As a way of summing up 2024 and looking forward to 2025 here is a brief summary of the worst bullshit around. What are the truly awful bullshit lies that only the dumbest, led by the nose mainstream media influenced retards still cling to?
The COVID Pandemic.
In 2020 the western world divided between sado-masochistic authority loving perverts and normal rational adults. The perverts found that they really, really loved Daddy Government telling them what to do and enabling them to tell others what to do. They may have conveniently forgotten what absolute shits they were. Those of us who didn’t go mad still remember. So look back in anger. If you banged your pots and pans for the NHS, do you realise yet just what a fucking programmed idiot you were? If you wanted the unvaccinated punished or put in special camps or kept out of society until they CONFORMED, are you still lying to yourself about it all or do you realise now that what was revealed was just how much of an authoritarian shitbag you are?
Let’s be honest, the whole thing was both a morality test and an intelligence test. If you went along with it all for a foreign holiday or because everyone else was or because you were genuinely scared, and never questioned why on Earth a virus would follow directional arrows on the ground or attack people when they were talking but not when they were eating, you failed the intelligence test. If you got very angry with people not wearing masks in the supermarket or you called anyone who refused the vaccine a danger to others you failed the morality test as well.
The lie then was that any of it made sense or was anything more than a massive 4 trillion dollar wealth transfer combined with a test run to see just how fucking stupid people are and how willing they are to give away their basic liberties and those of others.
The lie today is essentially the same, but basically that it’s normal that this all happened and that nobody has ever been punished for it despite millions of people having been killed by those who created the virus, created the insane measures in response to the virus, and created too the poisonous and reckless mRNA experiment forced by lies, coercion, State power and corporate greed on most of the population of the planet.
An obviously dangerous, obviously insane, obviously cynical, dishonest and criminal set of policies built on lies wrecked economies and ended lives. Until that’s widely acknowledged and recognised and SOMEBODY pays for it we are still living a lie on COVID.
It’s still as relevant now as it was in 2020. What ends it as an active lie is a global recognition of just how evil and criminal the whole thing was, together with an immediate end to all mRNA vaccines, an immediate global ban on gain of function research, an immediate return of legal accountability to all vaccine manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies for harms from their products, and a clear set of guidelines limiting what governments and international organisations are allowed to do to their citizens in the name of pandemic responses. It ends as one of the modern bullshit lies we live by when the harms are acknowledged, the guilt is assigned, and measures are taken to prevent any repeat.
If you supported it, whether as a doctor, a citizen, a scientist, or a politician, you were guilty. People died because of you and what you supported. You imposed bullshit rules, you backed absurd bullshit, and everything you did-lockdowns, masks, social distancing, mandates, vaccines, demonisation of those who resisted-was stupid and dangerous and without rational or scientific basis. You should be ashamed of that. You should ask yourself How could I have been so fucking gullible and How could I have been so fucking authoritarian.
Until everyone who supported COVID measures does that they haven’t dealt with the lie or acknowledged the consequences of the lie. And the necessity for acknowledging this lie and acting against it exists because until we do some new version, based on bird flu or some other mandated excuse for hysteria, will repeat the same evil crap to the sole benefit of the same criminal bastards.
Race Hypocrisy and the Racism Lies.
Black Lives Matter may also seem like old news. George Floyd died in 2020 and the entire BLM movement occurred in the same year as the ‘COVID Pandemic’. It’s now the start of the 5th year on from that.
So BLM too was a 2020 lie. But again, it’s one that hasn’t been fully acknowledged as a lie. As with COVID, we saw some spectacular bullshit sweep the western world. As with COVID, much of it was a mass hysteria event based on a deliberate psy-op. The corporate world backed BLM and insisted that society as a whole should do so too. At its narrowest it was all based on the lie that George Floyd was the innocent victim of police brutality and racist assault by Derek Chauvin. But of course it represents much more than just that lie. It was part of the wider bullshit narrative that completely innocent black men are routinely targeted by racist cops. That too, feeds into part of a bigger lie.
The truth is that BLM was a crooked organisation designed to profit from modern race hypocrisies. The support for BLM was also about crookedness. Corporations signed up to it as an easy virtue signal deflecting from their own negative practices. But the opportunity for all this only came about because the ENTIRE modern narrative on race is full of bullshit.
The truth is that the western world is the least racist part of the world, at least towards anyone who is in a minority of any kind. The western world invented opposing racism or defining racial consciousness as a bad thing. Most of the rest of the world carried on, like most prior human history and as the human brain is actually designed to do, considering in group preference a perfectly natural, normal and rational thing. Nobody in Africa or Asia worries about the rights of white people, or about races that aren’t the majority in that particular place. None of the rest of the world has ever been asked to accept its total demographic replacement-even colonialism never made that demand on non western people except by total accident (American and South American tribes being very vulnerable to European diseases was not a plot, but a consequence of prior isolation).
At the same time the attitude now extant towards white people is revoltingly racist and hypocritical. White people are told they are guilty innately, by birth characteristic. They are told that their history is one of crime and exploitation. They are told that they invented racism. They are told that they invented slavery. They are told that European empires were the worst in history, the most exploitative, the most rapacious, the most brutal. They are told that they created every modern ill. They are told that they stole land, AND that they have no lands of their own where they have priority. They are told they can’t be considered native or indigenous anywhere, and that they are always settlers and oppressors when it is their land others are now settling in and their race now being oppressed at home.
All of this is racial hypocrisy and racism. And it’s the standard elite view, the university mandated view, the view behind most policy and law on every race issue. School lessons on being delivered based on this evil bullshit. National curriculums are based on this evil bullshit. ‘Decolonisation’ of the curriculum, entire academic disciplines, a significant proportion of all academic research, is based on or is distorted by this vile malicious race nonsense. DEI is based on it. Quotas are based on it. Employment law is based on it. Immigration policies are based on it. Advertising and messaging in TV and film is based on it.
Again, this lie persists until society as a whole acknowledges how evil and perverse it is. That means ending all Critical Race Theory. It means revising all race relations and race legislation to protect the white majority from discrimination and demonisation. It means returning to culturally homogenous and racially blind legal and moral approaches. It means ending DEI preferments and quotas and considering all positions on individual merit.
Our children should not be poisoned with anti white hatred. Our public figures should not be allowed to voice anti white racism without push back and social contempt. It’s obvious why historical figures are portrayed by an inaccurate racial casting or why white people are always cast as villains in modern drama. It’s obvious too why real world realities like an Islamic Pakistani culture of child rape or a black street culture of gangs and violence are ignored. These things are ignored based on a distorted understanding of what racism is and based on treating racism as solely a thing done by whites to non whites. All of that bullshit has to be swept aside to get a decent society back.
Much of the ideology that defines wokeness centres simply on considering anti white racism normal and good, whilst simultaneously considering all white majority history, culture and morality oppressive and evil. Every woke attitude is really about this modern racial hypocrisy and absurdity, and all of it should be recognised as laughable bullshit which no serious or decent person believes or supports.
We Need Mass Immigration.
Related to the above, we have the whole immigration agenda today. For 70 years the western world has been told by its leaders a set of totally bullshit lies on the issue of immigration. These lies include 1. We need migrants to do jobs we won’t do 2. We need migrants to do high skilled jobs we can’t do 3. We need migrants for the care and medical sectors 4. We need migrants because our population is ageing and declining 5. Most migrants contribute and are a net benefit to our society 6. There are no negative consequences of mass migration 7. Most migrants are legitimately fleeing hardship and war 8. We have a moral duty to accept mass migration 9. We show that we are civilised and good by supporting mass migration 10. Our societies can’t exist without mass migration.
All of these points are lies, save only for our birth rates being low (an issue solved by being socially and economically pro family not by importing new arrivals). The truth is that we have no moral requirement to save the rest of the world. The truth is also that most migrants do not contribute and in our welfare supporting nations are in fact a burden. There is no legitimate need for mass migration and demographic replacement. It’s a net expense and an active harm to your country and your existing citizens. No nation needs mass migration. Low skilled jobs can by definition be done by anyone. High skilled jobs are ones your own education system should equip your own people to fulfil. The problem is either that your education system is failing or that you have some incentive for people not to work, like welfare. Neither of these issues is properly resolved by importing foreign workers. You simply add new burdens with that false solution.
With mass immigration and with open borders the only people who benefit are a small number of those who ideologically want to transform the nation for the worse, or an equally small number of people who want to depress wages and have access to cheap labour and cheap servants from any part of the world regardless of the overall consequences. This is why the only people who support mass immigration and open borders are those who have been ideologically conditioned to do so in ways that ignore obvious negatives.
Open borders are vigorously supported by brainwashed woke fools, by those who hate western nations, and by those who believe in punishing western nations for alleged past crimes. They are also supported by those who want to level western societies down to the same position as third world societies, in order to make it easier to install third world standards of individual rights and the kind of disparity between a small class of very rich and a large class of very poor you see in third world nations. Globally this makes abolishing nation states and replacing them with global institutions much easier, since populations can then be transferred at will between these places and it is easier to govern globally if a series of nations have the same low expectations regarding individual rights and economic wellbeing. Developed nations with high internal loyalty and homogeneity are actually much harder to force into global forms of governance and administration.
Islam is a Religion of Peace.
One of the demanded bullshit ideas today is that Islam is compatible with the West, beneficial to the West and a great religion characterised by wisdom and shared noble values it holds in common with other religions and with ordinary people. All of that is the Religion of Peace lie.
The truth is that the majority of terrorist organisations are Islamic, that Islamic values are not the same as western values, and that Islam is in fact a retrograde force which holds back human achievement and human potential. Islam has only ever spread by conquest and violence. Islam normalises primitive and backwards views. The attitudes of Islam to women and children are often vile and disgusting. The attitudes of Islam to apostates and non Muslims are often murderous and vile.
Why is a bullshit take on Islam as wonderful, kind, worthy of respect and perfectly in line with western values so important to western Globalists and progressives? After all in many ways other special interest groups championed by progressives seem particularly threatened by Islam. Islam is not known for its advanced attitudes towards women and gays. Why do feminists ignore this? Why do LGBTQ+ supporters ignore this?
They ignore this because they have been conditioned to worship the Other, to always consider the foreign, the alien and the non white superior to the known, the familiar and the Western. Few foreign forces or groups are more determinedly and obviously Other than Islam and Muslims are. Many Muslims will insist on alien dress and customs and public displays. They will impose their way. They will refuse to integrate and adapt.
Self hating, brainwashed western progressives have been conditioned to see this refusal to integrate as noble and worthy. Those conditioned with suicidal altruism do not take the repeated evidence of Islamic incompatibility as proof of a problem with Islam, but rather as repeated and welcome opportunities to display their belief in progressive attitudes and their commitment to shibboleths such as inclusion and compassion (never compassion, of course, for the victims of Islam, but rather for Islam itself especially when Islam promotes terrorism or vile behaviours). If Islam causes harm, it must be in response to Islamophobia. If yet another Islamic terrorist atrocity or sexual atrocity occurs, it must be a rare exception and the first worry must be that this is not “exploited by the Far Right”.
There is no degree of Islamic crime that can awaken a suicidal altruist to the simple fact that Islam is backwards and savage. The problem must be caused by the West not accommodating Islam enough, not being open enough, not having enough Muslims to render Muslim terrorism unnecessary. The problem must be Islamophobia, rather than Islam.
But why do the Globalist elites favour Islam, where those elites aren’t themselves brainwashed by the asinine rhetoric of inclusion and diversity? Well in this instance the appeal of Islam is the collectivism of Islam, which is actually more amenable (at least until the Muslims are near being a majority) to the kind of society Globalist progressives want than traditional western values are. While Islam might be an uncomfortable fit with Pride festivals and multiple genders, it does provide block votes and a non democratic framework of political action. A globalist progressive can offer concessions and support for Islam and gain a block Muslim vote that can ride roughshod over the old majority. This is what happens with leftist alliances with Islam, such as that displayed by the British Labour Party or the Scottish SNP. Parties which had long since lost their white working class base can suddenly have a motivated horde of instant supporters and activists, so long as they do obeisance to Islam and ‘the Muslim community’.
The elite progressive has fooled himself about Islam. He believes the Beast is tamed and can be aimed solely at his enemies. He enjoys turning this Beast against the white working class or the traditional conservative patriot. It’s his tame monster. He doesn’t understand that the alliance is purely temporary until the Beast is large enough to no longer need the leftist and the progressive, and that he will be devoured by the thing he has welcomed. It is very like the way late Romans were devoured by tribes they had used as auxiliary military forces. For now, the Labour Party gets total control of London, for instance, through the Muslim block vote and Mayor Sadiq Khan. Somewhere down the line Khan or a successor will represent an openly Muslim Brotherhood style Party, rather than a compliant party of fools such as the British Labour Party. When numbers are sufficient the Muslim block vote will transfer to specifically Muslim political parties.
The reality is that Islam is an existential threat to every western nation that allows it in. And the mainstream consensus on this is to lie and keep spreading total bullshit. Every moment of evidence to the contrary, every terrorist attack, every brutally abused child, every murder and every rape, requires yet more dishonesty, more candle waving, more sickening reality defying cant about the strength gained by diversity and more and more public social submission to an alien faith and its violent adherents.
The Green Apocalypse Bullshit
Of all the modern Globalist promoted bullshit lies we today have to deal with, this is the one that most closely mirrors what happened with the COVID scamdemic. Like the alleged need for draconian and authoritarian changes to deal with a supposed viral threat, the climate hysteria emergency depends on a sustained distortion of public perception on the basis of a created, artificial threat.
A few decades back climate apocalypse rhetoric was an obviously outsider interest. It was the language of kooks and hippies, of tree huggers and obsessed environmentalists. The proponents of the most urgent language on climate change were obviously extremists. Green parties secured a tiny fraction of the vote. The only green ideas that had widespread support were the ones which were more obviously sensible and defensive, the ones about limiting pollution in rivers and oceans or protecting the food chain from chemicals and industrial slurry. Campaigns against genetically modified organisms in the food chain spoke to a sensible rejection of pure greed or pure profit as the sole determinant of what is healthy and good, and expanded beyond extremist Green limits to express a commonplace and sensible caution. But on the whole talk about killing the planet and all industry, modernity and development being evil was quite clearly a misanthropic and Red position as much as it could claim to be Green.
Most people realised this.
But as with racial extremism gradually being adopted by the elite and championed as a new normality, so too we saw Green extremism gradually become first respectable and then mandatory. This transition coincided with the monetisation of the rhetoric. The corporate entities got on board when vast State subsidies could be claimed on various allegedly green grounds. As with the threat of a global pandemic, the threat of a global climate crisis proved perfect as a means of enacting large scale wealth transfers and using State power and resources to guarantee risk free returns to particular investors, share holders and billionaire influencers.
All of the demands of the green revolution and of ‘saving the planet from climate change’ are ones which require vast expenditure. Those pressing for that expenditure are the ones who benefit from it, the ones who control the companies that will hold the contracts.
This is why obviously religious, apocalyptic and absurd thinking and language is now advocated as Science. The green movement was a cult before it was a set of respectable corporate interests. Now, the corporations encourage the cults, because the fanatics who genuinely believe in this bullshit and genuinely fear a climate catastrophe occurring soon are excellent foot soldiers and useful idiots to use to pretend that there is great public demand and concern which the profiting companies and authoritarian governments are responding to. At the same time, the measures demanded to ‘save the planet’ can allow almost any otherwise obviously insane development to pass as a necessary or precautionary measure.
Want to seize control of the land, hand it over to your corporate pals and sponsors at BlackRock, get your gifts and bribes for doing so, and punish people who traditionally vote against you? What better means for accomplishing all that than an inheritance tax on farmers, and then turning the farms they have been forced to sell cheaply into solar and wind farms or housing estates for your imported millions of foreigners?
The great advantage of the global threat of severe climate change is that its global scale can be said to require global solutions. What this means is that it is a perfect vehicle for Globalism itself. What is to be delivered is more and more global authority under Globalist control, all excused as the only practical way of dealing with a global scale threat. Countries must universally agree responses. Individual national interest must be ignored for the greater good of the whole planet. The wishes of a particular electorate must not be allowed to contradict the globalist agenda. Healing the world requires ignoring your own citizens and voters. And all of it needs overarching transnational bodies taking more and more power away from sovereign nation states. In every way being more accountable to ‘the planet’ means being much less accountable to your national populace. Building the infrastructure of global climate accords means opening more opportunities for power no longer being constrained by anything so boring and limiting as the wishes of just one regional electorate.
This is why the strongest advocates of the green apocalypse bullshit are transnational bodies, multinational corporations and globalist institutions. All of them recognise the climate scam as a broad excuse for transferring power to them, concentrating power in their hands, and expanding everything that they can do and still be considered legal and respectable while doing it.
The truth is that climate change is both constant and beyond human control. The variables that go into global climate are vast. The cycles by which climate changes are equally vast. The idea that man alone is in control of these processes is absurd. Ice Ages come and go regardless of human activity, as do interglacial periods. Sun spots and solar activity are beyond human control. Even cloud formation and water vapour in the atmosphere has more effect than human activity or carbon dioxide and was never factored into climate change computer modelling. Computer modelling is good for the very short term analysis of very small numbers of variables. It’s completely inadequate for predicting global weather patterns, temperature changes and climactic alterations over a single day, let alone over years and centuries. Even the idea of a global average temperature is something of an absurdity given the vast range of biomes and environments on Earth. The idea that a single human led variable, just one factor in carbon dioxide, controls everything relating to climate and its constant adaptations is spectacularly reductive and stupid.
So many parts of the climate apocalypse bullshit are OBVIOUSLY false. It doesn’t require specific training or expertise to spot that those advocating the elite consensus are paid to do so, that pure self interest ensures that a climate scientist is unlikely to admit that his whole career is based on bullshit. Nor does it take a great deal of research to understand that temperature and carbon dioxide levels do not exactly correlate. Nor does it require vast scholarship to discover that we are at an unusually low level of carbon dioxide in parts per million in the atmosphere, not an unusually high level. We are much closer to all plant life going extinct because there isn’t ENOUGH carbon dioxide than we are to humans being uncomfortable because there is too much carbon dioxide. Casualty rates from natural disasters have been declining for over a century, not rising. The latest research indicates that sea ice levels have increased in the last 20 years, not decreased. None of the places we were told 20 years ago would be beneath water now are beneath water now. None of the ice shelves have disappeared, contrary to constant propaganda about their disappearance. Polar bears have increased in population, not decreased. Severe weather events are no more frequent than they have been for the last century. Despite constantly telling us that each year is the hottest on record, the reality is that the 1970s saw more severe heatwaves in western nations than any of recent years, and the 1930s and earlier saw the highest temperatures ever recorded in large parts of the US. There’s been no modern equivalent of the 1930s Dustbowl.
The entire narrative thar the climate is getting significantly worse directly contradicts actual experience and actual death rates from natural disasters. It’s a narrative so false that it requires hysterical headlines and constant propaganda to prop it up, including ludicrous and manipulative graphic effects on every weather report (like depicting perfectly average seasonal temperatures in burning red backgrounds as if presenting us all with the flames of Hell).
Now it may be that climate will change severely. It’s done that again and again with ZERO human input throughout the life of the planet. If such change comes, our task will be to adapt to it. There is no way at all that we could halt it except through insane geo-engineering far more likely to create or worsen than to avert a disaster. We are also subject to forces far beyond current human capacity to change. Increased solar activity could cause electromagnetic pulses that disrupt a significant amount of modern technology and which could easily affect climate. The magnetic poles and Earth’s magnetic field are subject to change-in fact our magnetic poles are shifting rapidly at this time and have been changing for the last 3,000 years. On average they completely flip every 145,000 years and we are long overdue such a change. A weakened magnetic field means the Earth being bombarded with cosmic radiation. Nobody knows precisely what effects a ‘flip’ would have but climate would be far more threatened by that global change than it is by carbon dioxide or human industry.
It’s also obvious that the climate apocalypse bullshit is being dealt with in absurd ways. Geo-engineering the planet you live on is incredibly stupid, but this research is ongoing. We don’t understand a fraction of the processes, but we contemplate vast interventions anyway. Cloud seeding and weather manipulation is again astonishingly short sighted, with no understanding of any long term effects, but again this is done (and is not a conspiracy theory). Besides these incredibly reckless approaches, we have ‘solutions’ that are universally crap. Wind energy is unreliable, expensive, and far too variable. Wind farms require vast amounts of land and leave a vast pollution trail especially with swift obsolescence and short working life spans of the technology. It is a recipe for filling landfills with polluting metals. At the moment the UK electricity grid ends up paying vast sums to switch wind farms off when it’s too windy, and paying for nothing at all when the rest of the time there isn’t enough wind to generate energy. Solar panels are equally useless, easily destroyed by storms, and requiring huge amounts of land that could be used for far better purposes.
If the green apocalypse agenda made any kind of sense at all, it would become the strongest advocate and argument for nuclear, which alone provides a viable and realistic alternative to oil and gas. But instead the people who demand the end of oil also demand the end of nuclear. In Germany this has already had a devastating economic impact.
Finally the whole thing goes on while its strongest advocates all personally behave in ways totally contrary to their pontificating lectures to the rest of us. The elite don’t care about their own carbon footprint. Only about ours. They fly private jets to climate summits. They purchase beachfront properties while telling us everywhere will be underwater soon. On the national level we are told that western nations must ruin themselves ‘saving the planet’ whilst totally ignoring that India, China and developing nations are all much bigger polluters and are all ignoring all the measures the West is told are vital. We are supposed to destroy our energy supply while these nations build new coal fired power stations. A nation like Britain that contributes less than 1% of global emissions is supposed to pretend that any of its actions have more effect than India or China where nearly all carbon dioxide emissions and nearly all new industrial pollution is coming from.
None of it makes sense-unless you are either a radicalised civilisation hating misanthrope who wants western society to revert to pre industrial levels of hardship, or unless you are a short term crook only interested in controlling new energy sources and gathering public subsidies for your private profit.
We Must Save Ukraine
The most recent bullshit lie of our times which still holds a grip on public policy is the fatuous idea that we are morally required to support Ukraine in its war against Russia. Again, this was crafted and accompanied by a sustained media psy-op which saw waving the Ukrainian flag or putting it on one’s Facebook profile picture right up there with declaring “I’ve had my jab” or a Pride rainbow as proof of conformist idiocy and a total lack of independent critical faculties.
The kind of person determined to Save Ukraine is also the kind of person determined to Save the Planet, Punch a Nazi, or Be Kind. It’s a person incapable of independent or rational thought. It’s a person who exists merely as the passive accommodating object of external control, subject to every mainstream mandated slogan and idea it is possible to be influenced by.
I’ve never heard an independent argument for why the West has a moral duty towards Ukraine. Ukraine was never a western ally. There were no treaty obligations between the western nations and Ukraine. Ukraine did not have a strong record as a nation to be admired. In World War II the Ukrainians were Nazis. After World War Two they were Soviets. They were traditionally part of Russia and legitimately within a Russian sphere of influence. Western engagement anywhere in that region began and ended on just two occasions-once during the Crimean War in an imperial dispute with Russia, and once again at the end of the Russian Civil War when France and Britain briefly supported the last White Russian forces which occupied and then evacuated from Crimea. That’s it, compared to centuries of Russian connection.
In the modern era leading up to the current conflict everything cited about western alliance with Ukraine is bullshit. We didn’t support an elected government-we saw the CIA and US neocons back a colour revolution that ousted an elected government. Our globalist leaders didn’t connect with and like Ukraine because it was a western leaning democracy-they liked it because it was run by corrupt oligarchs and because it was such a corrupt shithole that they could all enrich themselves there, as well as treating the whole country like an enormous Epstein Island. Our elites went there to do crooked deals, to steal, to build biolabs, to bury secrets, and to fuck children and whores out of sight of western citizens. That was the reason they had to defend and save Ukraine. It had nothing to do with the sacredness of borders or the rule of international law or any of the high moral cant about why we must Save Ukraine. That was bullshit for the especially gullible. It had everything to do with Biden family profits, McCain family profits, and Kerry family profits.
Plus it was always intended as a way to punish Putin for closing the door on the post Soviet Russian resource grab that still had western globalists salivating. It was designed as a conflict the West wanted so that Putin could be removed and Russian regime change initiated, with a defeated Russia subject to the same BlackRock purchase that Ukraine has suffered. All of the pious bullshit was a thin cover for that, and of course for the traditional military industrial complex profits to be had from another unnecessary war.
There Are 456 Genders
Finally we come to the whole complex of bullshit on gender, identity, sexual orientation and sexual politics. This area sees the most obvious absurdities, even more patently ridiculous than any justification for nuclear war on behalf of Ukraine or for injecting people against their will with experimental gene therapies.
As JK Rowling said, there are no trans children. There are also no gay children. And there are no non binary children. Children are not sexual. Children are also exclusively male or female. So are adults. Your gender is defined by your biology. It is not a thing you choose, it is not a political statement. It is not a minutely specific sexual fetish or orientation. It is your biological reality, which is determined by nature, not by you. Most of the genders asserted as genders are in fact declarations of sexual fetish, or of attention seeking narcissism, or both.
Biological reality, like all objective reality, doesn’t give a shit about feelings or delusions or polite fictions. It recognises you as male or female. It doesn’t care whether you are comfortable with that accurate label. It doesn’t care if you have some bullshit idea that you were born in the wrong identity. It knows that such a feeling is a delusion, a psychological problem rather than an emergent greater truth. Objective reality insists that your birth gender is your only gender, and that ‘misgendering’ is pretending that a man is a woman or a woman is a man. It doesn’t recognise invented pronouns and it doesn’t consider applying a real gender to be ‘misgendering’ someone.
If you are sometimes attracted to men and sometimes to women, sometimes sexually dominant and sometimes sexually submissive, if you like giving head to boys or taking an artificial plastic cock from a girl none of that changes your biology. No matter how extreme or unusual your sexual tastes are they are sexual tastes, not gender. If you are turned on by anime or by trees or by dressing up as a parrot none of that is a newly discovered gender. All of it is just a fetish. If you have no sexual feelings at all and are a male, you are still male. If you have 10,000 different sexual feelings you write down in a diary that makes the Marquis de Sade seem bland and are female, you are still female. If you stroke a jelly for sexual kicks or make love to a dolphin you haven’t changed your gender. You are just a pervert.
As with all the other bullshit we are talking about, there is a clear profit motive behind many modern sexual politics ideas and behind the entire bullshit agenda of pretending that perversions and fetishes are gender identities or that people are born trans. The trans idea creates an entirely new industry. Where there were once no gender clinics, today there are thousands. All of them provide lucrative careers for those doctors and nurses who just can’t get enough profit out of more prosaic medical corruption. If COVID payments or opioid crisis payments were not enough for you, the trans child mutilation industry can give you more. The whole thing is a sick industry monetising the mutilation of children and adults and reliant on lying to your victims that these artificial surgical and chemical changes will take away unhappiness or cure bullying or make the psychologically disturbed whole again.
In reality the doctor makes money and many of the patients end up killing themselves. All in the name of greater ‘compassion’ and ‘inclusion’.
It is no coincidence that the generations which are the most ‘liberal’ and the most understanding of perversions and fetish are also the generations most prone to psychological anxiety, depression, and torment. The pervert understanding society encourages more abuse and more harm, the porn society creates more sexual dysfunction and the divorce of sexuality from love, meaning and marriage makes sexual experiences less and less fulfilling and more and more depressingly sordid. All of this was encouraged by psychological professionals. What did they care for the social impacts? Half of them were themselves perverts using their expert status to justify their kinks, as Kinsey did. The other half were, just like doctors dishing out meds for the pharmaceutical companies, more interested in the fees they could charge. A self fulfilling circuit was created. Psychologists removed moral judgement from social and sexual issues. They encouraged and created licence to do or be anything. That created more problems, and the problems were their profitable work and their excuse to exist.
Just like a drug dealer needs addicts, a psychologist needs people who are mentally disturbed. The vested professional interest, the most profit, is in the ongoing harm, rather than the successful cure. Nobody has pressed gender confusion and bizarre sexual politics quite as vigorously as the psychologists have.
None of the above is to say that these are the only instances of pure bullshit lie operating today, or that the Globalist controlled mainstream has a total monopoly on bullshit. There are of course alternative and anti Globalist positions which are also bullshit, most notably the widespread fantasy of Jewish conspiracy prevalent among many truthers and common to extremists of all persuasions. Various revisionist historical positions come from the alternative media now and are just as batshit crazy as the broad Globalist lies given above (the Illuminati are in charge, the Royals are alien lizards, Churchill was the chief architect and villain of World War II etc etc).
But the seven lies given above are the ones that are BOTH obvious bullshit AND profoundly respectable. These are the lies of our times, the lies that are officially supported and required. They are all embarrassingly obvious in their falsehood. It takes no great genius to reject them. Each of them could be summarised in a way that renders their absurdity obvious.
For instance, it still surprises me that anyone can take the ideology behind cow farts are destroying the planet seriously. It amazes me that companies can develop fart and burp masks for cows and this doesn’t instantly expose the whole climate narrative as bullshit.
Similarly as soon as there were rules saying a virus will pounce on you if you are talking but not if you are eating everyone should have realised the whole thing was bullshit, but many didn’t. The official narrative described a virus that was polite and smart enough to follow directional arrows, offended by religious gatherings, weirdly respectful of people eating meals, fooled by one sided barriers, and implacably opposed to open air sports. And people still didn’t admit it was all bullshit.
There are even people who hear I’m a non binary pan sexual who is sometimes bi and sometimes furry or my pronouns are sparkle/moonbeam/unicorn and still pretend that this bollocks is real.
But the truth is that bullshit is nearly always instantly detectable as bullshit. That was true during COVID. It’s true with every woke, progressive and Globalist idea or policy platform. You have to work far harder at being fooled than you do at being unimpressed. You have to be indoctrinated to accept it.
None of it survives without lies. None of it lives in a person who insists on thinking. None of it is reasonable or believable to anyone sensible. You have to work at being a fucking idiot to go along with it. That’s why these things require the dishonesty of the mainstream media. That’s why the average man in the street instinctively recoils from it all. That’s why they need psy-ops to sell this shit.
Because without that artificial nudge none of us would buy it.
You summed up 2024.
Those of us that didn't fall for the bullshit had it the worst - we had to endure the consequences that we knew as lies.
As for me, that led to a mindset that led to stress and dark thoughts. It changed my perception of life on this planet, and me personally. The lies made me angry and determined to stand against them.
Thankfully, I am not alone. There is a world-wide awakening to the evil that has had us in its grip. This time we'll be fighting back.
You just about summed the madness up decisively - thank you!