F*ck the Planet: How to Resist the Great Reset in the Trump Era
My new handbook for resisting Globalism should be available for purchase from Amazon and Bombardier later TODAY.
Later today, or by tomorrow, something momentous is happening.
You may have read the signs.
Snatches of angelic song as if achingly beautiful harmonies beyond human comprehension were drifting from another room, a room that is an entirely different dimension, near to, but infinitely better than, our own.
Flights of crows settling where old battles were won and lost, flying backwards as if reversing the deaths in an unspooling correction of time itself.
The howls of those who howl at Trump and Musk, only louder and more despairing, only subject to an existential level of defeat that finally renders them mute, defenceless, unvoiced, slumped husks of drained bitterness unable to threaten anyone but themselves.
That’s right.
My 2nd book published by Bombardier is coming out either later today or tomorrow.
F*ck the Planet: How to Resist the Great Reset in the Trump Era is going to be for sale on Amazon and on Bombardiers own site. TODAY (most likely) or TOMORROW (at the latest).
Friends, Patriots, Countrymen, men and women of sound mind, upstanding character, and spotless morals, I need your unstinting, unwavering and most especially your FINANCIAL support.
For a pitifully minimal outlay, you can access a tome of cogent brilliance, handing you the tools you need to protect yourselves from corrupt judges, thought police, and all manner of filthy Globalist swine. This book not only describes the insane and evil practices of Globalism, but like Trump’s 2nd term starts to do something about it.
And most importantly of all, it describes ways to do something to resist Globalism even if you do not live in a country blessed with powerful populist figures, and even if you are yourself simply an ordinary citizen without access to significant resources and influence.
For my American friends and for Trump admirers everywhere, there is a Preface celebrating the start of the 2nd term. But the battle is not yet won. Lawfare persists, and Blue States are still bastions of tyranny just as federal agencies cling to their corruption and waste. It remains important to know that the Enemy persists, and know too how an ordinary person can fight back.
For my English, British, Canadian, Australian, New Zealander and European friends, we all still live under Globalist rule. They aren’t getting any saner or any less corrupt. We need to think about how we live under such rule, and how we survive it with our pride intact.
My book doesn’t have all the answers…but it has more than you’ll find elsewhere.
How could you deny the meagre expense of purchase, when it hands you such wisdom? How could you see your dear friend, who has become something of a beloved and sagacious counsellor to you through troubling times, that is, ME, starving and unsuccessful?
Every purchase helps. Spreading the word helps. Buy you beautiful rebellious bastards, BUY. My sole aim is to help people like myself, and to make enough to keep doing it. I’m not here to rip you off. If I was, I’d work for the government. But I do need every single purchase just to keep going.
We too can clean our bedrooms then save the world, one book at a time, one act of support to each other at a time too.
I’ll share links as soon as I have them but please check Amazon and Bombardier today to see if the book is live yet.
I would like to thank, in advance, every single person who purchases this book or has already purchased my previous books (Gates of Hell: Why Bill Gates is the Most Dangerous Man in the World and A Gift for Treason: The Cultural Marxist Assault on Western Civilisation). Both of those books are still available. Amazon, perhaps sadly, is the easiest place to still get them, although the first is on the Bombardier online store and the second is still on the BookBaby online store for those who understandably object to using Amazon.
Hyperbole and amusing arrogance aside, I think this new book is going to be an incredibly useful text for many people in the same position as myself, for ordinary people who are genuinely and rightly worried about the increasing authoritarianism of woke and Globalist authorities. The Preface gives us hope with a celebration of the Trump 2nd term, while the Appendix provides a lengthy and useful reference list with descriptions of major Globalist organisations. What comes between that are descriptions of not just what is happening but what an ordinary person can do in response, with tips on dealing with the media, the police, and online commentary.
For those who haven’t experienced the previous books, I genuinely think Gates of Hell gives the best available summation of one of the main billionaire backers of Globalism, while A Gift for Treason gives the fullest description of what is unique and valuable about western civilisation, linked to what is so hideous about modern Cultural Marxism, Globalism and Progressivism. F*ck the Planet explains what to do today, while A Gift for Treason explains two and a half thousand years of history in a condensed and approachable way.
I apologise for the self promotion here, but I’m genuinely a ‘struggling writer’ trying to help others and share the kind of truths mainstream media and academia exists to suppress. For several years I have refused to submit articles to mainstream publications and outlets because of their general contempt for the truth. If I was willing to lie, I have no doubt that it would have been far easier for me to make a living as a writer. Bombardier are the only publishers brave enough to publish me, although my work has also been supported by The Conservative Woman and Country Squire Magazine in the UK.
Those of us who resist the Great Reset and Globalism are the people who aren’t being bribed, who aren’t selling their souls, and who aren’t lying to you for a comfortable life as a professional deceiver, manipulator and propagandist. We are poor in funds but far richer in integrity and truth than our opposite numbers are. I’m sure many of you too have faced choices between financial security and moral integrity. Whatever your own circumstances, and provided you are able to, I hope many of you will help me by checking my latest book out, and discovering the earlier ones if you haven’t already done so. I promise you that there is a gain in it for you too, even if it’s no more than an entertaining read.
But I think there is more than that too.
I will definitely buy! Good luck with the sales. You deserve to sell shed loads.
Just bought it, as well as your others! Looking forward to the reads! :)