As Donald Trump attempts valiantly to wrest sanity from the literal ashes of Globalist foreign policy idiocy, the UK government strives with every fibre of its being to keep the Ukraine War going.
Starmer and Macron are perhaps the two most powerful Globalist leaders left standing, if the terms ‘powerful’ and ‘leader’ can be said to apply to sock puppets put in place to serve sinister interests. Both have entered a sort of death spiral competition to see who can be the most ludicrously determined to steer their failing nations into the abyss of Ukraine spending, Ukraine worship and Ukraine war frenzy.
Macron has been busily trying to shore up EU ‘resistance’ to the apparently horrific idea of ending the war with a negotiated peace settlement. But for sheer performative disconnect from the voting public, the best interests of your own citizens and the prevailing mood of the times, Starmer puts little Macron to shame.
We have finally found something that Starmer excels at.
It’s being the most ludicrous shit in the Ludicrous Shit Leader category of the Globalist version of the Darwin Awards.
Flying into Ukraine, it must have been of huge relief to Starmer to spend a little time in Kiev, which seems despite air raid sirens interrupting his visit considerable safer for him than talking to British voters or living in Sadiq Khan’s London is. It was probably the first time in months that he’s been able to take off the stab vest.
Naturally the BBC was happily enthused by the visit and by Starmer’s completely bonkers pledge of 100 years of unconditional support for Ukraine from the UK. Its article on the visit proudly highlights the absurdity of it all:
“Sir Keir Starmer has pledged to put Ukraine in the "strongest possible position" on a trip to Kyiv where he signed a "landmark" 100-year pact with the war-stricken country.
The prime minister's visit on Thursday was at one point marked by loud blasts and air raid sirens after a reported Russian drone attack was intercepted by Ukraine's defence systems.
Acknowledging the "hello" from Russia, Volodymyr Zelensky said Ukraine would send its own "hello back".
An estimated one million people have been killed or wounded in the war so far. As the invasion reaches the end of its third year, Ukraine is losing territory in the east.
Zelensky praised the UK's commitment on Thursday, amid wider concerns that the US President-elect Donald Trump, who is set to take office on Monday, could potentially reduce aid.
Zelensky is looking to firm up security guarantees from key allies as there are worries the US - which is Ukraine's biggest financial backer - could start pushing Ukraine to make peace with Russia.
Sir Keir said the apparent air raid that greeted him in Kyiv was a "reminder of the daily attacks and the resolve of the Ukrainian people".
"We are with you not just today, for this year or the next - but for 100 years - long after this terrible war is over and Ukraine is free and thriving once again," he told Zelensky in Kyiv.
He also said that the UK would work with all its allies to ensure that any deal ending the war would be strong enough to "guarantee Ukraine's security" and "deter any future aggression."
Zelensky has previously asked for the UK, as well as other European allies like France, to send troops to Ukraine for a peacekeeping operation after the war.
Starmer has not said whether the UK would deploy troops - saying only in response to a journalist's question: "It's really important that Ukraine is put in the strongest possible position."”
Of course the ‘strongest possible position” the UK has helped put Ukraine in already is a pretty dire one. Up to one million people are estimated to be dead, millions have fled the nation, and the Zelenskky regime is propped up solely by vast theft…ahem, sorry, aid….from western taxpayers.
But this is all Wicked Evil Putin’s fault, isn’t it?
Nothing to do with people like Boris Johnson flying in to scupper a peace deal in the early weeks of the conflict, or the current UK PM attempting to do the same now….
The extent of the ‘pay to slay’ UK government investment in continuing the war is already eye watering. The BBC breezily acknowledges it, again as if paying another nation to keep fighting a pointless war it cannot possibly win is a triumph of moral statesmanship rather than a cruel prolongation of suffering inflicted on the very people you claim to be saving:
“The latest pledges build on the £12.8bn the UK has already given to Ukraine and commitments of £3bn every year for "as long as it takes".
As well as military support, including the delivery of a new mobile air defence system to be designed in the UK and funded by Denmark, the accord includes economic aid, support for healthcare, and increased military collaboration on maritime security and drone technology.
The UK will also continue to train Ukrainian troops. More than 50,000 have been trained on British soil so far.”
Remember, this is a level of war support that no British citizen has had any say on at all. It may be the case that the constant mainstream media propaganda regarding the war has brainwashed enough Britons that they really do support our lunatic frenzy of interventionism.After all, many millions of my fellows did indeed go along enthusiastically with previous psy-op delivered bouts of mass hysteria like the COVID measures of 2020.
I’ve encountered plenty of Ukrainiac brainwashed Brits from both the Right and the Left of politics, so it’s possible that this is one the lunstics might even have a mandate for.
If they bothered to ask.
But the fact is that neither the last Conservative government nor the current Labour government ever put their shared Ukraine obsession to a democratic test. Since both main parties (and the Lib Dems too) were united in the Ukraine Support Fetish, normal people had no opportunity to signal disagreement. The insane levels of spending on Ukraine were not in any manifesto published by any party. Labour Party activists knocking on doors at the last election were not asking people if they really wanted to give all their money to Ukraine.
£12.8 billion already spunked away for the dubious benefit of ensuring that more Ukrainians and Russians get to keep killing each other. But what do the Brirish people get out of this?
Another 3 billion a year taken from them, not spent on protecting their borders, providing them with necessary services, or doing things they have declared that they want.
It’s not a great deal for the ordinary Brirish voter is it?
We are taking, without your consent, almost 13 billion away from you. Then 3 billion a year….apparently for the next 100 years.
Oh, really? What do I get?
Dead Russians. Maybe a moral glow if you’re particularly stupid and fall for all the Saving Democracy pious waffle.
Is that all?
Well no. You do get a lovely chance of World War Three and your kids being turned into a splash of radioactive ash on the pavement.
I’m not sure I see the benefit….
Well if you’re wealthy we have got a Ukrainian nanny to offer you? Trafficked child sex slave? Or a full grown fighting age male you can pay to feed and house and clothe while he hangs around the town centre leering at your daughters?
This doesn’t seem like it’s of any benefit to me at all….
Russian agent, eh? Don’t Love Democracy, you filthy Russian spy! Bang this one up! He can go in the cell next to the bloke who offended a Muslim online.
Satirical, but not that far from reality, conversations aside, the UK government really is now doing things that are quite clearly batshit crazy.
Think about what a pledge of 100 years of alliance really means.
Is Starmer really delusional enough to think that the war will last for 100 years? That he will? That the very peculiar combination of Corporate Stooge and Marxist Drone he represents will still be calling the shots in a hundred years time?
This ‘100 Year Reich’ of totally merged UK and Ukraine interests, this apparently new nation of UK-Raine, is not my fiction. The UK government really is seriously signing a 100 Year Pledge of unwavering submission, on behalf of the UK citizen, of UK interests to Ukrainian ones.
We really are pretending that the UK exists, apparently solely, to defend and fund Ukraine. and we are doing this while we don’t defend or fund our own people and our own services. Ukrainian lives and borders are sacred (so sacred that you have to ensure that more of them die in a war without end, but that’s progressive Globalist logic for you).
UK borders and UK lives? Not so much.
This is apparently an authentic tweet from the Home Office. I’ve not had time to fully verify it, but it’s completely in line with what the BBC has announced as the result of Starmer’s visit and what Starmer himself is claiming as the government position. Here it is anyway for you to get a full grasp of how utterly divorced from reality our leaders and institutions now are:
For all those people watching yet another dinghy disgorging another horde of dead eyed Sub Saharan African rapists on the beaches of Kent, how stunningly reassuring it is to know that rich Russians are barred from the UK for the next 100 years.
It must be just as reassuring to know, as the elderly die in their homes for lack of a winter fuel allowance, that they died so that Brits at home can now experience a little bit of what it’s like on a frontline trench in winter. Bringing the war home has never been quite so effective as it is when you tell people that granny can’t live because all the money is going to the pockets of Ukrainian officials or into the vital Democratic Necessity of killing Russians.
Perhaps the truly confusing bit for saner observers than those available in the British media or the Home Office might ask this question-why on Earth would the Russian elite actually want to visit Britain anymore?
Thanks to Starmer and his ilk, most of us don’t want to be here as it becomes the latest addition to the Third World.
Russians are blessed by such a ban, not punished.
Absolutely agreed. I think everyone who supports a perpetual Slavic genocide in Ukraine on American money and are freaking out because of Trump peace negotiations are inhuman monsters and genocidal warmongers and should be all sent to die in Ukraine to be consistent with their own warmongering. Maybe Starmer supporters would go to fight in Ukraine THEMSELVES rather than endlessly bitching about it? Just a thought.
The brass neck of Starmer, to sign anything that lasts a century! I can already tell him what his legacy will be, and the description 'statesman' doesn't figure in it.
I would like a referendum of the Ukrainian people; how many of them now want this war to continue? It's just an opportunity for the world's thugs, despots and thieves to thrive.
'Stupid' is not the only applicable word that starts with 'St'.