The British Police and Labour Party Supported Rape Jihad in Britain
Let’s be honest about the extent of their involvement and the reasons for it
The details emerging now about Muslim rape gangs aren’t new. I could have told you 15 or 20 years ago that the Labour Party and the British police helped the rapists and were essentially involved in it and guilty of it just like Pakistani Muslims were.
The whole ‘community’ knew what was happening and supported it.
The authorities knew what was happening and covered it up. The police handed girls over to their rapists. The police threatened the families of the victims and the victims, not the rapists. The police asked 5 year old girls if they had ‘consented’. The police treated everyone who tried to stop the rapes as racists. The Home Office told the police that little white girls choose to be raped and deserve to be raped. They specifically instructed the police not to intervene, and the Labour Party specifically instructed people not to mention it, not to talk about it.
Keir Starmer instructed that none of it should go to court or trial.
There is no way the Labour Party and the police could have helped the rapists any more than they did. And they helped the rapists because of the skin colour and religion of the rapists, and because of the skin colour and class of the victims.
Labour Party people think that working class white children deserve to be raped and that brown skinned Muslims have every right to do it. In their twisted world view, it’s payback for colonialism. That is genuinely how they think. The same people think Israeli Jews deserved the Oct 7th rapes and murders. Once you are in a category the ideology says is evil, anything done to you is good.
If we look at the leftist support for Hamas, or prior leftist support for the IRA, we see this truth-leftist morality is utterly inverted and incapable of making correct moral judgements or even very basic moral judgements. The ideology that excuses terrorism can also excuse centuries of Islamic conquest and evil practices. The ideology that teaches you to hate white people or western civilisation will of course allow you to turn a blind eye or even an approving eye towards the rape of white children. And you can even pretend to yourself that it isn’t hate. You can pretend to yourself that you are worried about innocent Muslims, while you condemn innocent white children. If that ideology tells you a category of person are the ‘real oppressors’ it doesn’t matter whether that category is ‘English’ or ‘Israeli’. It then means anything done to them, even the most innocent of them, has some justification as far as your worldview is concerned.
Let’s be honest about this. Hardly anyone in the police or the Labour Party were able to have a normal or decent or human reaction to this. They laughed about it. They dismissed it. They got angry if people mentioned it. They considered the truth to be racist. That’s the reality of being steeped in anti white ideology, critical race theory and loathing of your own people. You got promoted in the police by studying that stuff and repeating it. You advanced in the Labour Party by believing it.
Do you think all those race awareness courses are harmless? They are no more harmless than the passages in the Koran justifying taking sex slaves. Do you think all those meetings with ‘community leaders’ were harmless? They were the police and the authorities picking a side and letting the Muslims know they could do whatever they liked. Do you think Labour MPs got hordes of Muslim canvassers and activists for nothing? They got them precisely because the Muslim ‘community leaders’ knew they had the police and the Party in their pockets.
OF COURSE they end up on the side of Muslim child rapists if the victims are white.
Now they put white people who protest in prison. Not just Tommy Robinson, but hundreds of others.
That is hate. That is deep, ideological, learned hate. People need to acknowledge just how much a white middle class Labour voter or politician hates his white working class countrymen and women and children. Like Muslims are too, they are taught to view us as less than insects.
Which they also want to put in the national curriculum now. Every single ‘Islam is great’ lesson and every single ‘respect other cultures’ lesson is really about learning to hate white people. It’s not about ending racism. It’s about directing racism at white people who don’t vote Labour.
It isn’t just Muslims who believe in rape jihad. Marxists do too. The Labour Party does too. British police and British judges do too. This is how you terrify the white working class into obedience and show them that they are nothing.
These were not ‘grooming gangs’. Even the language minimises what happened. These were race based child rape gangs. This was the brutal message of conquest. It was the same message Islam has delivered to every people it has ever conquered. And the same message Cultural Marxists are happy to give to categories of people they don’t like. If the perpetrators had all been white and the victims brown, the official response would have been completely different. If this had happened to black children, the responses would have been completely different. This could only happen with official support because officialdom has been trained to hate white people.
The single most racist and worst racist event ever to occur in the United Kingdom was racism towards working class white children. And that was shared by the Labour Party and by the police. They were guilty of it, just like the Muslim rapists.
It isn’t only the Starmer government but the previous government covered up this horrendous scandal. They are involved with it, they care not for our children.
Parents themselves must keep watchful eyes on the wellbeing of their children.
Everyone blames that scumbag Blair, but there have a number of governments since who have been complicit.
A brave article. Sad to have to write that, but this is what we've come to; the truth is unpalatable and not to be spoken. I hope this is the beginning of something good at last, the ability to speak out and not be censured or arrested for it. Truth is not to be denied, or reality and society are finished.