The 2024 Paris Olympics opening ceremony has just been and gone, and I have a confession to make.
I didn’t watch it, and I’m going to comment on it anyway.
But how can my commentary be fair? How can I know what I am talking about? How typically populist of me, to speak of a thing of which I am no expert!
The reality, though, is that I didn’t watch it because I knew exactly what it would be. Major celebrations like this are Globalist spectacle. They are controlled by a small international elite who may work through bland sounding organisations governing things which should be wholesome, but who are really a depraved, degenerate, parasitic upper class completely divorced from ordinary people.
And every one of these celebrations is now an opportunity for those elites to mock us. What they are celebrating, every time, is their power over us, and their ability to spend our money insulting us and insulting the core beliefs that have defined the western world until they got into power.
Here is what I wrote in my scathing comic style, although it’s really, fundamentally, not a laughing matter at all. I wrote this just before the ceremony:
“The only interest I have in the Olympics these days is wondering how full on Satanic the opening is going to be.
It’s increasingly become like a banquet at Epstein Island set to pan pipe music while Alex Soros dances in a gauzy white dress. Like the Met Ball with jugglers and rapists on stilts.
And everyone going “oooh it’s good to have something normal to enjoy”.
For those of you who did watch, how close was my judgement on that? I think if you are a patriot, a conservative, a lover of western history and culture, an ordinary citizen, and especially a Christian, you have to say I got it right, don’t you?
According to the images and clips I have seen since, and the reports of those who did watch, the actual ceremony included the following elements:
A figure with a faceless mask riding on a pale horse (you don’t need to be in biblical studies class to know the reference to Death there).
A lovingly crafted recreation of the beheadings of the French Revolution complete with rivers of blood
Bizarre figures on giant stilts (just like I predicted, and just like the 2012 London ceremony…but also like the kind of demons that appear in a Bosch painting of Hell).
A performance by Lady GaGa, who looks increasingly like Lady GuyGuy. GaGa has for years been dogged by accusations of Satanic ritual and depravity in her performances, and was including these elements before the likes of Sam Smith told us just how cool it is to praise Satan while wearing fetish BDSM costume. More controversially still, GaGa is now one of the most favoured performers of the international Globalist elite and a person who various adrenochrome and child sacrifice conspiracy theories have attached to.
Celine Dion in that dazzling white sequinned outfit I predicted for Alex Soros.
Endless homoerotic writhing by mostly naked men.
A stunningly weird and chubby blue painted man, again mostly naked, who seemed to represent a devilish imp or some kind of Pagan Pan-like fertility figure.
Breakdancing, for some reason, which was perhaps cool forty years ago but is most associated with ethnic LA street culture of the 1970s and 1980s and would not be something you tick off as “quintessentially French”.
Huge numbers of black performers, perhaps accurate of western inner city populations today but massively over represented in terms of the general populace in the country as a whole. Such performers represent the usual race politics programming favoured by the elite. Many of these were on boats, which might be a sort of gloating reference to the elite sponsored dinghy invasion of Britain (which of course French authorities assist rather than halt).
A drag queen mockery of the Christian Last Supper, displaying the standard elite desire to both present freakish gender perversities as something to be celebrated and to denigrate and mock everything Christian at the same time. From the images I’ve seen, it looks like the celebration of obesity is in that part too, and a child performer.
All of this was utterly predictable because we have seen it all before. In both their private gatherings and their public displays the Globalist elite have nothing creative and beautiful to offer. These are people who purchase tins of excrement as art, who favour cacophonous and repetitive versions of Eurotrash Pop over the soaring majesties of the Classical music traditions of Europe, and who display themselves as bizarre gender swapping weirdos in utterly ludicrous outfits at the Met Ball.
We have seen this stuff before.
The 2012 London ceremony had a few schmalzy moments that provided a saccharine version of warmth and humour (the Queen’s appearance) but was mainly Danny Boyle’s grim, confused, achingly fanatical celebration of State controlled medicine. That one was particularly resonant for me. Whilst Boyle played out this Hard Left worship of State provided healthcare, complete with twerking nurses and huge syringes and a giant stalking figure of Death (which post COVID looks more and more like the elite foreshadowing what they would do to us in 2020) my father was actually dying, another unremarked victim of the incredibly poor care the NHS so often provides. My dad had been misdiagnosed while suffering with cancer, and told that his exhaustion and pain (the end results of an inherited blood condition that had never been properly treated) was caused by depression, poor moral character and alcohol dependency (none of which was true but which did add an element of suffering in the form of unearned shame to his final months). The finest man I ever knew was subject to a curious mix of hectoring and neglect from the medical authorities who did not treat his blood condition or detect his cancer until it was too late.
I will never forget the callous lectures a particular consultant subjected my father to, or the fact that we had to wait for six or seven hours in A&E after a collapse before he finally received any real medical care. Nor will I ever forget that when the cancer was found he had only a week or two left, or that the NHS worshipping Olympics ceremony occurred so close to his final days.
When it comes to the elite and the things they worship, compared to the reality of how ordinary people live and die under their care, I have skin in the game.
My mother, too, in 2020 passed away whilst in NHS care, again with a cancer that was not diagnosed until too late, again with a death that might have been completely avoidable in a better healthcare system, and again with the State piling agonies onto her final weeks (such as leaving her isolated in her suffering when we were barred from seeing her in hospital due to COVID rules). My mother, who had been the most loving mother imaginable and for whom family meant everything, was denied her family when she needed them most.
When it comes to the elite and the things they worship, compared to the reality of how ordinary people live and die under their care, I have skin in the game.
Perhaps these personal reflections, a mere coincidence of timing with Olympic ceremonies, are unfair on the Olympics, although they are not unfair on the NHS. But then, the same people, ultimately, are in charge. The Globalist elite decide our sporting ceremonies, just as they decide our care systems.
And it’s a Globalist elite who seem to view us as cattle, as ‘useless eaters’, a Globalist elite who favour abortion and euthanasia, a Globalist elite who laugh at our Christian heritage and at sacred notions of the worth of ordinary people and a Globalist elite who invite dangerous invaders to our shores, a Globalist elite who live their lives in a whirl of excess and display and decadent entertainments whilst we get the fast track end of life ‘care’ of drug assisted death.
Judge them by their entertainments.
And if you do that you see what they worship. What they call care, is Death. If they reference history, it is the spilling of blood that fascinates and excites them. What they call compassion and equality is the celebration of sexual kinks and strange perversions. What they call respect for all and inclusion of everyone is disrespect to Christians, traditionalists, straight people, white people and people who they are supposed to represent.
What should the Olympics be about?
It should be about this incredible western heritage we have that goes back to two main sources, that goes back to Ancient Greece, and that goes back to Jesus Christ. It should celebrate human excellence and achievement. It should present us at our best, striving towards almost impossible physical feats. The original Olympics of the ancient past may have been a pagan ceremony celebrating Zeus, but it had a genuine sacredness to it, and one that we are still connected to. It was not Greek culture at its most decadent. It was Greek culture at its most human, and at its most sacred.
Similarly the France that has been one of the most glorious and cultured nations of Europe for over a thousand years (a point it pains me as an Englishman to admit) has not been this sick and dying Globalist entity for most of that history. It has been a strong Christian nation, with values rooted in the Bible and the life of Christ, and with magnificent cathedrals standing testament to the glories that can be inspired by such faith.
These Satanic celebrations are a repudiation of all that the Olympics should be, and were, and of all that France should be, and was, before Globalist elites took over our world.
You're right on, Daniel. You've, as per usual, hit the target. Bullseye.
The One World Order agenda continues: Down with our Judeo-Christian heritage, the foundation of Western civilization and all of our individual freedoms. The third decade of the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary: the crown of thorns, mocking God, a prevailing sin in this present darkness. And further: The faceless torch bearers put us in our place: We're no longer unique individuals but interchangeable automatons to do the bidding of our global overlords.
This decadent display was creepy, grotesquely mocking The Last Supper and with the metal horse presaging what these Godless freaks are ushering into the world: Death and Hell AND THEY'RE PROUD OF IT. "And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat upon him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with the sword, and with hunger, and with death and with the beasts of the earth" The Book of Revelation.
Kyrie eleison. Christe eleison. Kyrie eleison.
First, my sympathies. I lost someone under similar circumstances when I lived in England and I know that pain.
Second, you did nail it.
Third, my take.
I find it interesting that in the name of inclusion the performances we see across the Western world reject Christianity, the Jewish faith, white people, and freedom. But oddly embrace Islam where they would not survive. However, what they depict is exactly what Islam accuses western civilization of being, isn't it.