The Gaetz Reversal: Still Losing When You Win is the Nature of a Rigged Game
The Republican Swamp is still the oil in the gears of the Democrat Machine
So Gaetz is out as Attorney General pick and Pam Bondi is in. Most of the MAGA crowd don’t seem too fussed. Bondi was after all a Trump lawyer who stood by him in some of the difficult times. Others cite this just as a personality issue, stating that you need a smoother and friendlier kind of persuasion than Gaetz can provide.
Republican Senators, we are told, are proud and skittish creatures, like thoroughbred race horses ready to bolt. You have to be a Senator Whisperer, offering them tempting lumps of sugar and cooing nicely before you get on their backs.
It’s not corruption, we are told, it’s personality. Gaetz is too abrasive, too divisive, too much of an unpopular jerk, to be put in charge of persuading those wild horses to pull the chariot over the line. He’s just so rude and undisciplined. He rubs people up the wrong way, including even a few MAGA figures. Nobody serious likes him.
Does any of this sound familiar, because it should. It should sound especially familiar to Trump himself.
Supposedly the cause of Gaetz withdrawing from the race and Trump accepting this is the combination of this alleged personality issue with much more significant flak regarding sexual allegations against him. As ever, a significant number of Polite Republicans are prepared to accept these allegations on trust, apparently having still failed to learn the lesson that the Democrats and the mainstream media….brace yourselves for this shocking revelation, LIE.
It really is pretty amazing that anyone can treat a sexual smear from certain quarters seriously. After the entirely false claims against Judge Kavanaugh. And after the equally absurd Department Store Rape lie against Trump, or the even more lurid and even more absurd Golden Shower Dossier which claimed that Trump was an agent of Russia following a perverse sex act with honey trap prostitutes in a Moscow hotel.
You know, the one that prompted years of running sabotage of the first term? The one that led to the entire Russian Collusion Hoax? The one that the late John McCain spread around as an early example of the worst figures in the GOP doing everything they could to help Democrats? The one that was concocted by a “former” British spy and paid for by the Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign team and the DNC?
Nor does it ever seem to register with Polite Republicans who immediately take such allegations as proven that the source of the allegation matters. It doesn’t register with them, apparently, that the very people originating these claims against strong Republican opponents are always agents of the Genital Mutilation of Kids Party, the 350,000 or so Missing Sex Trafficked Kids Party, the Puppy Dog Mask Fetish Party, the Boycott Sounds of Freedom Party. It doesn’t seem to register at ALL that the sources of underage sex claims against strong Republican opponents are the Friends of Epstein and the Pals of Weinstein, that the people projecting these claims collect child torture ‘art’ for a hobby and emblazon their own kids and the entire world with a Love Is Love slogan invented by pro-pedophile pressure groups.
Yes, its true that Democrats and RINO Republicans are the acknowledged authorities and interested experts on sexual crimes…..just not in a way that means you should LISTEN to them.
How can any Republican today be unaware that false claims of sexual abuse are a pretty good indicator that the person doing it is projecting their own ACTUAL crimes onto the kind of person who might STOP them?
But sure, being polite and well liked by serpents is all that matters when dealing with the nest of slithering bastards that is the Senate or Washington DC as a whole. Especially when your elected remit, the thing you were chosen for, was cleaning up the filth without worrying about who it offends.
Charlie Kirk, by the way, has absolutely nailed the Gaetz allegations for what they are-projected crimes and imaginary smears. Here is the Kirk take, which is excellent:
“I've had enough of this so-called "House ethics report" on Matt Gaetz. The underlying allegations are so laughable and flimsy that the only purpose of it is to smear Gaetz.
Here are the facts:
The "report" comes YEARS after DOJ dropped its investigation into the same claims. Why did the DOJ drop the investigation? Because the claims hinge on the testimony of two witnesses who have such gaping credibility issues, that even the DOJ, which hates Gaetz, knew no jury would ever convict him.
Who are these witnesses?
1) Joel Greenberg, who has been described as "one of the most corrupt Florida politicians of all time" and who has literally made false sex allegations against a politician before! He accused an innocent school teacher who was running against him for tax-collector of having sex with an underaged student. Sound familiar? A judge called the lies "downright evil."
2) Greenberg became embroiled in a series of crimes and faced a possible 27 years in federal prison. One of these crimes was having sex with an underage minor, the same 17-year-old who is the central character in the claims against Gaetz. BUT, even Greenberg claims he didn't know she was underage because she LIED about her age! She is now active on OnlyFans, selling sexual access for money, and has appeared in porn videos. Go figure.
According to a 2023 lawsuit, Greenberg repeatedly begged Gaetz to secure a pardon for him, and when Gaetz refused, Greenberg vowed vengeance.
An inmate who shared a cell with Greenberg told two federal agents that Greenberg told him that the woman “would be willing to adopt Greenberg’s lie in hopes of a future financial benefit." Greenberg admitted to paying the woman's legal bills in a text to a friend!
Yes this is all ridiculous. Yes it is all clearly contrived lies. Will the media still use it to tar and feather Gaetz? Absolutely. Geatz has made a career of picking fights no one else in Washington had the stomach to pick. They fear him at the DOJ more than anyone.
And that's exactly why we need him running the Department of Justice—he's the only one with the guts to fight the most important fights at the DOJ and root out the corruption we've seen on full display these last 8 years.”
It’s now become as predictable as sunrise and sunset-the Polite Republicans will either be corrupt agents of a lie, or gullible fools accepting a lie, whilst alternative media figures are where you find some recognition of reality and some support for the truth. Trump would do well to stock his entire Cabinet with alternative media figures.
Try putting Russell Brand in charge of the DOJ. Maybe then you could get Gaetz as a compromise.
Kirk is not alone in recognizing the true situation. Jack Posobiec (The Attempted Public Murder of Gaetz) was also smart enough to recognize what was actually going on as pressure built to withdraw Gaetz from contention:
“In the realm of American politics, where character assassinations are as common as policy debates, Matt Gaetz has emerged not only as a figure of resilience but also as a beacon for those who value the integrity of justice.
The salacious allegations against him, which painted him as a villain in a lurid narrative, have been thoroughly debunked, revealing a tale not of personal misconduct but of political maneuvering by a convicted felon seeking leniency.”
Sundance is also frequently on the ball, and he knocks it absolutely out of the park in an article titled President Trump Nominates Pam Bondi for U.S. Attorney General-The Deep Swamp Smiles. This is a devastating critique of the replacement nomination Trump has plumped for having accepted the Swamp refusal of Gaetz (based as we have heard on entirely false slanders and smears).
The Sundance article centers on Bondi’s role in the Race Bait trial of George Zimmerman for the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin, a typical modern example of political corruption and CRT racial politics determining justice system prosecutions today (rather than evidence and justice doing so). What we see in this case is that then Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi colluded with Democrats to get an innocent man (who killed in perfectly justifiable self-defense) falsely imprisoned. All of the evidence (including eye witness accounts and physical evidence) had led the Sanford police lead investigating detective (Chris Serino), the local prosecutor (Norm Wolfinger) and the Sanford police chief (Bill Lee) to conclude that Zimmerman killed in justifiable self defense.
The case however was taken up by a Florida civil rights lawyer called Benjamin Crump. Crump’s first act? Hiring a PR company (led by Ryan Julison) to create media pressure. Because that’s what you need when you have a solid case….media pressure. Crump had both Democrat and Republican political contacts and reached out to Bondi to help. Bondi and Crump had in fact worked together previously on the Martin Lee Anderson case. And boy, did she help in the twisting of an open and shut, evidence-supported justifiable self defense into another Racist Murder Hoax.
Bondi had all of the local personnel who had concluded Zimmerman was innocent replaced. All three were removed. State investigators were brought in instead, working for the new special prosecutor Angela Corey, again appointed on Bondi’s request. Sundance then describes the media fiction that shaped public perception on the case, based on ignoring the actual eye-witness accounts (which confirmed things like Martin straddling a prone Zimmerman and pounding Zimmerman’s head against the concrete pavement just before Zimmerman shot him). Of the whole process and Bondi’s role in it he states:
“Pam Bondi was part of that fraudulent prosecution architecture. In fact, without her origination the state case against Zimmerman was non-existent. Everything told about the Trayvon Martin shooting was a lie, including his age, the “skittles and iced-tea” story, this background criminal record, Trayvon’s known drug use, and just about everything else. It was all an entirely manufactured Lawfare case, pushed to a compliant media.
None of the witness statements were ever in the media. None of the (full context) 911 call evidence was ever in the media. None of the images of George Zimmerman’s face and head were ever in the media. None of the corroborating forensic evidence was ever in the media. None of the accurate pictures of Trayvon Martin were ever in the media. Nothing. It was one big, fabricated Lawfare operation headed by Benjamin Crump and Special Prosecutor Angela Corey.”
In other words, the Zimmerman prosecution and trial, together with his imprisonment during investigation, was JUST AS fake and corrupt, involving just as much collusion between Swamp Republicans and the Democrat Machine, as the equally false sexual allegations put forwards against Kavanaugh, Trump and Gaetz.
And supposed Trump loyalist Bondi was right at the heart of this thoroughly disgusting, Race Politics travesty of justice.
Not only that, but Bondi also went along with what became a key prosecutorial fiction against Zimmerman, which amounted to the fabrication of a witness. The star witness in the court case against Zimmerman was one Rachael Jeantel, presented as an ‘ear-witness’ to the death and to Zimmerman threatening and attacking Martin as well as being described as Martin’s girlfriend. Only according to Sundance none of this was true:
“Everything about Rachael Jeantel as a witness was entirely fabricated by Ben Crump and Angela Corey. They literally put a fabricated witness on the stand. Attorney General Pam Bondi knew all about it, in real time, as the false witness was being created and flown back and forth from Miami to Jacksonville in order to try and get some form of story aligned.
Let me be very clear. Florida AG Pam Bondi knew that her special prosecutor, Angela Corey, and her friend, Benjamin Crump, had manufactured an entirely false and fictitious witness against George Zimmerman.”
Now the case against Zimmerman of course eventually collapsed. He was acquited. He was however investigated for race crimes for another three years, and had spent considerable time in prison while the cases against him proceeded. His reputation was ruined and many people still think he killed a black man with no provocation and in cold blood for racist reasons, just because his ‘victim’ was black.
Bondi was therefore part of a cross-party form of sleaze and willingness to twist the law to fit an anti-white, anti-self-defense, entirely imaginary narrative of young black men being targeted for murder on a regular basis by racist white and Hispanic cops and vigilantes. And she seemed to do this either because it might advance her career or as a favor to her personal friend Benjamin Crump (all assuming Sundance is correct).
Is that the kind of person who is going to clear out the Swamp at the DOJ better than Gaetz would?
Of course maybe Sundance has it wrong. Maybe Bondi supported a false case not knowing it was false. But that’s not much better than doing it all out of corruption and connivance and knowing it was bullshit. The innocent explanation makes her an idiot. The guilty explanation makes her a Swamp operative whose seeming loyalty to Trump was always of the Bill Barr kind. Neither is a strong recommendation and a strong suggestion that she will clean house in the DOJ.
I can’t tell you how much I hope that Sundance is wrong on Pam Bondi, and hope too that Trump has done some art of the deal switch where he knew Gaetz would be rejected, knows Bondi will get the job done, and knows he can sneak her through on a wave of Senate Swamp relief that at least it’s not Gaetz.
But what I do know is that the claims against Gaetz come from evil bastards who want the Swamp to keep winning even when they lose elections, whereas the claims against Bondi don’t. Those come from alternative figures who have been right before and with every fibre of their being, like you and me, want the Swamp and the Machine to burn and break and never corrupt the world again.
Trump says he has learned who to trust this time. Pray that he is right.
GREAT article Daniel... I believe you said what I and millions of others have been thinking! I was truly happy that President Trump had picked him for AG... And now, I'm upset at Gaetz backing out. Just yesterday, I had posted this from Elon Musk, and it says exactly what we need at the DOJ!
"Matt Gaetz has 3 critical assets that are needed for the AG role: a big brain, a spine of steel, and an axe to grind.
He is the Judge Dredd America needs to clean up a corrupt system and put powerful bad actors in prison.
Gaetz will be our Hammer of Justice." ... oh well.....
With a sadness that’s difficult to explain, one of my Horsemen has taken one for the team. It would have been great, great fun with Matt as Attorney General. There goes the farm. Oh well, someone once said you can't take it with you. Guess my dream has exploded. However, consolation may be DeSantis appoints him Senator to serve out Rubio's term. Then we will have the proverbial Bull in the China Shop. Godspeed, Matt Gaetz. Jupplandia explains it eloquently in detail-He’s spot on-The Gaetz Reversal: Still Losing When You Win is the Nature of a Rigged Game The Republican Swamp is still the oil in the gears of the Democrat Machine. Jupplandia