Food Chain Terrorism
Putting dangerous chemicals and mRNA vaccines directly into the food chain is a horrific abuse of power
I want to talk about one aspect of modern globalism that often only gets mentioned in passing, and which really is the most vile thing globalists have done. And that is the corruption of the food chain.
Whether you believe Robert F. Kennedy Jnr on US food and it’s dangerous nature or not, the evidence he and others presents tells a devastating picture in terms of the efficacy and honesty of food regulation, a picture at least as worrying as that which applies to the behaviour of the medical establishment and vaccine and health watchdogs and regulatory bodies.
Kennedy asserts that US food regulations are among the most lax if not the most lax in the world. He points to a transition when tobacco industry corporations purchased food companies, transferred the same science teams that had worked for tobacco onto food company products, and made those products as addictive as they possibly could. The case he outlines is simple, clear and damning-the US food industry and US food and drug regulators have allowed devastating impacts on public health, because it was profitable for major companies involved in that.
I’m going to share a significant chunk of the speech Kennedy gave when he announced he was uniting his efforts with those of Donald Trump, because it’s an important summary of the whole argument:
“Two-thirds of American adults and children suffer from chronic health issues. Fifty years ago that number was less than 1%. So we’ve gone from 1% to 66%. In America, 74% of Americans are now overweight or obese, including 50% of our children. One-hundred and twenty years ago, when somebody was obese, they were sent to the circus. There were case reports about them. Obesity is almost unknown. In Japan, the childhood obesity rate is 3% compared to our 50%.
Here, half of Americans have prediabetes or type two diabetes. When my uncle was president, when I was a boy, juvenile diabetes was effectively nonexistent. A typical pediatrician would see one case of diabetes during his entire 40 or 50-year career. Today, one out of every three kids who walks to his office is diabetic or prediabetic, and the mitochondrial disorder that causes diabetes is also causing Alzheimer’s, which is now classified as diabetes. And it’s costing this country more than our military budget every year. There’s been an explosion of neurological illnesses that I never saw as a kid. ADD, ADHD, speech delay, language delay, Tourette’s syndrome, narcolepsy, ASD, Asperger’s, autism. In the year 2000, the autism rate was 1 in 1,500. Now autism rates in kids are 1 in 36, according to the CDC. Nobody’s talking about how 1 in every 22 kids in California has autism, and this is a crisis that 77% of our kids are too disabled to serve in the United States military.
What is happening to our country, and why isn’t this in the headlines every single day? There’s nobody else in the world that is experiencing it. This is only happening in America. And by the way, there has been no change in diagnosis, which the industry sometimes likes to say to say there has been no change in screening. This is a change in incidence. In my generation, seventy-year-old men, the odds and rate are about 1 in 10,000. And in my kids generation, 1 in 34… I repeat, in California, 1 in 22. Why are we letting this happen? Why are we allowing this to happen to our children? These are the most precious assets that we have in this country. How can we let this happen to them?
About 18% of American teens have fatty liver disease. That’s like one out of every five. That disease, when I was a kid, only affected late-stage alcoholics who were elderly. Cancer rates are skyrocketing in the young and the old. Young adult cancers are up 79%, and one in four American women is on antidepressant medication, 40% of teens have a mental health diagnosis, 15% of high schoolers are on Adderall, and half a million children are on SSRIs.
So what’s causing this suffering? I’ll name two culprits. First and the worst is ultra-processed foods. 70% of American children’s diet is ultra-processed, which means industrially manufactured in a factory. These foods consist primarily of processed sugar, ultra-processed grains, and seed oils. Laboratory scientists, many of whom formerly worked for the cigarette industry which purchased all the big food companies in the 1970s and ‘80s, deployed thousands of scientists to invent new chemicals to make the food more addictive. And these ingredients didn’t exist a hundred years ago, humans aren’t biologically adapted to eat them. Hundreds of these chemicals are now banned in Europe. But they are ubiquitous in American processed foods.
The second culprit is toxic chemicals in our food, our medicine, and our environment. Pesticides, food additives, pharmaceutical drugs and toxic waste permeate every cell of our bodies. This assault on our children’s cells and hormones is unrelenting. And to name just one problem: many of these chemicals increase estrogen. Because young children are ingesting so many of these hormone disruptors, America’s puberty rate is now occurring at age 10 to 13, which is six years earlier than girls were reaching puberty in 1900. Our country has the earliest puberty rates of any continent on the earth. And no, this isn’t because of better nutrition. This is not normal. Breast cancer is also estrogen-driven and now strikes 1 in 8 women. We are mass poisoning all of our children and our adults.”
Now the gist of this argument is in fact irrefutable and confirmed by objective evidence in the public domain: US obesity levels, autism levels, heart disease levels, mental health issues, and chronic health problems of all kinds, have all increased massively from the 1960s to today. The figures Kennedy quotes on all of these issues are about right, and in the same period fertility rates and sperm rates have crashed as well.
America is in the worst position for this, anywhere on the globe. Even average life expectancy has declined, a situation that reverses all prior movement for centuries and the expected correlations you would expect to see between affluence and life expectancy.
Obviously in recent years the devastating impact of experimental gene therapies, especially in things such as acknowledged side effects such as myocarditis, has a huge additional role to play. That shouldn’t obscure, however, that even before that particular reckless stupidity public health bodies, watchdogs and the medical and food experts had done a terrible job for a long period of time. This is absolutely incontestable.
Even those who question the assignments of blame that Kennedy issues, in fact even lobbyists for the food and pharmaceutical industries, can’t dispute the fact that the US population is significantly less healthy today than it was in the 1960s, and that this does not have to be the case. Heart disease rates and obesity rates both in the past in the US itself, and in other First World industrialised nations today (like Japan) show that these terrible health figures are not some unavoidable, inevitable consequence of ‘modern life’.
You can have a complex food supply chain, and you can vaccinate where it’s actually necessary and safe to do so, without ending up with obese children, teenage heart attacks, extraordinary spikes in autism, and the worst health figures in the developed world.
And all of these negative changes, just as they are not unavoidable, must also be reversible with a different approach. Since you have in place an entire ecosystem of experts and industry regulators who were supposed to prevent these negative outcomes, it’s also clear that these interested parties have failed and shouldn’t be the people you listen to for any kind of solution. If they are stakeholders in all this, they share in the guilt for all this.
Kennedy’s assignment of blame and explanation of the motive for the crime both seem pretty convincing based on the existing evidence. Who is responsible for all these terrible outcomes if not the food industry and the food industry regulators? What is causing all those negative outcomes if it isn’t the things people eat, the way that food is manufactured, and the chemicals, additives, microplastics and pesticides going into the soil, the air, the environment and the food supply chain to be delivered from one or all of these routes into the human body?
Perhaps the light passing through the atmosphere has since the 1960s obtained a new quality we aren’t aware of, like the difference between the light of Krypton and Earth?Or perhaps cow farts are responsible?
My meaning by this sarcasm is to suggest that man made corruption of the food chain for profit is a much better explanation of a crisis of public health than man made climate change is as an explanation of rising temperatures. The Sun and natural cycles in Ice Ages are vastly powerful forces likely to overwhelm any human contribution to that issue, but where is the vast natural factor that could explain collapses in public health better than human greed and corporate and regulatory malpractice in the food and pharmaceutical industries?
For roughly a century the State has been paying people to monitor the food supply and public health, to regulate the drug industry and public health, and in both cases for more than half of that period public health has been declining and a whole range of serious and chronic health conditions have been getting worse. The regulations have either failed or been too lax, and the regulators have either been useless or worse then useless, based solely on the outcomes, on where public health currently sits.
The advocates of the current pesticide based corporate farming model, and large corporation based food product supply chain, can’t point to another cause of poor health than the foods they supply (the only other factor they can can cite which is probably true is the growth of a sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise, but that surely can’t be responsible for everything). The pharmaceutical industry can’t tell us, honestly, why people vaxxed from the cradle to the grave are less healthy and more prone to chronic diseases today than they were BEFORE all these drugs and vaccines were both available and subject to mandatory schedules of injections.
Where do these autism rates come from, then? Some biblical curse? Too much masturbation? Rock and roll music? Can any advocate of the current settlement, or any apologist for the companies and regulators Kennedy blames, propose a cause that seems more likely? No, they cannot.
It seems to me highly likely that for decades the US food regulators, and to a lesser extent others elsewhere, just like the drug regulators, have simply allowed whatever is most profitable to be legal (with the sole exception of Class A illegal drugs). They have done this because there is a revolving door of employment between the regulators and the companies they regulate, and because dangerous, addictive and cheap foods or food substitutes are extremely profitable. The profits purchase a lobby, and the lobbyists purchase the regulators and the politicians too.
With COVID ‘vaccines’, we know that this chain of corruption was the cause of massive health impacts. Laws were changed to allow the emergency use of an untested dangerous substance. Proper and full trials were not conducted. Researchers who had worked on these products or similar ones using the same gene altering technology who KNEW the harmful effects in animal testing or the potential issues in rushed release of such products were silenced. People who participated in the Human Genome Project were screaming about the potential dangers based on their expert knowledge, as were former Pfizer research directors, as were some of the worlds leading scientific data analysts and risk assessors. All were ignored.
Millions of excess deaths almost certainly (beyond any reasonable burden of proof or any possible claim of another cause) by the vaccines were the result, and these “safe and effective” treatments killed many more people than the virus did. 550,000 unnecessary deaths in the US alone is probably an accurate assessment. We are still discovering new ways they harm people, and we are still not seeing an honest discussion of what was done when MILLIONS of people were definitely killed by what was done.
But the food industry and drug industry guilt and responsibility for terrible public health figures Kennedy refers to in the past is not even the worst thing we face. The lack of accountability for what they have done between the 1960s and today is not the worst thing either. The current terrible state of public health today isn’t even the worst part either.
The worst part is what they are doing now, what they are planning now, and what happens in the future if they are allowed to act as they please.
Because ALL of the food industry lack of concern for public health and all of the drug industry lack of concern for public health is COMBINED in what globalist or corporate players and purchased globalist politicians want to do now. What they are doing now.
The real existential threat to the food chain of humanity comes when the food chain is the delivery mechanism of the drug industry.
The mRNA vaccines were an astonishingly stupid gamble with the health of the entire species. Experts have said that certain aspects of the products that were released were essentially blind gambles-nobody really knew what effects they could have because they were using all sorts of dangerous elements in all sorts of novel ways. When you alter genes to make bodies do artificial things like become a factory self-replicating the artificial injection it’s not ‘this poison has this bad effect’. It’s ’we don’t know what this will do AT ALL’. Even critics still don’t properly emphasise that part. Even critics talked about what might happen….but it might have been even worse than they feared. That’s the point of testing over long periods and by very careful stages.
To remove the might and confirm the will.
Imagine if the Manhattan Project hadn’t even bothered to test smaller versions in safer conditions and look at the effects. Imagine if they had just made the biggest nuclear device they could while half of them were still worried that it might ignite the atmosphere and wipe out all life on the planet.
And then dropped the bomb on themselves for profit.
That’s the kind of stupidity we are talking about with putting untested gene altering therapies in the human body or the food supply chain.
The combination of food supply and drug industry is just about the most toxic combination imaginable. That’s literally toxic, not the imaginative and emotional toxic beloved by Guardian readers. Emboldened by the abuses that were allowed during COVID, and further by the lack of accountability and punishment when the death toll came around, it’s now becoming STANDARD PRACTICE to put products to use that have ZERO human trials and ZERO long term studies. Multiple new drugs are being trialed or created on the basis that they don’t need any real testing before they are sold to people. If they have some similarity with recent other products, they must be OK to use. This is utterly insane, but it’s happening.
And at the same time they are now putting these products, either untested or similar to products that alter genes and have devastating KNOWN consequences, in the food chain.
You thought mandates were bad? You thought coercion and lies were bad? Of course they were. But if you were smart and strong willed enough you could still refuse. You had some chance to say ‘I’m not taking that’.
You don’t have any such chance to refuse when it’s in the food chain, unlabelled, and in every store and supermarket that way. What are you going to do? Grow all your own food? Well, that’s possible, but you need land for that, don’t you?
Putting mRNA vaccines in the food chain, or any equivalent, destroys the idea of medical consent even more than mandates do, and makes it impossible to avoid these harmful substances and this technology getting into your body against your will and against your conscious and legitimate wishes. It’s worse than any chemical additive in existence.
When somebody puts dangerous substances in the food supply at Tesco because they are a blackmailer or have a work grudge or have some political manifesto that makes them do it, we rightly call them a terrorist and arrest them. When somebody puts dangerous substances in the food supply for profit, we call them an investor.
Canada already has mRNA in the food supply (specifically cattle are injected with it, and shrimp are too). How can it be avoided if it’s put in every food? In the UK, despite stricter regulation than the US and possibly than Canada too, major supermarkets are making similar moves:
“Tesco, Morrisons and Aldi are trialling Bovaer, a Gates-backed methane-reducing feed additive which will be given to dairy cows in UK supply chains, despite concerns over genotoxicity and carcinogenicity.“
Now that last comes in the form of a meme, but I suspect it is true. I know from my own research that Gates and others want control of the food supply and that these globalist figures have funded research on putting mRNA in the food supply for various effects. Gates has openly talked about it as a wonderful prospect. Vaccinate the food chain and you can vaccinate humans without them having any individual say at all.
Think of the health benefits.
By which they always mean the health of their bank accounts, and never really mean the health of the general public.
For me, gene therapies with unknown consequences in the food chain amounts to an act of food chain terrorism. It is an obscenity to remove choice to this extent, and an insanity to take risks to this extent too.
It's terrifying.