Murder by Unjustified Imprisonment
The honest truth about jailed dissidents who kill themselves is that the State has murdered them
It still astonishes me how little anger the fate of the J6 prisoners seems to generate. I regard their fate as the strongest proof there is that the Biden administration is an illegally installed regime and that the upper echelons of the Democrat Party and those Republicans who agree with them are tyrants and murderers.
Two unarmed female protestors were killed on J6. One was shot when posing no real threat, and one was beaten to death with a truncheon. Both were unarmed. A riot was provoked deliberately by FBI agents and by firing tear gas at the crowd and by doing things like leaving doors open and escorting people through the building. Everything that happened was engineered not by Trump or by Trump supporters enacting an attempted violent coup, but by Pelosi and by Democrats with RINO Republican assistance enacting a violent coup.
It was all deliberate and all to rush through certification of a false result.
Which is why the subsequent crack down on J6 protestors was necessary. Those are all people who can contradict the narrative and expose the truth about J6. So you create a myth about what happened, just as the Nazis engineered the Reichstag Fire and used that as their excuse to go after rival political parties.
The crack down and imprisonment of people for very minor misdemeanours like trespass has this double relationship with the mythology you are selling about the event. The mythology excuses the crack down and the crack down supports the mythology. The number of people you imprison is used as evidence of how dangerous the people you are persecuting are, rather than being seen as it should truly be seen, as evidence of your illegitimate tyranny.
We know of course that Matthew Perna was driven to suicide by his treatment by the US State in relation to J6.
In the UK our equally disgusting regime did not have to provoke a riot in order to rush through the certification of an election. They won an election by default with just 20% of the eligible voting populace wanting them in power. But they followed the Biden regime template. When protests broke out in response to the murder of three small girls our new Labour Prime Minister (who has knelt for Black Lives Matter and supported months of US rioting which killed over 20 people) seized on the opportunity presented to crack down on all opponents of mass immigration and all online and in person opinion that offends him and people like him.
With the British police already very happy to act as thought police, with draconian hate speech laws ready to interpret any dissent as borderline terrorism, and with a compliant judiciary with shared political prejudices and Globalist indoctrination as part of their makeup, this opportunity was one where the Woke State could fully revel in how two tier the justice system has become.
Woke causes and riots are virtuous and legal. Anything goes and nobody is punished. Indeed, the authorities themselves literally kneel to those thugs.
Any protest in a traditional or patriotic cause, though, any expression of rightwing thought, any action no matter how minor signalling public contempt for mass immigration, any dislike of asylum seekers, any disregard for the politicised police and the corrupt establishment, is criminal and can be crushed regardless of the rights of the speaker, protestor or dissident.
Of course mainstream media describe this truth as a conspiracy theory. But the truth is the truth regardless of all lies about it. I must here give credit to GB News, who have discussed many of the issues honestly. They are almost alone in doing so. But even they work within State defined limits and in the shadow of a corrupt media regulator. They won’t say this, for example:
There is the very real possibility that the so-called Southport Riots were entirely a State creation. A list was published of protests due to occur, which was supposed to come from the ‘Far Right’. But nobody from any branch of the Right (either moderate or genuinely extreme) claimed responsibility for this list. It was circulated by leftist groups and activist arms like Hope Not Hate (who also circulated the lie that Muslims were victims of an acid attack). The main ‘far right’ group supposedly responsible for violence in the official narrative was one that has been defunct for years (the EDL). The EDL broke up years ago, but supposedly organised riots across the country.
When at most of these protest gatherings nobody turned up from the Right, at all, the truth that the Right was not organising this or responsible for this was smothered by another self confirming, self congratulatory lie. We were told that the Far Right were scared off by a mass popular upsurge of ordinary decent people defending innocent Muslim communities.
The lie worked like this. If anyone opposing mass immigration turned up, they were immediately rioters and most of those were swept up in the crack down no matter what they did or how minor it was. If such people didn’t turn up, that proved that the Far Right Threat (still treated as real despite its total absence) had been defeated.
Damned if you’re there, damned if you’re not. Either way the fiction of Far Right organisation and responsibility is maintained.
Our national newspapers sold all this bullshit as another Cable Street (a famous pre WWII moment when a British Fascist march was stopped by immigrants and anti-fascists).
In reality the ordinary decent people were Antifa type hard left groups. There was nothing spontaneous about their presence, and it was entirely orchestrated.
The other group active were Muslim gangs organised through mosques. These were the only group rampaging in very significant numbers. They attacked multiple completely innocent white victims. The police aided and abetted them. Almost none have faced any punishment.
Like J6, the Southport Riots allowed a new regime which very few people actually support to go to very extreme lengths imprisoning people who hold opinions they don’t like, lengths far beyond those which occur when the law is applied evenly and correctly or when the law isn’t a politicised tool for favouring some groups and crushing others.
And Britain now has its own version of Matthew Perna. Ours is a 61 year old grandfather who is dead because Keir Starmer wanted to send a message that the ‘Far Right’ (any inconvenient truth about our totally corrupt Globalist system and the danger and error of mass migration and open borders) won’t be tolerated.
His name was Peter Lynch. He killed himself as a direct result of Keir Starmer’s actions.
If you drive someone to suicide are you responsible for their death?
Perhaps not completely. If a mentally unbalanced person kills themselves blaming you, that blame may be unjustified.
But if a perfectly sane person kills themselves directly because of things you have actually done that harmed them? If you take away their rights and their freedom and you torture them with an unjustified imprisonment and THEN they kill themselves?
Peter Lynch was not mentally unbalanced. He was angry. But he wasn’t mad. He was angry in exactly the same way many of us are angry. Justifiably so.
Let’s say as a private individual you unjustly seize someone. You take them away from their family. You put them in a cell. You keep them as your prisoner. Perhaps you put them in with genuinely dangerous people who might kill them.
Imagine the reason for all this torture and abuse was because they said something you didn’t like. Because they offended you.
If you did this you would be some kind of psychopath, right?
But if you are the State and you do this to a citizen, in modern Britain, if you imprison them for mere words, that’s supposedly OK.
And if they are a 61 year old grandfather who only offered words, who committed no violence and made no direct call for violence, that’s supposedly OK too.
And if that grandfather had serious health issues when you do this to him, which you refused to factor into your sentencing in any way, that’s supposedly OK too.
And if you are a judge who releases actual death by dangerous driving killers with no prison sentence, and who releases child abusers and rapists with no prison sentence, this is supposedly OK too.
And if you are a Prime Minister who puts pressure on judges to jail people your Home Office has declared guilty before any trial that’s supposedly OK.
And if the man you all jailed for saying that asylum seekers might be rapists or saying that the police are scum or that the police and the MPs are corrupt (things everyone who has been paying attention might say, that millions of ordinary people know are often true) kills himself, that’s supposedly OK.
It took Keir Starmer two months to definitely have the blood of a British grandfather on his hands. He has blood on his hands more surely than anyone sitting in jail right now for the ‘riots’ and protests that took place after three little girls were murdered.
If we are truly honest, the British political Establishment have blood on their hands again and again and again. Everyone who has ever been harmed by an asylum seeker or an illegal immigrant is a victim of our open borders and a victim of the political Establishment that wants and allows mass migration. Those three little girls were such victims.
And so were the people who were then put in prison for words and opinions about it.
Peter Lynch had no blood on his hands. He didn’t hurt anyone. He voiced non PC and non Establishment opinions. If any of it was untrue, it was no more untrue and no more divisive and dangerous rhetoric than left wingers saying that Muslims had been attacked with acid when that didn’t happen. It was no more divisive and dangerous rhetoric than authorities saying people are guilty before they have a trial.
Peter Lynch didn’t take anyone away from their families and he wasn’t in any way responsible for any deaths.
Keir Starmer is.
Because Peter Lynch is only dead thanks to Keir Starmer being our Prime Minister.
The guilty put the innocent in prison.
Labour “won an election by default with just 20% of the eligible voting populace wanting them in power”.
Labour received 9.7 million votes in the last election.
The total registered electorate was 48.2 million.
This means 38.5 million electors did not vote for Labour.
Only 20% of the electorate voted for Labour, and 80% didn’t.
How does Labour get to control 80% of the population without their consent?
Speaking of elections, have you seen this article by Paul Thacker and Matt Taibbi?
Election Exclusive: British Advisors to Kamala Harris Hope to "Kill Musk's Twitter"
England, not Russia, is the culprit in a real foreign election interference story, as the leaked Stateside plans of an advisory group with close ties to Prime Minister Keir Starmer show:
Note the reference to the Center for Countering Digital Hate...