasies regarding the threat Trump poses, but no ability to recognise their own behaviour. They will support terrorist organisations and consider themselves the moderate ones. It’s Orwellian. Trump is the focus of the Five Minute Hate, only it’s lasted nearly 10 years. And it’s mainly about hiding (from themselves as much as from anyone else) their own evil.

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What a gem of a post.

What happened sickened me to the core. I have a prayer list. Needless to say Trump is of course on it. I know the vast majority of the conservative churches love Trump. And who can blame them.

I’ll be praying even more fervently now.

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