Wonderful article and so darned true.

Having lived in Israel, we British should tear a leaf from their book, they love their country. That is the problem here,we do not cherish our country and our culture.

I urge everyone worth their salt to stand and fight for what is what is right. Prime Ministers and governments come and go. Now is the time not to accept what those fat heard plebs want us to believe and accept. Enough of this hypocrisy!!!

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Thanks Ivor, and I hope people do. I’ve explicitly addressed these things as a defiance, regardless of what the result is in our newly Soviet-Caliphate version of the UK.

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You are absolutely right about this Labour government.... and right too that there's a long historical context to this. The English upper classes (both Left & Right) have a long history of cringingly annoying self-hatred (or self-hatred-by-proxy). As Orwell said nearly a century ago: "England is perhaps the only great country whose intellectuals are ashamed of their own nationality"

And I satirized it in this peice: "England and the English: how best to characterise them? Well: theirs is a land of poets and dreamers; a land of fiercely independent gritty people who know how to take their drink and dance a jig. And you just can’t help but love to hear them sing. Then there’s the food of course – the marvellous food. And so sexy; with that famous dress sense, such gorgeous specimens of masculinity and femininity the English are overall. If all - or any - of the above was passed through some AI software it would grunt out “Does not compute, does not compute!” Why is this so? If the English are pricked, do they not bleed? When they party do they not dance and sing...and cook great meals? Do they not compete on reciprocally equal terms with Irish, Italians, French and Americans in the international romantic bonding market? Why, in short, has Englishness failed to garner its own version of the self-flattering national mythology of so many other nations? https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/englishness-as-a-brand

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Thanks Graham. I mention Orwell in the article and I was thinking specifically of that quote when I talk about the intellectual attitude to England. 😀

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Im reading Bruce Gilley's "the Last Imperialist" about the life of Alan Burns (and his "epic defence of the British Empire"). Having lived in Nigeria (my father was with Shell) Africa is close to my heart and I am proud of Alan Burns and people like him - please read it if you havent already as it's utterly wonderful. And true.

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Thanks for the recommendation, that does sound like something I would enjoy. 😀

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Loved your original take on history but despair as to how we will fight off the increasing Starmerisation of this country, although the Online Hate Act championed by the Tories last year has something to answer for, too. Where do we start? Silent marches? We don't 'revolt' here, as you so ably pointed out. Mass resistance would seem to be the only way to convince the ivory towered in Parliament that we value our land, rights and freedom of speech. But do enough people care to do this, or are they cowed by the recent draconian reaction of the authorities and the courts? I don't use social media myself, but am appalled at the sentence handed out for one idiotic tweet which was deleted virtually immediately. And thank you so much to the Stasi-loving acquaintance so 'offended' that they pointed it out to the police .... we're clearly already living in the sort of atmosphere where you can snitch on your neighbours with impunity, and we all know where that leads ....

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Thanks and all your comments here are very accurate. It seems a very tough task to turn it around, but I haven’t given into despair yet. We have to live as individual examples of resistance to this madness, try to organise and support each other, but the key difference I think is money. If you have money on your side, you can achieve things. The big difference for the radical left and their takeover of society came when they got financial backing from people who were already rich and powerful.

Some kind of general strike along Gandhi lines could be effective, but you’d need millions of people doing it for a sustained period, or enough really determined people targeting key infrastructure as the fuel protestors did at the start of the Blair era (their leadership bottled it though).

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The situation in the UK is shocking beyond all measure. Truthstream's most recent video captures the horror: https://youtu.be/JQ8WazbFea0?si=McgqNo8u0zbW-xTw

Don't let the writer/narrator's scrappy American voice put you off: she's smart as a whip.

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Thanks for the link Joanie. 😀

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ps plus it's fascinating as you can see Alan was fighting then is exactly what we are fighting now, but then it had only just begun, and now we seem to be overwhwelmed and to have lost... but to read a truthful account of what good British colonialism was capable of (Alan was such a good egg!) is marvellous!

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Depressing but true.

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Thanks 😀😀

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Excellent as always, I read a comment recently about a possible aspiration of theirs might be to get Islamic paws on English Nukes. Are there enough English left?

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Yes that’s a distinct possibility. We already have some enormously powerful Muslims including a Mayor of London who formerly worked as a friend and lawyer for terrorists. Numerically there are enough English left to prevent it, but the English who would seek to prevent it are the English with zero power and influence. Pretty much our entire wealthy and influential class are traitors.

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Nailed it.

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Cheers Ed. This one was partly inspired by your comments during the LibertyBlock chat. You probably recognised that. 😀😀

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The whole article, which is entirely due to your brilliance, is worth reading for everyone.

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Thanks very much. I appreciate that especially coming from someone with your level of historical knowledge.

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The managerial-industrial-academic elites in the West are doing just what the conservatives did in Germany before the 3rd Reich, believing they could control and exploit the extremism of the Nazis, but at one further remove. Mainstream progressives believe they can control and exploit the extremism of ascendant communism, while the more ideologically-intoxicated communists believe they can control and exploit the extremism of Islam.

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So what is the solution to the proposed wiping out of the English?

The obvious solutions would be politically difficult, if not impossible (close the universities down, repatriate recent migrants, close the borders, dismantle the civil service and the BBC etc). The middle class smug gits with the money and influence aren't affected by this extinction - they don't participate in English things (when did you last see a university-educated Morris Man?) and don't care about them, they don't walk home at night so don't get robbed/raped, they think being surrounded by elegantly made-up women who's only visible feature are mascara'd eyelashes is sooo cosmopolitan and sophisticated (try going to the Wallace Collection or the Wigmore Hall in London - middle-class activities in a middle eastern enclave).

Go to Margate or Sittingbourne. Talk to the people there. That's where the Anglo Saxons are currently holed up, driving their white vans and fixing middle-class plumbing problems, eating chips at the beach, dreaming of Alfred and Arthur.

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Florida is nice. Leave while you can.

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Once more you hit the mark with your excellent knowledge of history, and social insight

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1. What about Hindu, Buddhist, Jain & Christian immigrants from South Asia, who happen to have permanent tans?

2. Which denomination of Islam threatens England? There are ~16 and some of them hate each other as much as the Roman/Protestant wars of the past 500 years. Islam is ~500 years younger than Christianity.

3. Has the internet and social media destroyed the modern Christian Church? Is that loss what really threatens Britain? If younger generations worldwide have abandoned it, why won’t that happen to All religions?

4. The UK’s Norman nobles greedily took their Anglo Saxon lower classes to conquer the world. (That was after they savagely conquered Ireland and fiddled Wales and Scotland into the UK.)

Their unexpected gifts to the world :

A. a common language - English

B. the Westminster Parliament with variations, which derives from 1000 years of battle between rulers & ruled.

C. British Justice, which underlies most international law.

5. Have you talked to the immigrants you fear? Befriended any? Invited anyone to tea? Asked what their names mean, their goals, where they work, what their children study?

It’s fascinating!

6. In 2 generations, Canadians will all be lovely shades of mahogany, with no more divisions of East, Southeast, South or Cauc-Asian sunburners, nor African, nor Indigenous American, Pacific, etc.

We live in a great era. Let’s not let the intolerant destroy it. Let’s love the differences and learn from them.

PS. Great article; thanks for adding to my knowledge and love of English history, and your concerns for the UK’s future.

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1. Regarding other immigrants, many integrate more than Muslims do. I am therefore less concerned about the ones you mention, since there has been no Indian, Hindu or Jain terrorism in the UK. That said, none of these groups would have the right to overwhelm the indigenous English either. If they were both coming in such numbers as to make that likely, and behaving in ways like forming huge gangs that terrorise the streets, that would be an issue too. The skin colour isn’t really the issue, the issue is that the English have an innate right to remain the majority in their own nation.

2. Yes there are many sects of Islam and they do fight each other. For a sensible person that’s another reason not to import those conflicts, don’t you think?

3. Losing your cultural and religious identity is a bad thing with negative consequences. We see those negative e consequences in both our own youth and in the kind of ideas that replace Christianity in a moral vacuum.

4. The Welsh and the Scots were hardly fiddled. England acquired a Scottish king, not the other way round. The Tudors were partly a Welsh dynasty, really. Both areas did well during the Empire. As for Ireland, the history is far more complex than the simplistic version you are presenting here. Strongbow was invited into Ireland by an Irish High King, and St Patrick was abducted into slavery by Irish raiders, for instance.

5. The naivety and condescension of this point is astounding. Should I welcome my replacement if I kind a few people from the replacing group who are nice? Should all objection to being replaced be ascribed to a baseless fear? This tries to make being aware of reality a pathology to be mocked, rather than awareness of a genuine threat. Like many people, my own extended family now is multi-ethnic and I’ve encountered other cultures and races in friendly ways. Why should that make me ignore all the non friendly interactions, and the existential threat of being completely replaced?

6. What you express in your final point is perhaps a globalist or liberal dream, that everyone will become the same colour and all division will cease. It’s pure fantasy, as your point about Muslim sects actually acknowledges. The reality is that cultural and ethnic homogeneity ar important, that small levels of mixed population can function well, but very and chaotically mixed areas with lots of very different identities become much more violent and dangerous. With Islam, too, that usually results in other groups being killed or forced out forever. Pretty much every nation Islam has entered attests to this. Look at what is happening to Christians in Nigeria, to Hindus in Bangladesh, what happened to Christians in Lebanon, what happened to formerly Buddhist nations that are now entirely Islamic nations. None of these transitions were peaceful and positive.

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So let me get this straight: A distinct culture must be systematically dismantled so that we can “love differences”? It seems to me that it is not “diversity” that you love so much as homogenization, which — if you’ll permit such as large abstraction — is at odds with Nature Itself. Every species and every culture seeks to perpetuate itself, making Marxism and globalism such a lunatic dream.

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