The State of Blighty
As an election approaches, and as the 80th anniversary of D Day is celebrated, Britain faces more managed disaster
On mainstream media channels this morning, globalist British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and the beleaguered, dying Conservative Party face scandal after scandal. Not since the end of the Major years has the British media been so obsessed with ‘Tory sleaze and scandal’.
When Conservative governments fall in the UK, there is always a hint of Victorian melodrama to the whole thing. There’s a relish regarding every instance of corruption and every hint of sleaze, all predicated on a curious moral holdover from the ancient past.
Conservatism is associated with traditional moral values. With Victorian values. With concepts like hard work, piety, respect for the family, patriotism and personal responsibility. Part of the intense, visceral hate for conservatism from proponents of the ‘new morality’ derives from their furious sense that conservatism scolds them for their sexual choices, their lifestyle choices, their ‘identity’.
As degenerate sexual attitudes in particular have become more and more condoned and powerful in our society, as ‘do what thou wilt’ becomes, instead of a Satanic or occult instruction that knows itself to be perverse, a cherished and championed freedom supposedly representing more enlightened times, Conservative sleaze becomes the only sleaze one is allowed to question.
Progressives who advocate that ‘love is love’ when it comes to the most disgusting perversions imaginable (like being sexually attracted to children) assume the guise of horrified traditional moralists if a Conservative is exposed in a consensual adult affair. This hypocrisy regarding sexual morals applies in exactly the same way regarding any instances of a Conservative publicly slipping in any other way.
Those who hate every traditional moral injunction there is, those who indignantly insist that a porn saturated decadent culture of casual and meaningless sex, readily available abortion, pandered to and increasingly accepted extreme fetish, and equally rampant political corruption in which nothing is sacred and nothing is wrong except the old morality is the height of human progress, are absurdly the most strident of all in applying the old morality to their enemies.
At one and the same time we are told that a conservative instinct of blaming people for their own poor choices is cruel, inhumane and evil, whilst poor choices by conservatives are gleefully salivated over by the same enemies who hate them for being ‘judgemental’.
And all this reaches a state of absurdity pretty quickly. We are not far from the day when a man in a bondage sex puppy dog fetish mask sporting an erection will solemnly on our TV screens condemn a conservative for jaywalking.
It’s in this spirit of absolute, perfected hypocrisy that we must view mainstream media condemning Rishi Sunak for leaving the D Day ceremonies in France early to attend an interview with….mainstream media. It almost exceeds the limits of satire to see this being the latest scandal to engulf the hapless Sunak. And the one sidedness of the condemnation is hilarious. If the Prime Minister cutting his attendance short is such an insult to the memory of the dead, then why does none of the condemnation accrue to the mainstream media itself….which was party to the organisation of the interview and presumably wanted the interview? Didn’t they know when they scheduled it that the ceremonies were still going on?
Those who hold nothing sacred and spend every minute of their lives sneering at patriotism and respect for the past, the very people who view the Britain of the 1940s as a racist, sexist, imperialist, exploitative, oppressive place to be ashamed of, are supposedly at the same time so respectful of that past that nothing horrifies them more than a person leaving a series of ceremonies honouring it?
The D Day ceremonies themselves give us a curious example of the way the ceremonies of a better past are now, like everything else, suborned to the hypocrisies of the present. Over the last 80 years European politicians including British ones have done nothing but betray the kind of society and culture that was capable of the D-Day landings. They have allowed everything that nationalist troops driven by deep patriotism fought for to be discarded. They have characterised the nationalism that saved the world from Nazism as if it were the same as Nazism. They have allowed their countries to be fundamentally transformed in ways that harm their own people. They have demonised anyone objecting to these transformations as ‘far right’. Rather than sending out forces that liberate allied nations from the grip of conquerors, they have allowed and facilitated the long conquest of their own homelands.
The spectacle of globalist politicians who defer to the authority of the EU celebrating the national sovereignty of their nations is a loathsome one. Likewise, globalist politicians who have facilitated mass immigration and the enormous harms it causes are in no position to pretend that they care about the history of the countries they rule, or the people who for a short time yet will still be the majority of their citizens.
You cannot welcome the dinghy invasions of Sub Saharan Africa or of Middle Eastern Muslims, and call people who object to those invasions racists and evil, and simultaneously honour the soldiers who gave their lives to preserve the freedom of the native populations of Europe. This is like claiming to love the grandfather whilst selling the grandchild into slavery.
You cannot facilitate and welcome the Islamisation of Europe and pretend not to see how that affects the Jews of Europe today, whilst claiming to revere the fight against Nazism. There are very few ideologies on Earth so closely aligned with the Nazi attitude to Jews as both traditional Islam and modern progressivism now are. In London or Paris today, Jews are in danger, synagogues are burned or must hire security guards, and Jewish schoolchildren are threatened with Islamic terrorism even more than the rest of us are.
But mainstream politicians who refuse to condemn Islam and are prepared to imprison people who do, that is politicians who have aided Islamic attitudes that are the same as Nazi ones and who allow Hamas supporters to control our cities, claim to be inheritors of the fight against Nazism?
These same people, if faced with a British or French 1940s average western attitude on anything today, would call the person voicing it a Nazi. In other words, they today allow Nazi type attitudes particularly towards Jews to flourish more than they ever have since the end of WWII, so long as the people enacting it are not white. If the people hating Jews are not white, their hate will be excused and protected. At the same time very sensible views, which are no threat to Jews or to anyone except the corrupt, will be treated as ‘far right’.
This complex mess of hypocrisies is what passes for contemporary mainstream morality.
Modern events cast an ironic light on the whole 80th anniversary celebrations of D-Day.
How many of those who liberated France from Nazis thought that they were fighting for a world where millions of Muslims with Nazi attitudes could invade and take over their own nations with the full support of their own ruling class?
How many of them would recognise modern London?
On D Day 156,000 troops landed by sea and air to fight to save the Western world.
Today, a million arrivals a year in the UK is matched by a fierce determination on the part of globalist leaders to destroy what little is left of their own people.
Once we sent flotillas to save others. Now we are told we might be breaking hate speech thought control laws if we criticise dinghy invasions of our land.
The truth is western governments have been betraying everything their people sacrificed for from the moment WWII ended.
Who, just 80 years ago, could have imagined what the West would allow itself to become or that Jews and whites would both be sacrificed in a society enslaved to a sick combination of extreme decadence, rampant corruption and invasive Islam?
The inept Sunak currently being castigated for the scandal of leaving the D Day celebrations early is not someone I am generally inclined to defend. This is a man who was installed in ‘power’ by foreign masters and as Liz Truss has identified by the British Deep State. A coup orchestrated by actors like the Bank of England, the international money speculators (the profession and class from which Sunak himself comes) and the Civil Service replaced Truss without the British people having any say in the process. The moneymen who make their greatest profits from the decline of western nations could not allow Britain to genuinely seize the opportunities of Brexit. The run in the pound under Truss was an orchestrated financial attack triggered not by the inherent recklessness of tax cuts (or by these cuts being uncosted) but by the fact that a surging Britain would lose money for those whose investments are focused more broadly across the EU.
For ideological AND personal financial reasons Globalists could not allow Britain to do better than Europe. That’s why they opposed Brexit all along and finally got a full Remain cabinet in place.
So none of the above regarding the way Conservatives are more subject to moral criticism than leftists is intended to defend Sunak. Sunak and most of the Conservative Party are globalists who have betrayed conservatism for years. In every real sense, they are progressives and traitors just as much as Labour are….which is why their core vote has finally collapsed. The same applies to Truss, although having been so humiliatingly removed she at least now acknowledges the realities that populists have been aware of for a long time.
To fully understand why more powerful globalists first installed Sunak and now have withdrawn their support (allowing Starmer to surge and the media to rip the Tories to shreds) we must understand that political parties and their leaders aren’t the real powers. They are the managers, not the owners. Their masters install and remove them in the same way that a football club changes managers without changing who owns the club. When a manager becomes a liability or can be used as a scapegoat, they are removed. The club owner puts in a new manager to assuage the fans and deflect criticism from himself, but the control, the ownership and the tactics usually don’t change.
In other words the great problem facing the UK comes in multiple parts-first, globalists have no intention of allowing Britain to be successful. Britain’s part to play in the globalist future is to be castigated and punished for its past independent success, whilst being economically and demographically reduced to third world status ensuring an easily manageable global parity facilitating transnational global governance. Second, maximum profit for globalists is to be extracted from the UK by managing a deliberate decline, rather as asset strippers obtain heavy short term profits from breaking up an old company. Third, every main political party is both corrupt (tied to these destructive schemes for selfish benefit) and ideologically wedded to the whole process too.
This means that if any British politician departs from the destructive agenda, they will be portrayed as uniquely dangerous and removed from office….even if their departure from instructions is very minimal. Boris Johnson, for example, followed globalist orders in everything except Brexit rhetoric, but that was enough to see his removal engineered (perhaps, if we are being generous to Johnson, combined with resisting the final planned COVID lockdown). Liz Truss was a globalist puppet on Ukraine, but defied globalist instruction by pursuing a low tax route to British success.
Sunak has desperately tried to stave off the consequences of the decades of betrayal of the core voter that a globalist controlled version of ‘Conservatism’ has enacted. He has tried to sound tough on immigration and genuinely rightwing, but it is all far too late and far too obviously absurd. His installation was too obvious, and his general globalism is too obvious. It can’t be avoided by suddenly talking about national service (people know that service would be in defence, not of British interests, but globalist ones. Britain’s youth would be destined for meat grinder globslist conflicts that actually make Britain weaker, like Ukraine). 14 years of failing to deal with mass immigration and failing to remove Britain from the harmful international accords that want mass immigration makes moves like the Rwanda policy obviously fake.
The public know a globalist doesn’t really want to stop mass immigration or defend the borders, and they know too that the ridiculous Rwanda removal scheme was selected precisely because more obvious and achievable solutions (stopping dinghies using the Navy, ending automatic asylum and welfare, leaving international and transnational rules system that support mass immigration, forcibly returning arrivals to France) are verboten.
The reason Sunak has failed to get away with a pretence of conservatism is that finally, after so many years of the official Right betraying them, their voters have given up on them. The core conservative Brirish vote, possibly the most loyal vote anywhere on the planet, has after 14 years….no after 80 years with the exception of Thatcherism, had enough. They can no longer be told how bad Labour will be and persuaded to vote for the lesser of two evils. That one by default or vote by strength of the hideousness of the alternative is done, precisely because globalist ambitions have become more and more obviously insane and more and more obviously what is delivered by voting for EITHER main party.
Britain is now in a very curious position. In the short term our globalist masters, who really hate the genuine British people, will get what they want. A discredited globalist leader and quisling puppet government called Conservative will be replaced with an even more globalist leader and even more quisling puppet government called Labour. Labour will achieve a huge majority not because anyone likes them, but because the Tories are hated by their own voters now. But as the collapse of the Red Wall during Brexit showed Labour’s old core vote is as unhappy with them as the Tory core vote is with their representatives. The vast majority of British people view Labour with the SAME distaste as they view the Conservatives, but this has been temporarily papered over by the sheer depth of Tory collapse.
Once Labour are in they will double down on all the policies that made the Tories so hated, and people will again be reminded that anything the Tories screw up, Labour screws up faster. The mechanism maintaining globalist rule is the swing from Labour to Tory and back again. That pendulum, that fake opposition, that two party rule that is in reality always the same misrule, is now so overused that it is broken. Labour will be the first Party in history to achieve an enormous victory while being thoroughly detested themselves (except in even more obvious fraud cases like Biden’s narrow election ‘victory’).
A genuine breaking of the old two parties of betrayal is possible. A rising of Reform under Nigel Farage that makes the old UKIP surge look like an outlying wave compared to an unstoppable tsunami is possible (they probably won’t gain many seats this election, but could grab a share of the vote that is respectable enough to make being a major party by the next election after this one very possible). Britain has not had a MAGA movement. The disillusioned majority have not had a champion like Trump. Farage became the most influential campaigner in recent British history without building an equivalent of MAGA. All it would take is sustained effort and sufficient financial backing, though, combined with a populist refusal to fear media and establishment assaults, to topple the globslist control of Britain altogether.
But as corrupt and as hated as both main parties are, we are still a far way away from that glorious reckoning. Recently, a patriotic rally in answer to months of Muslim Hamas rallies garnered just 20,000 or so attendees. Those 20,000 were the Britons brave enough to stand with Tommy Robinson and signal a commitment to both white Britain and Jewish Brits (the rightwing-Jewish alliance is real, and it is a thing forced into being by Muslim power and hate and globalist contempt for the lives of Jews and the state of Israel AND the white working class). They, like the impact UKIP had, could be the outlier of a far greater transformation.
A transformation from conservative compliance to genuine populist revolt, a transformation from decades of betrayal in which the official Right has always been complicit into something genuinely new.
A Right that isn’t ashamed to fight.
It’s this possibility that offers hope for ordinary people, which is precisely why it is this possibility that is the focus of the greatest amount of negative propaganda. What they call ‘far right extremism’ would simply be a government that listens to us, and a government that cares about us. What globalists fear is what real nations need.
Your incisive mind hits more than a few points hard in this article. Well done.
A leader like Javier Milei, who relishes a fight and pulls no punches might unite the Country.