Are the Wheels on the Globalist Bus Falling Off Yet?
Globalist assumptions and the governments that back them are wobbling.
The rise of Populism has been a political talking point for a long time now. For those outside the privileged bubble, it has often been the only hope on the horizon. For those within the claustrophobic tent of elite mandated prejudices and assumptions it has been a building threat that must be opposed by increasingly strident shrieks of ‘disinformation’ and by the construction of ever more illiberal policies of censorship and thought control.
Liberalism, for the Globalist, is to be saved by fascist tactics, while free speech and genuine democratic political choice is to be characterized as fascism.
The contradictions and self-deceits here are of course obvious to any rational observer, which is one of the reason why genuine classical liberals have increasingly joined the Populist Revolt. People like Tulsi Gabbard, Matt Taibbi, Naomi Wolf, Elon Musk and Robert F.Kennedy Jnr are not just former Democrats, they are people who have never been socially conservative at all but who share with real conservatives a respect for individual liberty.
It is ultimately on individual liberty and on the official Democrat Party descent into totalitarianism that the ability of the MAGA movement to attract such unlikely allies was built. Without the most fanatical and authoritarian Democrat extremism becoming the ‘new normal’ of mainstream media and the installed governing party between 2020 and 2024 it is likely that these dissidents would never have crossed the aisle at all, and certainly not aligned themselves to any degree with Donald Trump and an unashamedly nationalist popular movement.
Even Trump himself, pretty obviously, is primarily a classical liberal in revolt against what Jonah Goldberg (before his own descent into Trump Derangement Syndrome) once accurately described as Liberal Fascism. Trump is a nationalist who has a very traditional love of his nation and belief in its exceptionalism, which he combines with a blunt, surprisingly working class sensibility that shies away from overly intellectualised bullshit and dogma, but he has never been a social conservative and still isn’t.
The Democrats eventually driven by their own parties extremism into the MAGA tent were surprised to find Trump so hospitable, but really never should have been surprised at all. Trump was one of them all along. This is not to say that Trump is a fake or controlled opposition in any way, just to say that he’s pragmatically flexible and sometimes overly forgiving on most things and actually looking for a consensus approach far more often than his detractors and critics pretend.
With the alliance Trump formed to win 2024 we see what an honest consensual approach looks like. Trump has his red lines (a firm border policy, getting good deals rather than bad ones, boosting the economy by energy independence, ending the perpetual war cycle) but they aren’t really about anything more than basic national self-interest. Trump’s only true ideology is entirely developed and articulated in his most famous slogan-it doesn’t go beyond making America successful again. His views on abortion are mildly liberal ones, for instance (which makes the Handmaid’s Tale and Pussy Hat narratives even more patently a sign of the fanaticism of the Trump opponent, rather than of Trump himself).
In an honest consensus people don’t abandon the things they care about the most, nor do they care most about labels of affiliation (party loyalty and institutional loyalty). They instead perform the art of the deal and exchange progress on the area they care about for allowing the partner or ally to pursue an area they care about. In other words, it is the kind of above board and obvious deal Trump has with Kennedy and it doesn’t require Kennedy to become a social conservative or Trump to become a rabid environmentalist. Trump keeps the part he cares about most (‘don’t touch the oil, Bobby, drill, baby, drill’) and Kennedy gets to at least try to save America from the pernicious effects of corporate capture of medical, vaccine, drug and health policies and watchdogs.
This contrasts absolutely with the kind of consensus corruption brings, which always plasters some noble claim on essentially sordid motives driven by shared malign interests such as the concentration of power and profit into the ‘right’ hands. Corrupt consensus is always negotiated privately and becomes a shared class feature parasitically divvying up perks, kickbacks, high status posts and unofficial private income streams based on favors to donors, patrons and lobbying groups, all of which feed on vast public spending bleeding the nation and the ordinary citizen dry.
Both are forms of cooperation, but they could not be more different in every other way. As one should expect from the cooperation of bandits compared to the cooperation of patriots.
None of this is specifically American in nature. It is just that America, as is so often the case, is the earliest and biggest canvas on which the scenes which play out throughout the West are painted. American politics remains the big, bold cinema screen of the West, even as Hollywood itself fades in relevance.
When we look at it in America the lines of contrast are sharper and more obvious, but it is still the dividing line between Globalist corruption and Populist/Nationalist revival. The Democrats and their RINO affiliates are simply the American agents of the Globalist corruption that has entangled the whole western world in a suffocating ivy of organisations and networks of power feeding parasitically on the nation state and the lives and interests of the ordinary citizen.
Trump’s concern for getting a good deal for America and for making America successful again has never been an ideologically elaborate project and has not even been a systematic rejection of liberalism based on conservative theory and philosophy. Like the rejection of wokeness by the working class man in the street its not a highly developed systemized counter-revolution, but an instinctual, immediate, pragmatic awareness that some things are stupid, damaging, and ridiculous. It’s the ordinary man responding with “oh come on, that’s bullshit” and the blunt businessman saying “who pays for all this shit, and why?” rather than the kind of deeply thought out and scholarly analysis of false principles and why they are false you might get from the likes of the Heritage Foundation.
The social aspects really don’t matter that much to Trump, certainly not in terms of fighting again the battles that the older classical liberals won because he himself accepts that those contests are done and is a product of the liberal consensus before it became the illiberal tyranny. The Democrat and mainstream media tactic throughout was to try to present Trump (and Populism generally) as far-right white supremacism and as a counter-revolution intending a return to pre-Civil War social attitudes, but that was always a very obviously insane lie. That entire delusional narrative (the one which refused to recognize its own extremism and which tried to cast basic common-sense approaches as Nazism or as 18th and 19th century slave owning) crashed into the wall of widespread public recognition that it was all a lie in the 2024 election result.
Elsewhere, though, Globalists are still very busy expressing the same absurd positioning both of themselves and their Populist and nationalist opponents. The things which failed in the 2024 election and the invocation of a mythical Far Right Threat is still the basis of elite attempts to enforce a censorship complex across the whole western world-the intelligence agencies, media, social media companies (excepting X) and other Globalist run governments still pretend that commonly held rational ideas and commonly supported anti-Globalist policies are inherently dangerous (disinformation, misinformation, and malinformation) and that Populist and anti-Globalist ideas and parties must be censored, suppressed, banned and criminalized.
Despite the stunning rejection of all this, it continues, growing in urgency and supporting itself with more and more obvious crimes as a response to its failure to persuade the public at the ballot box or whenever any honest assessment of public attitudes (in polling or debate) is allowed to pass.
Perhaps the most bitterly amusing reality of the prevalent response of the Globalist western governments and elites to the Trump electoral victory seemingly having been too enormous to rig or steal (much as I myself was worried that ‘too big to rig’ was a complacent idea, it seems to have been justified by events) is the spectacle of these people doing a sharp public U-turn in their professed attitudes to Trump as an individual. After 8 years of insane, sometimes genuinely hysterical and sometimes utterly cynical, attempts to portray Trump as Just Like Hitler the full depth of their dishonesty and shamelessness is shown by the sudden adoption of ‘I extend my warmest congratulations to Donald Trump for his victory’ statements.
At present, most Globalists in any position of power are ignoring the continued lunacies among their diehard followers that they themselves carefully built over the last 8 years, while pretending that they have always treated Trump just like any other opponent in a courteous, democratic and civilized rivalry. Suddenly, Trump is someone they have to at least pretend is human again, rehabilitated by victory. In a way, the Globalists who remain publicly deranged about Trump (like Britain’s ‘Liberal Democrat’ Ed Davey or like the London based Hamas UK representative Mayor Sadiq Khan) are at least more consistent and less cynical in their evil than the likes of Keir Starmer or David Lammy who like scheming medieval Byzantine courtiers whose plots have failed suddenly profess undying loyalty to the monarch they sought to blind and throw in a dungeon.
The accommodation shown to Trump’s victory is as breathtakingly cynical as the earlier false justifications given for his persecution and demonization by the very same Globalists. They were shameless in declaring him and everyone like him to be Nazis and a threat to Democracy, they are even more shameless in acting as if none of that ever happened or that it was all part and parcel of normal two party politics or the normal cut and thrust of debate. There’s a twofold reason for it that had nothing to do with Damascene conversions. First, there’s the need to memory hole just how criminal their attempts to destroy Trump and MAGA were, to protect themselves from retaliation and punishment. That’s facilitated by a very clear ‘turning the page’ moment of pretended acceptance and accommodation of Trump’s victory. It’s hoped that this will both sooth and placate Trump’s ego and make the wider public as well quick to see the last 8 years as ‘old news’ which, in the flush of current victory, no longer matters.
The calculated decision is that this is the best way to get away, now, with having stolen 2020, having imprisoned hundreds of people falsely, having enacted lawfare crimes and having performed outright treasons like an FBI directed Reichstag Fire event labelled as a Trumpist insurrection (J6).
The second point of the apparent desire to treat Donald Trump as a normal elected opponent with a certain degree of deserved respect as a human being and as an elected leader is to particularize everything that was done to being a Donald Trump and only a Donald Trump issue. This exceptional individual drew our Globalist wrath and survived it. As an exception we have to now accept that Trump deserves some respect, at least publicly (and until we can knife him if we get the chance). What does recognizing Trump as an exceptional case worthy of sudden respect allow the Globalist to do more broadly?
It allows them to continue the SAME fake narratives against people throughout the western world who haven’t won a US election. To keep calling truth ‘disinformation’. To keep building that censorship complex. To keep pushing all of the Globalist policies outside the US that may be partly or wholly blocked by the existence of a Trump administration within the US.
Keir Starmer for example doesn’t want the President of the USA talking about his policies and actions the way Elon Musk has. He doesn’t want Trump pointing out that Britain is probably now the leading western source of Globalist corruption and failure and insane self-destructive policy now that the Biden administration is going, the German government is going, the French government is weak, the Italians have already put a Populist in charge, Argentina has a Populist leader doing very well, and Canada may very soon be rid of Justin Trudeau and his whole government too.
Globalist weakness throughout the West now in the face of growing public resistance means that the Trump victory must somehow be worked with and turned to Globalist advantage. So Keir for instance wants to sidle in close to Trump now, see if he can lie and persuade him that some Globalist positions are actually great, be an international version of Bill Barr or Mike Pence as a saboteur inside the tent. Obviously, getting Globalists directly into the Trump administration is now a key aim and the task of RINOs like Thune and McCarthy and the reason for Republican opposition to specific Trump administration picks, but the internationalist thinking of Globalists means that they always assume that one national ‘leader’ can be an asset in turning or persuading another one.
The problem for Globalists is not Donald Trump. It never has been, really. Yes, Trump has been a giant in fighting certain things and exposing the scale of the corruption and the extent to which our western nations had already become a Globalist collective, transnational tyranny. And yes, he became the symbol of resistance in a mythic way, as well as the focus of Globalist demonisation of all Populist opposition. But the problem was never that Trump was actually even conservative, let alone Far Right.
The problem for Globalism is this: all of its policies are destructive and all of its truths are lies. And the People know it. The majority of the People know it. On all of it-on fifteen minute cities, on climate change, on cow farts destroying the planet, on 456 genders, on trans activism, on perpetual war, on Islam being a threat rather than a religion of peace, on open borders, on digital currencies, on censorship, on Big Pharma and medical corruption, on the need to support Ukraine, on whether 2020 was stolen, on vast spending and vast debt, on Net Zero. The people who support the whole package of Globalism with all its wealth transfers and all its lies are a small minority of the overall population (especially if you want support for the WHOLE lot).
To be a Globalist requires one or all of three things:
You have to be deliberately ideologically indoctrinated in ways that destroy your basic independent critical reasoning skills (hence the university educated bias of Globalist support and the returned Globalist support for universities).
You have to be financially and socially protected to some extent from the immediate consequences of the damaging policies you support (hence the preponderance of Globalist attitudes among the very affluent).
You have to yourself be profiting from the corruption or paid to look away or lie so that your personal advantages are harmed by opposing Globalism and your personal advantages are increased by supporting Globalism (hence the loyalty to Globalism from entrenched and essentially parasitic classes in client professions whether that is a permanent administrative class, a Civil Service, a business elite, mainstream journalism or doctors and scientists funded by Big Pharma).
The people who have these characteristics are outnumbered by the people who don’t (despite the growth of the client groups through public spending on them). Most people aren’t financially secure enough to survive Globalist policies untouched, let alone powerful and corrupt enough to be in the small category benefiting from them.
Globalist policies are widely destructive and narrowly very profitable. So the more damage they do to most of us, the more money and power is going to the small number of beneficiaries. What this means in effect is that ordinary people become more and more disillusioned, rebellious and prone to looking for Populist alternatives (hence the rise of Populism despite demonisation of it) while the corrupt become more and more pleased with and supportive of the very things that the average person is rejecting.
For a Globalist, globalist policies make sense not just because they are ideologically conditioned to accept them as normal and wise, but because they actually ARE getting richer, more powerful, and happier than the rest of us. They aren’t suffering from the destructive choices (that only comes after our suffering is exhausted and there is nothing left to squeeze out of us).
But the group that suffers increases, just as the fields a swarm of locusts preys on must inevitably extend. And the group that benefits benefits more, but doesn’t extend outwardly. Which leads to an ever greater gulf between the happily corrupt and the unhappily suffering which no amount of propaganda, censorship, and thought control can really bridge.
The gulf is called Populism. The gap is real. The gap grows. Globalist policies can’t do anything but increase Globalist problems because every one of those policies grows the gulf between the interests of the majority and the interests of loyal and profiting Globalists.
We have seen this repeat with every Globalist puppet leader there is. A Trudeau, a Macron, a Johnson, a Biden, a Starmer. They can only win by corruption, theft, fraud or that rare phenomenon of someone else being even more unpopular (as in a Globalist versus Globalist battle such as the Sunak-Starmer UK election). If a Globalist triumphs democratically without significant electoral fraud, its by pretending to be something else (The election victories of Blair and Obama as agents of nebulous hope, Macron’s initial appearance as an anti-corruption outsider, Johnson in 2019 pretending to be a Brexiteer nationalist, Starmer in 2024 pretending to be a moderate). They can’t grow their support naturally the way a Milei or a Meloni or a Trump can because the basic Globalist offer is that the majority of you are going to be screwed very hard, are going to be raped, for the pleasure and profit of a minority (either literally or financially).
The troubles we are seeing for multiple Globalist western governments are based on that reality and based on the general public more and more realizing and accepting that the nature of Globalism, the purpose of Globalism, is to harm them.
The globalists have committed a ginormous fraud - the deliberately manufactured ‘Covid crisis’.
Is it trillions of dollars that have been stolen from us via vaccines, testing, PPE, surveillance, and the turning upside of our economies via restrictions and lockdowns that sought to destroy our free movement and association?
Everyone has been politically damaged by this scandal, and many bear the political and physical scars of this scheme to make the population submissive to vaccination on demand, and under the control of a social credit system.
Those evil bastards stole our freedom, particularly in Australia, where people were coerced and mandated to submit to vaccination under threat of losing their livelihood and participation in society - ‘No Jab, No Job’ to ‘No Jab, No Life’. Even the children didn’t escape, with reportedly over two million jabbed in this population of 26 million. What will be the physical and political long-term effects for these children?
It’s already happened, personal autonomy and bodily integrity was stolen, with the collaboration of a treacherous medical and scientific establishment, politicians, bureaucrats, judiciary, mainstream media and even the churches.
Who benefited from this crime?
How do we bring the perpetrators to account in this thoroughly corrupted system?
Scrolled over 'congratulations' and got a confetti shower. Well done.