The Safety Valve Scandals
The things mainstream media will call a scandal are designed to preserve the illusion of normality
I have not seen anyone else use the term, so I’m going to claim complete originality here. Welcome to the launch of the Safety Valve Scandal. If anyone else got there first, its not me copying them, but a case of near simultaneous discovery.
So what is a Safety Valve Scandal?
It’s a ‘scandal’ the mainstream media will talk about and promote, resulting in an almost immediate political resignation.
It should be distinguished from the ‘scandals’ that the mainstream media normally acknowledge and promote. In most instances, if something has the mainstream media furious, its fake, and they know it is fake. When the mainstream media are intensely focused on telling us that a political opponent of one or all aspects of Globalism is ‘mired in scandal’ what that means is that they are, on orders, using a confected scandal to remove that opponent.
They are the ones promoting the narrative, for instance, that Trump raped E.Jean Carroll or that Matt Gaetz trafficked an underage girl for sex. Sometimes these fake scandals work, and sometimes they fail, but they are treated as true regardless and no apology or retraction ever comes afterwards.
The Safety Valve Scandal is the opposite side of the same coin. It’s not a fiction aimed at destroying a Populist. It’s usually a true event resulting in the sacrifice of a minor Globalist.
A Safety Valve Scandal is the equivalent of sacrificing a pawn to protect a Knight, Bishop, King or Queen.
It’s purpose is twofold: first to deflect attention away from some simultaneous darker, deeper and far more disgusting crime by someone who actually matters, and second to preserve the general illusion of normality.
This is why a Safety Valve Scandal always emerges when some much more important scandal, some much bigger and much more hideous transgression, has recently occurred or is unfolding, especially if this other scandal threatens to break out regardless of mainstream media attempts to ignore and suppress recognition of it.
In the UK we have just been presented with a perfect example of a Safety Valve Scandal.
The new British Transport Secretary Louise Haigh has resigned from her post. Haigh is a very minor figure, and this will be the first time many British people (let alone Americans, Canadians and the like) have heard of her. In other words, committed Globalist and government insider though she is, she is also a pawn that nobody above her is going to regret losing. This is an important factor in any scandal being allowed to topple her.
The reason for her resignation is almost transparently trivial. In 2013 Louise Haigh claimed to be the victim of a mugging. She reported the matter to the police. On doing so, she listed items she said had been stolen, among which was her work supplied mobile phone. Later, she switched on and used that phone. This resulted in the police deciding that she had wasted police time and lied to them, with a resulting minor charge against her for this.
Whether the mugging was real, whether Haigh (as she subsequently claimed) had innocently been wrong about the items stolen, or whether she had lied in order to receive an upgraded company phone (a crime with so pathetic a reward being pretty unbelievable, were one not familiar with just how greedy and deceitful the kind of people who become MPs generally are) doesn’t really matter that much.
None of it matters that much, which is precisely why it is allowed to be a ‘scandal’ at all.
At the time both the police and her employers seemed sure that Louise Haigh had lied on purpose. She was fired from her job, and charged with lying to the police. Some people will of course pretend that lying to the police is still a very serious matter, and in a normal democracy with a politically neutral and generally competent police force this would be true. In a time when politicians, too, are generally held to high moral standards we might be shocked by such a past incident, and wonder how this one bad apple got in a basket of such wholesome fruits.
But Britain is no longer a normal democracy with a politically neutral and generally competent police force. And British politicians are not generally held to high moral standards.
In fact, in such a basket, an apple with this sole blemish might be considered far fresher than the rest.
For those aware of the general reality, every aspect of this ‘scandal’ evokes a bitter laugh. We know for instance than the Prime Minister accepting Louise Haigh’s resignation over the old matter of what might have been a fraud garnering a slightly better phone has accepted thousands upon thousands of pounds worth of what would accurately be described everywhere as personal bribes were our mainstream media and police not so determined to protect him.
Are we really to believe that a man who accepted personal gifts from an endless list of donors and supplicants throughout his political career was morally shocked by what his Transport Secretary did in 2013?
Are we to believe that we still live in a society of honorable rules and cast-iron moral guidelines where the very worst that can be found among the otherwise impeccably righteous and upright political class is some sordid little effort to get a better work phone?
Well, yes, that is exactly what such a pathetic scandal is supposed to leave us believing. We are supposed to see a government minister resign and thus conclude that government ministers are subject to the same laws as you and I. We are supposed to believe that there is in place a framework of laws and a code of ethics that works equally and fairly.
The message of the Safety Valve Scandal is that all is right with the world. Forget the big crimes, just look at how effectively we police ourselves. This IS an honest system, my friend. Don’t fall for all those wacky conspiracy theories. If we do wrong, why, we suffer for it, just like you.
See here, we can’t even get away with a false claim to the police and a little bitty thing like a fraudulent phone upgrade.
So stop worrying your pretty little heads about the rest, OK?
This is the illusion of normality. In a way, it is the same illusion preserved by the very existence of a police force, a legal code, a whole pageant of ethical guidelines, professional standards documents, those Our Values statements that everything from the local Post Office to the supermarket chain to the great Departments of State love to print off and pin up for the reassurance of the rest of us.
All of it a ‘Nothing to See Here’ show while they steal our land, rape our kids, poison our food, profit themselves and throw us in jail if we ever dare see through it all.
Whenever a Safety Valve Scandal comes along its wise to look at what else is happening at the same time. Why has this pawn been sacrificed?
In the case of Louise Haigh, its a pretty big list. Here are the things the mainstream media don’t have to talk about while devoting column inches and talking head TV moments to a 15 year old crime by a minor member of the government that nobody had ever heard of before. And I’m going to limit this just to the things which have emerged in the three and a half months since the UK General Election:
Britain’s ludicrous ‘democracy’ shackled 80% of people with a radical Globalist Progressive government they didn’t vote for. Don’t talk about the lack of democracy and mandate in that broken system.
An Islamic terrorist murdered three young girls in yet another example of brutality and madness from the religion of peace. Don’t talk about the negatives of Islam or of mass immigration.
The British police found an Islamic terrorist training manual and ingredients to make ricin chemical weapons in that killer’s home. They only revealed that weeks later. Don’t talk about Islamic terrorism and police dishonesty.
Under Britain’s draconian and insanely subjective hate crime and online activity laws people were arrested, sentenced and imprisoned for speculating ACCURATELY that the killer was Muslim. Don’t talk about Muslim crimes or we will put you in prison.
The police did all this while knowing they had lied and the people they imprisoned had told the truth. Don’t talk about the utter corruption of the police.
Britain’s Prime Minister interfered in the justice system and any chance of justice with hysterical rhetoric and by publicly demanding swift arrest and stern sentences. Don’t talk about how ethically wrong such political interference is.
Muslim criminals who patrolled the streets with weapons were helped by the police rather than arrested. Don’t talk about two-tier policing and Muslim power.
Muslim criminals who attacked both police officers and civilians were never arrested or charged. Don’t talk about two-tier policing and Muslim power.
Over 200 people were swiftly imprisoned, some for merely being in the vicinity of a ‘riot’ and some for merely filming or talking about. Don’t talk about the oppressive insanity of this.
An innocent man who accurately and truthfully described the police as corrupt was arrested, humiliated in court, and imprisoned, where he was driven to suicide by his treatment, all of which flowed from the words and demands of our Prime Minister. Don’t talk about the State murder of Peter Lynch.
It emerged that the Prime Minister has a career long record of accepting bribes and gifts including Taylor Swift tickets, sporting tickets, rent free use of a luxury flat, and annual clothing allowances for himself and his wife. Don’t talk about the Prime Minister being a man who can be bribed easily.
The same Prime Minister has private meetings with the most powerful and corrupt investment bank on the planet and openly declares he has entered a partnership with BlackRock. Don’t talk about this being deeply corrupt and the Prime Minister serving foreign commercial interests while in office.
The Prime Minister having similar private meetings with Bill Gates, who like BlackRock has a range of agricultural and food supply interests. Don’t talk about government being conducted via secretive meetings with foreign billionaires.
The government immediately after these meetings release a budget that includes an inheritance tax on farmers that will force them to sell their land. Don’t talk about the Marxist disasters of forced land seizures like this.
BlackRock create a new asset fund to purchase British farms. Don’t talk about the timing of that!
British supermarkets start a trial of a toxic substance in milk and dairy supplies with zero labelling and carginogenic and fertility issues associated with it. Don’t talk about the government being fine with people being poisoned.
The British government declares that there is a 20 billion pound black hole in the finances. Don’t talk about whether that’s true.
The British government assign over 20 billion pounds of fresh spending to foreign aid, Ukraine, and foreign climate aid. Don’t compare that with the black hole claim.
The British government escalate the likelihood of nuclear war by supplying long range missile systems and helping Ukraine fire them into Russia. Don’t talk about how unnecessary and reckless this policy is.
Millions of people sign a petition calling for an emergency General Election which a government spokesman dismisses as “losers” not accepting a “massive mandate for change.” Don’t talk about this government not being wanted.
Remember, the above are just the main ones from the first three months. I’ve not cited in that list any of the crimes from the entire political establishment, crimes Keir Starmer played a very prominent part in, that go back further than that.
So let’s add those now.
Why is what happened with Muslim grooming gangs not a career ending scandal? What do you think is worse-lying to the police about a stolen phone, or being the Director of Public Prosecutions who helped hundreds of Muslims rape thousands of children for years without facing trials for it?
Or how about Keir Starmer being Jeremy Corbyn’s right-hand man when Corbyn was the UK’s leading supporter of Hamas and Hezbollah? Why isn’t support for terrorists and terrorist lovers a scandal?
Or how about Keir Starmer and most of the current Labour Government having been people who between 2020-2022 lied to the public about the necessity of lockdowns, the danger of COVID, the efficacy and safety of COVID mRNA experimental gene therapies, the effectiveness and necessity of masks and the effectiveness and necessity of social distancing?
When is being part of the system that has caused millions of unnecessary deaths worldwide going to be a career ending scandal, exactly?
A genuinely normal, responsible, rational, sane political and media class, a GENUINE care for ethical standards and public health, a Prime Minister and a government and a society that had REAL standards discussed by REAL journalists….
Might consider everything Starmer has done and continues to do MUCH worse than the ‘scandal’ of a 2013 instance of lying to the police about a phone, don’t you think?
But this is the essence of the Safety Valve Scandal. They give up a pawn for something insignificant, so they don’t have to talk about or give up the rest of it.
A Safety Valve Scandal is NOT a case of the mainstream media finally holding the powerful to account. It exists precisely so they DON’T have to do that.
We will accept the jaywalking ticket, just don’t discuss the murders.
That’s the illusion of normality a Globalist resignation provides. Here is Louise Haigh talking about why she resigned:
“…whatever the facts of the matter, this issue will inevitably be a distraction from delivering on the work of this government.”
Oh how true that is. It is a distraction. Of course not the type she means. It’s not that she has resigned because her scandal distracts from the good work being done. It’s that her her scandal is supposed to distract from the real evils being done. It’s distraction and safety valve at the same time.
Because some of us will be dumb enough to believe it means we live in a democracy or have an honest media.
The work of the government, though-serving BlackRock, betraying you, imprisoning the innocent, stealing land, wasting money, moving towards war, directing your money into their pockets, continues.
That won’t stop until we pick who resigns, rather than them.
And perhaps what is even more objectionable about all this, worse than the obvious cynicism by which a pawn is sacrificed so the sick game continues, is this illusion of normality being maintained throughout.
The most bleakly amusing and spiritually debilitating thing about modern times is the pretense of normality while great crimes go unpunished.
In fact, nothing makes the scandals that aren’t acknowledged more chilling than the petty scandals that are.
That people can still resign from government for fairly stupid and trivial things, whilst far worse is never punished at all.
Going back a bit further than this Labour scandal, for instance, we saw Boris Johnson forced to resign. But he wasn’t forced to resign for bringing in lockdowns, for supporting a dangerous experiment, for lying every day about death tolls or for taking away basic civil rights.
He was forced to resign for eating a cake at an office garden party.
As if THAT was the thing that really mattered.
As if Johnson was the ONLY ONE guilty of all the REAL CRIMES during COVID. When he, too, was a pawn.
And Bill Gates still gets private meetings with the latest ‘British leader’.
Every acknowledged scandal is there purely to allow the rest of it to carry on. The Safety Valve Scandal lets out a little steam in a little whistle, and the fires of public discontent are harnessed again to the surging train of corruption. We maintain a sickening edifice of normality, of limits and boundaries, purely so that the great crimes can continue under some new authority, unpunished and unstopped.
Arguably an arcane practise, though many sense it, the political art of subterfuge and deception is alive and thriving in this day of truncated attention spans with the half-life of a headline or perhaps a few seconds. It is SOP widely used as you point out, an exemplar being New Zealand. However, in that instance there is an added variation, the twists of a population carefully groomed over successive generations into ready passive compliance to authority with extra-layers of reinforcement, snitchers and dobbers (police informants) and a thoroughly co-opted MSM. The political insurance and ensuing theatre was ensured. That was witnessed in spades throughout the plandemic.
One favourite political ploy played by the globalist UniParty observed in NZ is the release of significant information to the public at times when it is guaranteed that the populace are distracted, Christmas being an example. For example, Resolution 2334 was passed by the United Nations Security Council December 23, 2016 (NZ playing a major role), while on December 10, 2018 the Marrakech Global Migration Compact was imposed.
However, bread and circuses remain the chief fare of distraction, as they always have.
It breaks my heart to see my people so cucked, cowed, and distracted by the modern day equivalent of bread and circuses that they let the Labour and Tory Private Members Club do whatever tf they want with nary a murmur of protest.
I often wonder what it'll take to madden the people enough to "pick who resigns".
She's quite obviously a sacrifice on the alter of public appeasement because as you correctly point out, what she did is trivial compared to what the rest of them have done, and are doing.
The UK isn't a democracy anymore, and really hasn't been for decades; it's a police state and we let ourselves sleep walk to that point.